'use strict'; var _ = require('lodash'); var Uuid = require('uuid'); var Bitcore = require('bitcore'); var Address = Bitcore.Address; var TxProposalAction = require('./txproposalaction'); var VERSION = '1.0.0'; function TxProposal(opts) { opts = opts || {}; this.version = VERSION; var now = Date.now(); this.createdOn = Math.floor(now / 1000); this.id = ('00000000000000' + now).slice(-14) + Uuid.v4(); this.creatorId = opts.creatorId; this.toAddress = opts.toAddress; this.amount = opts.amount; this.message = opts.message; this.proposalSignature = opts.proposalSignature; this.changeAddress = opts.changeAddress; this.inputs = opts.inputs; this.inputPaths = opts.inputPaths; this.requiredSignatures = opts.requiredSignatures; this.requiredRejections = opts.requiredRejections; this.status = 'pending'; this.actions = {}; }; TxProposal.fromObj = function(obj) { var x = new TxProposal(); x.version = obj.version; x.createdOn = obj.createdOn; x.id = obj.id; x.creatorId = obj.creatorId; x.toAddress = obj.toAddress; x.amount = obj.amount; x.message = obj.message; x.proposalSignature = obj.proposalSignature; x.changeAddress = obj.changeAddress; x.inputs = obj.inputs; x.requiredSignatures = obj.requiredSignatures; x.requiredRejections = obj.requiredRejections; x.status = obj.status; x.txid = obj.txid; x.inputPaths = obj.inputPaths; x.actions = obj.actions; _.each(x.actions, function(action, copayerId) { x.actions[copayerId] = new TxProposalAction(action); }); return x; }; TxProposal.prototype._updateStatus = function() { if (this.status != 'pending') return; if (this.isRejected()) { this.status = 'rejected'; } else if (this.isAccepted()) { this.status = 'accepted'; } }; TxProposal.prototype._getBitcoreTx = function() { var self = this; var t = new Bitcore.Transaction(); _.each(this.inputs, function(i) { t.from(i, i.publicKeys, self.requiredSignatures) }); t.to(this.toAddress, this.amount) .change(this.changeAddress); t._updateChangeOutput(); return t; }; TxProposal.prototype.getNetworkName = function() { return Bitcore.Address(this.toAddress).toObject().networkName; }; TxProposal.prototype.getRawTx = function() { var t = this._getBitcoreTx(); return t.serialize(); }; /** * getActors * * @return {String[]} copayerIds that performed actions in this proposal (accept / reject) */ TxProposal.prototype.getActors = function() { return _.keys(this.actions); }; /** * getActionBy * * @param {String} copayerId * @return {Object} type / createdOn */ TxProposal.prototype.getActionBy = function(copayerId) { var a = this.actions[copayerId]; if (!a) return null; return { type: a.type, createdOn: a.createdOn, }; }; TxProposal.prototype.addAction = function(copayerId, type, signatures) { var action = new TxProposalAction({ copayerId: copayerId, type: type, signatures: signatures, }); this.actions[copayerId] = action; this._updateStatus(); }; // TODO: no sure we should receive xpub or a list of pubkeys (pre derived) TxProposal.prototype.checkSignatures = function(signatures, xpub) { var self = this; var t = this._getBitcoreTx(); if (signatures.length != this.inputs.length) return false; var oks = 0, i = 0, x = new Bitcore.HDPublicKey(xpub); _.each(signatures, function(signatureHex) { var input = self.inputs[i]; try { var signature = Bitcore.crypto.Signature.fromString(signatureHex); var pub = x.derive(self.inputPaths[i]).publicKey; var s = { inputIndex: i, signature: signature, sigtype: Bitcore.crypto.Signature.SIGHASH_ALL, publicKey: pub, }; i++; t.applySignature(s); oks++; } catch (e) { // TODO only for debug now console.log('DEBUG ONLY:', e.message); //TODO }; }); return oks === t.inputs.length; }; TxProposal.prototype.sign = function(copayerId, signatures) { this.addAction(copayerId, 'accept', signatures); }; TxProposal.prototype.reject = function(copayerId) { this.addAction(copayerId, 'reject'); }; TxProposal.prototype.isPending = function() { return !_.any(['boradcasted', 'rejected'], this.status); }; TxProposal.prototype.isAccepted = function() { var votes = _.countBy(_.values(this.actions), 'type'); return votes['accept'] >= this.requiredSignatures; }; TxProposal.prototype.isRejected = function() { var votes = _.countBy(_.values(this.actions), 'type'); return votes['reject'] >= this.requiredRejections; }; TxProposal.prototype.setBroadcasted = function(txid) { this.txid = txid; this.status = 'broadcasted'; }; module.exports = TxProposal;