#!/usr/bin/env node var _ = require('lodash'); var program = require('commander'); var Client = require('../lib/client'); var utils = require('./cli-utils'); program .version('0.0.1') .option('-c, --config [file]', 'Wallet config filename') .option('-h, --host [host]', 'Bitcore Wallet Service URL (eg: http://localhost:3001/copay/api') .option('-v, --verbose', 'be verbose') .parse(process.argv); var client = utils.getClient(program); client.getStatus(function(err, x, myCopayerId) { utils.die(err); console.log('\n To be sure that none Copayer has joined more that once to this wallet, you can asked them their confirmation number. They can grab them using this (bit confirm) command.'); console.log('\n * Copayer confirmations ids:'); var myConfirmationId; _.each(x.wallet.copayers, function(x) { var confirmationId = utils.confirmationId(x); if (x.id != myCopayerId) console.log('\t\t* %s : %s', x.name, confirmationId); else myConfirmationId = confirmationId; }); console.log('\t\t---'); console.log('\t\tYour confirmation ID: %s', myConfirmationId); });