@ -202,100 +202,6 @@ helpers.createAddresses = function(server, wallet, main, change, cb) { |
var db, storage, blockchainExplorer; |
describe('Blockchain monitor', function() { |
var bcSocket, monitor; |
beforeEach(function() { |
db = levelup(memdown, { |
valueEncoding: 'json' |
}); |
storage = new Storage({ |
db: db |
}); |
blockchainExplorer = sinon.stub(); |
WalletService.initialize({ |
storage: storage, |
blockchainExplorer: blockchainExplorer, |
}); |
helpers.offset = 0; |
bcSocket = sinon.stub(); |
bcSocket.emit = sinon.stub(); |
bcSocket.on = sinon.stub(); |
sinon.stub(BlockchainMonitor.prototype, '_getBlockchainExplorerSocket').onFirstCall().returns(bcSocket); |
monitor = new BlockchainMonitor(); |
}); |
afterEach(function() { |
BlockchainMonitor.prototype._getBlockchainExplorerSocket.restore(); |
}); |
it('should subscribe wallet', function(done) { |
helpers.createAndJoinWallet(2, 2, function(server, wallet) { |
server.createAddress({}, function(err, address1) { |
should.not.exist(err); |
server.createAddress({}, function(err, address2) { |
should.not.exist(err); |
monitor.subscribeWallet(server, function(err) { |
should.not.exist(err); |
bcSocket.emit.calledTwice.should.be.true; |
bcSocket.emit.calledWith('subscribe', address1.address).should.be.true; |
bcSocket.emit.calledWith('subscribe', address2.address).should.be.true; |
done(); |
}); |
}); |
}); |
}); |
}); |
it('should be able to subscribe new address', function(done) { |
helpers.createAndJoinWallet(2, 2, function(server, wallet) { |
server.createAddress({}, function(err, address1) { |
should.not.exist(err); |
monitor.subscribeWallet(server, function(err) { |
should.not.exist(err); |
bcSocket.emit.calledOnce.should.be.true; |
bcSocket.emit.calledWith('subscribe', address1.address).should.be.true; |
server.createAddress({}, function(err, address2) { |
should.not.exist(err); |
monitor.subscribeAddresses(wallet.id, address2.address); |
bcSocket.emit.calledTwice.should.be.true; |
bcSocket.emit.calledWith('subscribe', address2.address).should.be.true; |
done(); |
}); |
}); |
}); |
}); |
}); |
it('should create NewIncomingTx notification when a new tx arrives on registered address', function(done) { |
helpers.createAndJoinWallet(2, 2, function(server, wallet) { |
server.createAddress({}, function(err, address1) { |
should.not.exist(err); |
monitor.subscribeWallet(server, function(err) { |
should.not.exist(err); |
bcSocket.on.calledOnce.should.be.true; |
bcSocket.on.getCall(0).args[0].should.equal(address1.address); |
var handler = bcSocket.on.getCall(0).args[1]; |
_.isFunction(handler).should.be.true; |
var emitSpy = sinon.spy(monitor, 'emit'); |
handler('txid'); |
emitSpy.calledOnce.should.be.true; |
emitSpy.getCall(0).args[0].should.equal('notification'); |
var notification = emitSpy.getCall(0).args[1]; |
notification.type.should.equal('NewIncomingTx'); |
notification.data.address.should.equal(address1.address); |
notification.data.txid.should.equal('txid'); |
done(); |
}); |
}); |
}); |
}); |
}); |
describe('Wallet service', function() { |
beforeEach(function() { |
db = levelup(memdown, { |
@ -2568,3 +2474,97 @@ describe('Wallet service', function() { |
}); |
}); |
}); |
describe('Blockchain monitor', function() { |
var addressSubscriber; |
beforeEach(function() { |
db = levelup(memdown, { |
valueEncoding: 'json' |
}); |
storage = new Storage({ |
db: db |
}); |
blockchainExplorer = sinon.stub(); |
WalletService.initialize({ |
storage: storage, |
blockchainExplorer: blockchainExplorer, |
}); |
helpers.offset = 0; |
addressSubscriber = sinon.stub(); |
addressSubscriber.subscribe = sinon.stub(); |
sinon.stub(BlockchainMonitor.prototype, '_getAddressSubscriber').onFirstCall().returns(addressSubscriber); |
}); |
afterEach(function() { |
BlockchainMonitor.prototype._getAddressSubscriber.restore(); |
}); |
it('should subscribe wallet', function(done) { |
var monitor = new BlockchainMonitor(); |
helpers.createAndJoinWallet(2, 2, function(server, wallet) { |
server.createAddress({}, function(err, address1) { |
should.not.exist(err); |
server.createAddress({}, function(err, address2) { |
should.not.exist(err); |
monitor.subscribeWallet(server, function(err) { |
should.not.exist(err); |
addressSubscriber.subscribe.calledTwice.should.be.true; |
addressSubscriber.subscribe.calledWith(address1.address).should.be.true; |
addressSubscriber.subscribe.calledWith(address2.address).should.be.true; |
done(); |
}); |
}); |
}); |
}); |
}); |
it('should be able to subscribe new address', function(done) { |
var monitor = new BlockchainMonitor(); |
helpers.createAndJoinWallet(2, 2, function(server, wallet) { |
server.createAddress({}, function(err, address1) { |
should.not.exist(err); |
monitor.subscribeWallet(server, function(err) { |
should.not.exist(err); |
addressSubscriber.subscribe.calledOnce.should.be.true; |
addressSubscriber.subscribe.calledWith(address1.address).should.be.true; |
server.createAddress({}, function(err, address2) { |
should.not.exist(err); |
monitor.subscribeAddresses(wallet.id, address2.address); |
addressSubscriber.subscribe.calledTwice.should.be.true; |
addressSubscriber.subscribe.calledWith(address2.address).should.be.true; |
done(); |
}); |
}); |
}); |
}); |
}); |
it('should create NewIncomingTx notification when a new tx arrives on registered address', function(done) { |
var monitor = new BlockchainMonitor(); |
helpers.createAndJoinWallet(2, 2, function(server, wallet) { |
server.createAddress({}, function(err, address1) { |
should.not.exist(err); |
monitor.subscribeWallet(server, function(err) { |
should.not.exist(err); |
addressSubscriber.subscribe.calledOnce.should.be.true; |
addressSubscriber.subscribe.getCall(0).args[0].should.equal(address1.address); |
var handler = addressSubscriber.subscribe.getCall(0).args[1]; |
_.isFunction(handler).should.be.true; |
monitor.on('notification', function(notification) { |
notification.type.should.equal('NewIncomingTx'); |
notification.data.address.should.equal(address1.address); |
notification.data.txid.should.equal('txid'); |
done(); |
}); |
handler('txid'); |
}); |
}); |
}); |
}); |
}); |