#!/usr/bin/env node var program = require('commander'); program .version('0.0.1') .command('create [username]', 'creates a wallet') .command('join [username]', 'join a wallet') .command('status', 'get wallet status') .command('address', 'create a new address from server') .command('addresses', 'list addresses') .command('balance', 'wallet balance') .command('send
[note]', 'send bitcoins') .command('sign ', 'sign a transaction proposal') .command('reject [reason]', 'reject a transaction proposal') .command('broadcast ', 'broadcast a transaction proposal to the Bitcoin network') .command('rm ', 'remove a transaction proposal') .command('history', 'list of past incoming and outgoing transactions') .command('export', 'export wallet critical data') .command('import', 'import wallet critical data') .command('confirm', 'show copayer\'s data for confirmation') .command('recreate', 'recreate a wallet on a remove server given local infomation') .command('txproposals', 'list transactions proposals') .command('genkey', 'generates extended private key for later wallet usage') .parse(process.argv);