'use strict'; var _ = require('lodash'); var async = require('async'); var Mustache = require('mustache'); var defaultRequest = require('request'); var MessageBroker = require('./messagebroker'); var Storage = require('./storage'); var fs = require('fs'); var path = require('path'); var Utils = require('./common/utils'); var Model = require('./model'); var sjcl = require('sjcl'); var log = require('npmlog'); log.debug = log.verbose; var PUSHNOTIFICATIONS_TYPES = { 'NewCopayer': { filename: 'new_copayer', }, 'WalletComplete': { filename: 'wallet_complete', }, 'NewTxProposal': { filename: 'new_tx_proposal', }, 'NewOutgoingTx': { filename: 'new_outgoing_tx', }, 'NewIncomingTx': { filename: 'new_incoming_tx', }, 'TxProposalFinallyRejected': { filename: 'txp_finally_rejected', }, 'TxConfirmation': { filename: 'tx_confirmation', notifyCreatorOnly: true, }, }; function PushNotificationsService() {}; PushNotificationsService.prototype.start = function(opts, cb) { var self = this; opts = opts || {}; self.request = opts.request || defaultRequest; function _readDirectories(basePath, cb) { fs.readdir(basePath, function(err, files) { if (err) return cb(err); async.filter(files, function(file, next) { fs.stat(path.join(basePath, file), function(err, stats) { return next(!err && stats.isDirectory()); }); }, function(dirs) { return cb(null, dirs); }); }); }; self.templatePath = path.normalize((opts.pushNotificationsOpts.templatePath || (__dirname + '/templates')) + '/'); self.defaultLanguage = opts.pushNotificationsOpts.defaultLanguage || 'en'; self.defaultUnit = opts.pushNotificationsOpts.defaultUnit || 'btc'; self.subjectPrefix = opts.pushNotificationsOpts.subjectPrefix || ''; self.pushServerUrl = opts.pushNotificationsOpts.pushServerUrl; self.authorizationKey = opts.pushNotificationsOpts.authorizationKey; if (!self.authorizationKey) return cb(new Error('Missing authorizationKey attribute in configuration.')) async.parallel([ function(done) { _readDirectories(self.templatePath, function(err, res) { self.availableLanguages = res; done(err); }); }, function(done) { if (opts.storage) { self.storage = opts.storage; done(); } else { self.storage = new Storage(); self.storage.connect(opts.storageOpts, done); } }, function(done) { self.messageBroker = opts.messageBroker || new MessageBroker(opts.messageBrokerOpts); self.messageBroker.onMessage(_.bind(self._sendPushNotifications, self)); done(); }, ], function(err) { if (err) { log.error(err); } return cb(err); }); }; PushNotificationsService.prototype._sendPushNotifications = function(notification, cb) { var self = this; cb = cb || function() {}; var notifType = PUSHNOTIFICATIONS_TYPES[notification.type]; if (!notifType) return cb(); log.debug('Notification received: ' + notification.type); log.debug(JSON.stringify(notification)); self._checkShouldSendNotif(notification, function(err, should) { if (err) return cb(err); log.debug('Should send notification: ', should); if (!should) return cb(); self._getRecipientsList(notification, notifType, function(err, recipientsList) { if (err) return cb(err); async.waterfall([ function(next) { self._readAndApplyTemplates(notification, notifType, recipientsList, next); }, function(contents, next) { async.map(recipientsList, function(recipient, next) { var content = contents[recipient.language]; self.storage.fetchPushNotificationSubs(recipient.copayerId, function(err, subs) { if (err) return next(err); var notifications = _.map(subs, function(sub) { return { to: sub.token, priority: 'high', restricted_package_name: sub.packageName, notification: { title: content.plain.subject, body: content.plain.body, sound: "default", click_action: "FCM_PLUGIN_ACTIVITY", icon: "fcm_push_icon", }, data: { walletId: sjcl.codec.hex.fromBits(sjcl.hash.sha256.hash(notification.walletId)), copayerId: sjcl.codec.hex.fromBits(sjcl.hash.sha256.hash(recipient.copayerId)) }, }; }); return next(err, notifications); }); }, function(err, allNotifications) { if (err) return next(err); return next(null, _.flatten(allNotifications)); }); }, function(notifications, next) { async.each(notifications, function(notification, next) { self._makeRequest(notification, function(err, response) { if (err) log.error(err); if (response) { log.debug('Request status: ', response.statusCode); log.debug('Request message: ', response.statusMessage); log.debug('Request body: ', response.request.body); } next(); }); }, function(err) { return next(err); } ); }, ], function(err) { if (err) { log.error('An error ocurred generating notification', err); } return cb(err); }); }); }); }; PushNotificationsService.prototype._checkShouldSendNotif = function(notification, cb) { var self = this; if (notification.type != 'NewTxProposal') return cb(null, true); self.storage.fetchWallet(notification.walletId, function(err, wallet) { return cb(err, wallet.m > 1); }); }; PushNotificationsService.prototype._getRecipientsList = function(notification, notificationType, cb) { var self = this; self.storage.fetchWallet(notification.walletId, function(err, wallet) { if (err) return cb(err); self.storage.fetchPreferences(notification.walletId, null, function(err, preferences) { if (err) log.error(err); if (_.isEmpty(preferences)) preferences = []; var recipientPreferences = _.compact(_.map(preferences, function(p) { if (!_.contains(self.availableLanguages, p.language)) { if (p.language) log.warn('Language for notifications "' + p.language + '" not available.'); p.language = self.defaultLanguage; } return { copayerId: p.copayerId, language: p.language, unit: p.unit, }; })); recipientPreferences = _.indexBy(recipientPreferences, 'copayerId'); var recipientsList = _.compact(_.map(wallet.copayers, function(copayer) { if ((copayer.id == notification.creatorId && notificationType.notifyCreatorOnly) || (copayer.id != notification.creatorId && !notificationType.notifyCreatorOnly)) { var p = recipientPreferences[copayer.id] || {}; return { copayerId: copayer.id, language: p.language || self.defaultLanguage, unit: p.unit || self.defaultUnit, } } })); console.log('*** [pushnotificationsservice.js ln234] recipientsList:', recipientsList); // TODO return cb(null, recipientsList); }); }); }; PushNotificationsService.prototype._readAndApplyTemplates = function(notification, notifType, recipientsList, cb) { var self = this; async.map(recipientsList, function(recipient, next) { async.waterfall([ function(next) { self._getDataForTemplate(notification, recipient, next); }, function(data, next) { async.map(['plain', 'html'], function(type, next) { self._loadTemplate(notifType, recipient, '.' + type, function(err, template) { if (err && type == 'html') return next(); if (err) return next(err); self._applyTemplate(template, data, function(err, res) { return next(err, [type, res]); }); }); }, function(err, res) { return next(err, _.zipObject(res)); }); }, function(result, next) { next(null, result); }, ], function(err, res) { next(err, [recipient.language, res]); }); }, function(err, res) { return cb(err, _.zipObject(res)); }); }; PushNotificationsService.prototype._getDataForTemplate = function(notification, recipient, cb) { var self = this; var UNIT_LABELS = { btc: 'BTC', bit: 'bits' }; var data = _.cloneDeep(notification.data); data.subjectPrefix = _.trim(self.subjectPrefix + ' '); if (data.amount) { try { var unit = recipient.unit.toLowerCase(); data.amount = Utils.formatAmount(+data.amount, unit) + ' ' + UNIT_LABELS[unit]; } catch (ex) { return cb(new Error('Could not format amount', ex)); } } self.storage.fetchWallet(notification.walletId, function(err, wallet) { if (err) return cb(err); data.walletId = wallet.id; data.walletName = wallet.name; data.walletM = wallet.m; data.walletN = wallet.n; var copayer = _.find(wallet.copayers, { id: notification.creatorId }); if (copayer) { data.copayerId = copayer.id; data.copayerName = copayer.name; } if (notification.type == 'TxProposalFinallyRejected' && data.rejectedBy) { var rejectors = _.map(data.rejectedBy, function(copayerId) { return _.find(wallet.copayers, { id: copayerId }).name }); data.rejectorsNames = rejectors.join(', '); } return cb(null, data); }); }; PushNotificationsService.prototype._applyTemplate = function(template, data, cb) { if (!data) return cb(new Error('Could not apply template to empty data')); var error; var result = _.mapValues(template, function(t) { try { return Mustache.render(t, data); } catch (e) { log.error('Could not apply data to template', e); error = e; } }); if (error) return cb(error); return cb(null, result); }; PushNotificationsService.prototype._loadTemplate = function(notifType, recipient, extension, cb) { var self = this; self._readTemplateFile(recipient.language, notifType.filename + extension, function(err, template) { if (err) return cb(err); return cb(null, self._compileTemplate(template, extension)); }); }; PushNotificationsService.prototype._readTemplateFile = function(language, filename, cb) { var self = this; var fullFilename = path.join(self.templatePath, language, filename); fs.readFile(fullFilename, 'utf8', function(err, template) { if (err) { return cb(new Error('Could not read template file ' + fullFilename, err)); } return cb(null, template); }); }; PushNotificationsService.prototype._compileTemplate = function(template, extension) { var lines = template.split('\n'); if (extension == '.html') { lines.unshift(''); } return { subject: lines[0], body: _.rest(lines).join('\n'), }; }; PushNotificationsService.prototype._makeRequest = function(opts, cb) { var self = this; self.request({ url: self.pushServerUrl + '/send', method: 'POST', json: true, headers: { 'Content-Type': 'application/json', 'Authorization': 'key=' + self.authorizationKey, }, body: opts, }, cb); }; module.exports = PushNotificationsService;