* byAddress array ['address', 'path', 'amount']: A list of addresses holding funds.
* totalKbToSendMax: An estimation of the number of KiB required to include all available UTXOs in a tx (including unconfirmed).
`/v1/txnotes/:txid`: Get user notes associated to the specified transaction.
* The note associated to the `txid` as a string.
`/v1/fiatrates/:code`: Get the fiat rate for the specified ISO 4217 code.
Optional Arguments:
* provider: An identifier representing the source of the rates.
* ts: The timestamp for the fiat rate (defaults to now).
* The fiat exchange rate.
## POST Endpoints
`/v1/wallets/`: Create a new Wallet
@ -172,6 +184,13 @@ Returns:
Optional Arguments:
* includeCopayerBranches: Scan all copayer branches following BIP45 recommendation (defaults to false).
`/v1/txconfirmations/`: Subscribe to receive push notifications when the specified transaction gets confirmed.
Required Arguments:
* txid: The transaction to subscribe to.
## PUT Endpoints
`/v1/txnotes/:txid/`: Modify a note for a tx.
## DELETE Endpoints
`/v1/txproposals/:id/`: Deletes a transaction proposal. Only the creator can delete a TX Proposal, and only if it has no other signatures or rejections
@ -179,13 +198,10 @@ Returns:
* TX Proposal object. (see [fields on the source code](https://github.com/bitpay/bitcore-wallet-service/blob/master/lib/model/txproposal.js)). `.id` is probably needed in this case.
# Push Notifications
## Installation
In order to use push notifications service, you need install:
`/v1/txconfirmations/:txid`: Unsubscribe from transaction `txid` and no longer listen to its confirmation.