'use strict'; var _ = require('lodash'); var $ = require('preconditions').singleton(); var async = require('async'); var log = require('npmlog'); log.debug = log.verbose; log.disableColor(); var EmailValidator = require('email-validator'); var WalletUtils = require('bitcore-wallet-utils'); var Bitcore = WalletUtils.Bitcore; var PublicKey = Bitcore.PublicKey; var HDPublicKey = Bitcore.HDPublicKey; var Address = Bitcore.Address; var ClientError = require('./clienterror'); var Utils = require('./utils'); var Lock = require('./lock'); var Storage = require('./storage'); var MessageBroker = require('./messagebroker'); var BlockchainExplorer = require('./blockchainexplorer'); var Model = require('./model'); var Wallet = Model.Wallet; var initialized = false; var lock; var storage; var blockchainExplorer; var blockchainExplorerOpts; var messageBroker; /** * Creates an instance of the Bitcore Wallet Service. * @constructor */ function WalletService() { if (!initialized) throw new Error('Server not initialized'); this.lock = lock; this.storage = storage; this.blockchainExplorer = blockchainExplorer; this.blockchainExplorerOpts = blockchainExplorerOpts; this.messageBroker = messageBroker; this.notifyTicker = 0; }; // Time after which a Tx proposal can be erased by any copayer. in seconds WalletService.deleteLockTime = 24 * 3600; // Allowed consecutive txp rejections before backoff is applied. WalletService.backoffOffset = 3; // Time a copayer need to wait to create a new TX after her tx previous proposal we rejected. (incremental). in Minutes. WalletService.backoffTimeMinutes = 2; // Fund scanning parameters WalletService.scanConfig = { SCAN_WINDOW: 20, DERIVATION_DELAY: 10, // in milliseconds }; /** * Initializes global settings for all instances. * @param {Object} opts * @param {Storage} [opts.storage] - The storage provider. * @param {Storage} [opts.blockchainExplorer] - The blockchainExporer provider. * @param {Callback} cb */ WalletService.initialize = function(opts, cb) { $.shouldBeFunction(cb); opts = opts || {}; lock = opts.lock || new Lock(opts.lockOpts); blockchainExplorer = opts.blockchainExplorer; blockchainExplorerOpts = opts.blockchainExplorerOpts; function initStorage(cb) { if (opts.storage) { storage = opts.storage; return cb(); } else { var newStorage = new Storage(); newStorage.connect(opts.storageOpts, function(err) { if (err) return cb(err); storage = newStorage; return cb(); }); } }; function initMessageBroker(cb) { if (opts.messageBroker) { messageBroker = opts.messageBroker; } else { messageBroker = new MessageBroker(opts.messageBrokerOpts); } return cb(); }; async.series([ function(next) { initStorage(next); }, function(next) { initMessageBroker(next); }, ], function(err) { if (err) { log.error('Could not initialize', err); throw err; } initialized = true; return cb(); }); }; WalletService.shutDown = function(cb) { if (!initialized) return cb(); storage.disconnect(function(err) { if (err) return cb(err); initialized = false; return cb(); }); }; /** * Gets an instance of the server without authentication. * @param {Object} opts * @param {string} opts.clientVersion - A string that identifies the client issuing the request */ WalletService.getInstance = function(opts) { opts = opts || {}; var server = new WalletService(); server.clientVersion = opts.clientVersion; return server; }; /** * Gets an instance of the server after authenticating the copayer. * @param {Object} opts * @param {string} opts.copayerId - The copayer id making the request. * @param {string} opts.message - The contents of the request to be signed. * @param {string} opts.signature - Signature of message to be verified using the copayer's requestPubKey * @param {string} opts.clientVersion - A string that identifies the client issuing the request */ WalletService.getInstanceWithAuth = function(opts, cb) { if (!Utils.checkRequired(opts, ['copayerId', 'message', 'signature'])) return cb(new ClientError('Required argument missing')); var server = new WalletService(); server.storage.fetchCopayerLookup(opts.copayerId, function(err, copayer) { if (err) return cb(err); if (!copayer) return cb(new ClientError('NOTAUTHORIZED', 'Copayer not found')); var isValid = server._verifySignature(opts.message, opts.signature, copayer.requestPubKey); if (!isValid) return cb(new ClientError('NOTAUTHORIZED', 'Invalid signature')); server.copayerId = opts.copayerId; server.walletId = copayer.walletId; server.clientVersion = opts.clientVersion; return cb(null, server); }); }; WalletService.prototype._runLocked = function(cb, task) { $.checkState(this.walletId); this.lock.runLocked(this.walletId, cb, task); }; /** * Creates a new wallet. * @param {Object} opts * @param {string} opts.id - The wallet id. * @param {string} opts.name - The wallet name. * @param {number} opts.m - Required copayers. * @param {number} opts.n - Total copayers. * @param {string} opts.pubKey - Public key to verify copayers joining have access to the wallet secret. * @param {string} [opts.network = 'livenet'] - The Bitcoin network for this wallet. */ WalletService.prototype.createWallet = function(opts, cb) { var self = this, pubKey; if (!Utils.checkRequired(opts, ['name', 'm', 'n', 'pubKey'])) return cb(new ClientError('Required argument missing')); if (_.isEmpty(opts.name)) return cb(new ClientError('Invalid wallet name')); if (!Wallet.verifyCopayerLimits(opts.m, opts.n)) return cb(new ClientError('Invalid combination of required copayers / total copayers')); var network = opts.network || 'livenet'; if (network != 'livenet' && network != 'testnet') return cb(new ClientError('Invalid network')); try { pubKey = new PublicKey.fromString(opts.pubKey); } catch (ex) { return cb(new ClientError('Invalid public key')); }; var newWallet; async.series([ function(acb) { if (!opts.id) return acb(); self.storage.fetchWallet(opts.id, function(err, wallet) { if (wallet) return acb(new ClientError('WEXISTS', 'Wallet already exists')); return acb(err); }); }, function(acb) { var wallet = Wallet.create({ name: opts.name, m: opts.m, n: opts.n, network: network, pubKey: pubKey.toString(), id: opts.id, }); self.storage.storeWallet(wallet, function(err) { log.debug('Wallet created', wallet.id, network); newWallet = wallet; return acb(err); }); } ], function(err) { return cb(err, newWallet ? newWallet.id : null); }); }; /** * Retrieves a wallet from storage. * @param {Object} opts * @returns {Object} wallet */ WalletService.prototype.getWallet = function(opts, cb) { var self = this; self.storage.fetchWallet(self.walletId, function(err, wallet) { if (err) return cb(err); if (!wallet) return cb(new ClientError('Wallet not found')); return cb(null, wallet); }); }; /** * Replace temporary request key * @param {Object} opts * @param {string} opts.name - The copayer name. * @param {string} opts.xPubKey - Extended Public Key for this copayer. * @param {string} opts.requestPubKey - Public Key used to check requests from this copayer. * @param {string} opts.copayerSignature - S(name|xPubKey|requestPubKey). Used by other copayers to verify that the copayer joining knows the wallet secret. */ WalletService.prototype.replaceTemporaryRequestKey = function(opts, cb) { var self = this; if (!Utils.checkRequired(opts, ['name', 'xPubKey', 'requestPubKey', 'copayerSignature'])) return cb(new ClientError('Required argument missing')); if (_.isEmpty(opts.name)) return cb(new ClientError('Invalid copayer name')); if (opts.isTemporaryRequestKey) return cb(new ClientError('Bad arguments')); self._runLocked(cb, function(cb) { self.storage.fetchWallet(self.walletId, function(err, wallet) { if (err) return cb(err); if (!wallet) return cb(new ClientError('Wallet not found')); var hash = WalletUtils.getCopayerHash(opts.name, opts.xPubKey, opts.requestPubKey); if (!self._verifySignature(hash, opts.copayerSignature, wallet.pubKey)) { return cb(new ClientError()); } var oldCopayerData = _.find(wallet.copayers, { id: self.copayerId }); $.checkState(oldCopayerData); if (oldCopayerData.xPubKey !== opts.xPubKey || !oldCopayerData.isTemporaryRequestKey) return cb(new ClientError('CDATAMISMATCH', 'Copayer data mismatch')); if (wallet.copayers.length != wallet.n) return cb(new ClientError('WNOTFULL', 'Replace only works on full wallets')); wallet.updateCopayerRequestKey(self.copayerId, opts.requestPubKey, opts.copayerSignature); self.storage.storeWalletAndUpdateCopayersLookup(wallet, function(err) { if (err) return cb(err); self._notify('CopayerUpdated', { walletId: opts.walletId, copayerId: self.copayerId, copayerName: opts.name, }, function() { return cb(null, { copayerId: self.copayerId, wallet: wallet }); }); }); }); }); }; /** * Verifies a signature * @param text * @param signature * @param pubKey */ WalletService.prototype._verifySignature = function(text, signature, pubKey) { return WalletUtils.verifyMessage(text, signature, pubKey); }; /** * _notify * * @param {String} type * @param {Object} data * @param {Object} opts * @param {Boolean} opts.isGlobal - If true, the notification is not issued on behalf of any particular copayer (defaults to false) */ WalletService.prototype._notify = function(type, data, opts, cb) { var self = this; if (_.isFunction(opts)) { cb = opts; opts = {}; } opts = opts || {}; log.debug('Notification', type, data); cb = cb || function() {}; var walletId = self.walletId || data.walletId; var copayerId = self.copayerId || data.copayerId; $.checkState(walletId); var notification = Model.Notification.create({ type: type, data: data, ticker: this.notifyTicker++, creatorId: opts.isGlobal ? null : copayerId, walletId: walletId, }); this.storage.storeNotification(walletId, notification, function() { self.messageBroker.send(notification); return cb(); }); }; /** * Joins a wallet in creation. * @param {Object} opts * @param {string} opts.walletId - The wallet id. * @param {string} opts.name - The copayer name. * @param {string} opts.xPubKey - Extended Public Key for this copayer. * @param {string} opts.requestPubKey - Public Key used to check requests from this copayer. * @param {string} opts.copayerSignature - S(name|xPubKey|requestPubKey). Used by other copayers to verify the that the copayer joining knows the wallet secret. * @param {string} opts.isTemporaryRequestKey - requestPubKey will be marked as 'temporary' (only used for Copay migration) */ WalletService.prototype.joinWallet = function(opts, cb) { var self = this; if (!Utils.checkRequired(opts, ['walletId', 'name', 'xPubKey', 'requestPubKey', 'copayerSignature'])) return cb(new ClientError('Required argument missing')); if (_.isEmpty(opts.name)) return cb(new ClientError('Invalid copayer name')); self.walletId = opts.walletId; self._runLocked(cb, function(cb) { self.storage.fetchWallet(opts.walletId, function(err, wallet) { if (err) return cb(err); if (!wallet) return cb(new ClientError('Wallet not found')); var hash = WalletUtils.getCopayerHash(opts.name, opts.xPubKey, opts.requestPubKey); if (!self._verifySignature(hash, opts.copayerSignature, wallet.pubKey)) { return cb(new ClientError()); } if (_.find(wallet.copayers, { xPubKey: opts.xPubKey })) return cb(new ClientError('CINWALLET', 'Copayer already in wallet')); if (wallet.copayers.length == wallet.n) return cb(new ClientError('WFULL', 'Wallet full')); var copayer = Model.Copayer.create({ name: opts.name, copayerIndex: wallet.copayers.length, xPubKey: opts.xPubKey, requestPubKey: opts.requestPubKey, signature: opts.copayerSignature, isTemporaryRequestKey: !!opts.isTemporaryRequestKey, }); self.storage.fetchCopayerLookup(copayer.id, function(err, res) { if (err) return cb(err); if (res) return cb(new ClientError('CREGISTERED', 'Copayer ID already registered on server')); wallet.addCopayer(copayer); self.storage.storeWalletAndUpdateCopayersLookup(wallet, function(err) { if (err) return cb(err); async.series([ function(next) { self._notify('NewCopayer', { walletId: opts.walletId, copayerId: copayer.id, copayerName: copayer.name, }, next); }, function(next) { if (wallet.isComplete() && wallet.isShared()) { self._notify('WalletComplete', { walletId: opts.walletId, }, { isGlobal: true }, next); } else { next(); } }, ], function() { return cb(null, { copayerId: copayer.id, wallet: wallet }); }); }); }); }); }); }; /** * Save copayer preferences for the current wallet/copayer pair. * @param {Object} opts * @param {string} opts.email - Email address for notifications. * @param {string} opts.language - Language used for notifications. * @param {string} opts.unit - Bitcoin unit used to format amounts in notifications. */ WalletService.prototype.savePreferences = function(opts, cb) { var self = this; opts = opts || {}; var preferences = [{ name: 'email', isValid: function(value) { return EmailValidator.validate(value); }, }, { name: 'language', isValid: function(value) { return _.isString(value) && value.length == 2; }, }, { name: 'unit', isValid: function(value) { return _.isString(value) && _.contains(['btc', 'bit'], value.toLowerCase()); }, }]; opts = _.pick(opts, _.pluck(preferences, 'name')); try { _.each(preferences, function(preference) { var value = opts[preference.name]; if (!value) return; if (!preference.isValid(value)) { throw 'Invalid ' + preference.name; return false; } }); } catch (ex) { return cb(new ClientError(ex)); } self._runLocked(cb, function(cb) { self.storage.fetchPreferences(self.walletId, self.copayerId, function(err, oldPref) { if (err) return cb(err); var newPref = Model.Preferences.create({ walletId: self.walletId, copayerId: self.copayerId, }); var preferences = Model.Preferences.fromObj(_.defaults(newPref, opts, oldPref)); self.storage.storePreferences(preferences, function(err) { return cb(err); }); }); }); }; /** * Retrieves a preferences for the current wallet/copayer pair. * @param {Object} opts * @returns {Object} preferences */ WalletService.prototype.getPreferences = function(opts, cb) { var self = this; self.storage.fetchPreferences(self.walletId, self.copayerId, function(err, preferences) { if (err) return cb(err); return cb(null, preferences || {}); }); }; /** * Creates a new address. * @param {Object} opts * @returns {Address} address */ WalletService.prototype.createAddress = function(opts, cb) { var self = this; self._runLocked(cb, function(cb) { self.getWallet({}, function(err, wallet) { if (err) return cb(err); if (!wallet.isComplete()) return cb(new ClientError('Wallet is not complete')); var address = wallet.createAddress(false); self.storage.storeAddressAndWallet(wallet, address, function(err) { if (err) return cb(err); self._notify('NewAddress', { address: address.address, }, function() { return cb(null, address); }); }); }); }); }; /** * Get all addresses. * @param {Object} opts * @returns {Address[]} */ WalletService.prototype.getMainAddresses = function(opts, cb) { var self = this; self.storage.fetchAddresses(self.walletId, function(err, addresses) { if (err) return cb(err); var onlyMain = _.reject(addresses, { isChange: true }); return cb(null, onlyMain); }); }; /** * Verifies that a given message was actually sent by an authorized copayer. * @param {Object} opts * @param {string} opts.message - The message to verify. * @param {string} opts.signature - The signature of message to verify. * @returns {truthy} The result of the verification. */ WalletService.prototype.verifyMessageSignature = function(opts, cb) { var self = this; if (!Utils.checkRequired(opts, ['message', 'signature'])) return cb(new ClientError('Required argument missing')); self.getWallet({}, function(err, wallet) { if (err) return cb(err); var copayer = wallet.getCopayer(self.copayerId); var isValid = self._verifySignature(opts.message, opts.signature, copayer.requestPubKey); return cb(null, isValid); }); }; WalletService.prototype._getBlockchainExplorer = function(network) { if (!this.blockchainExplorer) { var opts = {}; if (this.blockchainExplorerOpts && this.blockchainExplorerOpts[network]) { opts = this.blockchainExplorerOpts[network]; } // TODO: provider should be configurable opts.provider = 'insight'; opts.network = network; this.blockchainExplorer = new BlockchainExplorer(opts); } return this.blockchainExplorer; }; /** * _getUtxos * */ WalletService.prototype._getUtxos = function(cb) { var self = this; // Get addresses for this wallet self.storage.fetchAddresses(self.walletId, function(err, addresses) { if (err) return cb(err); if (addresses.length == 0) return cb(null, []); var addressStrs = _.pluck(addresses, 'address'); var addressToPath = _.indexBy(addresses, 'address'); // TODO : check performance var networkName = Bitcore.Address(addressStrs[0]).toObject().network; var bc = self._getBlockchainExplorer(networkName); bc.getUnspentUtxos(addressStrs, function(err, inutxos) { if (err) { log.error('Could not fetch unspent outputs', err); return cb(new ClientError('BLOCKCHAINERROR', 'Could not fetch unspent outputs')); } var utxos = _.map(inutxos, function(utxo) { var u = _.pick(utxo, ['txid', 'vout', 'address', 'scriptPubKey', 'amount', 'satoshis', 'confirmations']); u.confirmations = u.confirmations || 0; u.locked = false; return u; }); self.getPendingTxs({}, function(err, txps) { if (err) return cb(err); var utxoKey = function(utxo) { return utxo.txid + '|' + utxo.vout }; var inputs = _.chain(txps) .pluck('inputs') .flatten() .map(utxoKey) .value(); var dictionary = _.reduce(utxos, function(memo, utxo) { memo[utxoKey(utxo)] = utxo; return memo; }, {}); _.each(inputs, function(input) { if (dictionary[input]) { dictionary[input].locked = true; } }); // Needed for the clients to sign UTXOs _.each(utxos, function(utxo) { utxo.satoshis = utxo.satoshis ? +utxo.satoshis : Utils.strip(utxo.amount * 1e8); delete utxo.amount; utxo.path = addressToPath[utxo.address].path; utxo.publicKeys = addressToPath[utxo.address].publicKeys; }); return cb(null, utxos); }); }); }); }; WalletService.prototype._totalizeUtxos = function(utxos) { var balance = {}; balance.totalAmount = Utils.strip(_.reduce(utxos, function(sum, utxo) { return sum + utxo.satoshis; }, 0)); balance.lockedAmount = Utils.strip(_.reduce(_.filter(utxos, { locked: true }), function(sum, utxo) { return sum + utxo.satoshis; }, 0)); return balance; }; WalletService.prototype._computeKbToSendMax = function(utxos, amount, cb) { var self = this; var unlockedUtxos = _.filter(utxos, { locked: false }); if (_.isEmpty(unlockedUtxos)) return cb(null, 0); self.getWallet({}, function(err, wallet) { if (err) return cb(err); var t = WalletUtils.newBitcoreTransaction(); try { _.each(unlockedUtxos, function(i) { t.from(i, i.publicKeys, wallet.m); }); t.to(utxos[0].address, amount); var sizeInKb = Math.ceil(t._estimateSize() / 1000); return cb(null, sizeInKb); } catch (ex) { return cb(ex); } }); }; /** * Creates a new transaction proposal. * @param {Object} opts * @returns {Object} balance - Total amount & locked amount. */ WalletService.prototype.getBalance = function(opts, cb) { var self = this; self._getUtxos(function(err, utxos) { if (err) return cb(err); var balance = self._totalizeUtxos(utxos); // Compute balance by address var byAddress = {}; _.each(_.indexBy(utxos, 'address'), function(value, key) { byAddress[key] = { address: key, path: value.path, amount: 0, }; }); _.each(utxos, function(utxo) { byAddress[utxo.address].amount += utxo.satoshis; }); balance.byAddress = _.values(byAddress); self._computeKbToSendMax(utxos, balance.totalAmount - balance.lockedAmount, function(err, sizeInKb) { if (err) { log.error('Could not compute fees needed to transfer max amount', err); } balance.totalKbToSendMax = sizeInKb || 0; return cb(null, balance); }); }); }; WalletService.prototype._sampleFeeLevels = function(network, points, cb) { var self = this; // TODO: cache blockexplorer data var bc = self._getBlockchainExplorer(network); async.map(points, function(p, next) { bc.estimateFee(p, function(err, result) { if (err) { log.error('Error estimating fee', err); return next(err); } if (result.feePerKB < 0) { log.warn('Could not compute fee estimation (nbBlocks=' + p + ')'); } return next(null, [p, result.feePerKB * 1e8]); }); }, function(err, results) { if (err) return cb(err); return cb(null, _.zipObject(results)); }); }; /** * Returns fee levels for the current state of the network. * @param {Object} opts * @param {string} [opts.network = 'livenet'] - The Bitcoin network to estimate fee levels from. * @returns {Object} feeLevels - A list of fee levels & associated amount per kB in satoshi. */ WalletService.prototype.getFeeLevels = function(opts, cb) { var self = this; opts = opts || {}; var network = opts.network || 'livenet'; if (network != 'livenet' && network != 'testnet') return cb(new ClientError('Invalid network')); var levels = [{ name: 'emergency', nbBlocks: 1, modifier: 1.5, defaultValue: 50000 }, { name: 'priority', nbBlocks: 1, modifier: 1, defaultValue: 20000 }, { name: 'normal', nbBlocks: 3, modifier: 1, defaultValue: 10000 }, { name: 'economy', nbBlocks: 10, modifier: 1, defaultValue: 5000 }, ]; var samplePoints = _.uniq(_.pluck(levels, 'nbBlocks')); self._sampleFeeLevels(network, samplePoints, function(err, feeSamples) { var values = _.map(levels, function(level) { var feePerKB; if (err) { feePerKB = level.defaultValue; } else { var sample = feeSamples[level.nbBlocks]; feePerKB = (sample < 0) ? level.defaultValue : sample * level.modifier; } return { level: level.name, feePerKB: feePerKB, }; }); return cb(null, values); }); }; WalletService.prototype._selectTxInputs = function(txp, cb) { var self = this; function sortUtxos(utxos) { _.each(utxos, function(utxo) { if (utxo.confirmations == 0) { utxo.confirmationLevel = 0; } else if (utxo.confirmations < 6) { utxo.confirmationLevel = -1; } else { utxo.confirmationLevel = -2; } }); return _.sortBy(utxos, 'confirmationLevel'); }; self._getUtxos(function(err, utxos) { if (err) return cb(err); var balance = self._totalizeUtxos(utxos); if (balance.totalAmount < txp.getTotalAmount()) return cb(new ClientError('INSUFFICIENTFUNDS', 'Insufficient funds')); if ((balance.totalAmount - balance.lockedAmount) < txp.amount) return cb(new ClientError('LOCKEDFUNDS', 'Funds are locked by pending transaction proposals')); utxos = _.reject(utxos, { locked: true }); var i = 0; var total = 0; var selected = []; var inputs = sortUtxos(utxos); var bitcoreTx, bitcoreError; while (i < inputs.length) { selected.push(inputs[i]); total += inputs[i].satoshis; i++; if (total >= txp.getTotalAmount()) { try { txp.setInputs(selected); bitcoreTx = txp.getBitcoreTx(); bitcoreError = bitcoreTx.getSerializationError({ disableIsFullySigned: true, }); if (!bitcoreError) { txp.fee = bitcoreTx.getFee(); return cb(); } } catch (ex) { log.error('Error building Bitcore transaction', ex); return cb(ex); } } }; if (bitcoreError instanceof Bitcore.errors.Transaction.FeeError) { return cb(new ClientError('INSUFFICIENTFUNDS', 'Insufficient funds for fee')); } if (bitcoreError instanceof Bitcore.errors.Transaction.DustOutputs) { return cb(new ClientError('DUSTAMOUNT', 'Amount below dust threshold')); } return cb(bitcoreError || new Error('Could not select tx inputs')); }); }; WalletService.prototype._canCreateTx = function(copayerId, cb) { var self = this; self.storage.fetchLastTxs(self.walletId, copayerId, 5 + WalletService.backoffOffset, function(err, txs) { if (err) return cb(err); if (!txs.length) return cb(null, true); var lastRejections = _.takeWhile(txs, { status: 'rejected' }); var exceededRejections = lastRejections.length - WalletService.backoffOffset; if (exceededRejections <= 0) return cb(null, true); var lastTxTs = txs[0].createdOn; var now = Math.floor(Date.now() / 1000); var timeSinceLastRejection = now - lastTxTs; var backoffTime = 60 * Math.pow(WalletService.backoffTimeMinutes, exceededRejections); if (timeSinceLastRejection <= backoffTime) log.debug('Not allowing to create TX: timeSinceLastRejection/backoffTime', timeSinceLastRejection, backoffTime); return cb(null, timeSinceLastRejection > backoffTime); }); }; /** * Creates a new transaction proposal. * @param {Object} opts * @param {string} opts.type - Proposal type. * @param {string} opts.toAddress || opts.outputs[].toAddress - Destination address. * @param {number} opts.amount || opts.outputs[].amount - Amount to transfer in satoshi. * @param {string} opts.outputs[].message - A message to attach to this output. * @param {string} opts.message - A message to attach to this transaction. * @param {string} opts.proposalSignature - S(toAddress|amount|message|payProUrl). Used by other copayers to verify the proposal. * @param {string} opts.feePerKb - Optional: Use an alternative fee per KB for this TX * @param {string} opts.payProUrl - Optional: Paypro URL for peers to verify TX * @returns {TxProposal} Transaction proposal. */ WalletService.prototype.createTx = function(opts, cb) { var self = this; if (!opts.outputs) { opts.outputs = _.pick(opts, ['amount', 'toAddress']); } opts.outputs = [].concat(opts.outputs); if (!Utils.checkRequired(opts, ['outputs', 'proposalSignature'])) return cb(new ClientError('Required argument missing')); var type = opts.type || Model.TxProposal.Types.SIMPLE; if (!Model.TxProposal.isTypeSupported(type)) return cb(new ClientError('Invalid proposal type')); _.each(opts.outputs, function(output) { if (!Utils.checkRequired(output, ['toAddress', 'amount'])) { output.valid = false; cb(new ClientError('Required outputs argument missing')); return false; } }); if (_.any(opts.outputs, { valid: false })) return; var feePerKb = opts.feePerKb || 10000; if (feePerKb < WalletUtils.MIN_FEE_PER_KB || feePerKb > WalletUtils.MAX_FEE_PER_KB) return cb(new ClientError('Invalid fee per KB value')); self._runLocked(cb, function(cb) { self.getWallet({}, function(err, wallet) { if (err) return cb(err); if (!wallet.isComplete()) return cb(new ClientError('Wallet is not complete')); var copayer = wallet.getCopayer(self.copayerId); var hash; if (!opts.type || opts.type == Model.TxProposal.Types.SIMPLE) { hash = WalletUtils.getProposalHash(opts.toAddress, opts.amount, opts.message, opts.payProUrl); } else { // should match bwc api _computeProposalSignature var header = { outputs: _.map(opts.outputs, function(output) { return _.pick(output, ['toAddress', 'amount', 'message']); }), message: opts.message, payProUrl: opts.payProUrl }; hash = WalletUtils.getProposalHash(header) } if (!self._verifySignature(hash, opts.proposalSignature, copayer.requestPubKey)) return cb(new ClientError('Invalid proposal signature')); self._canCreateTx(self.copayerId, function(err, canCreate) { if (err) return cb(err); if (!canCreate) return cb(new ClientError('NOTALLOWEDTOCREATETX', 'Cannot create TX proposal during backoff time')); _.each(opts.outputs, function(output) { output.valid = false; var toAddress = {}; try { toAddress = new Bitcore.Address(output.toAddress); } catch (ex) { cb(new ClientError('INVALIDADDRESS', 'Invalid address')); return false; } if (toAddress.network != wallet.getNetworkName()) { cb(new ClientError('INVALIDADDRESS', 'Incorrect address network')); return false; } if (!_.isNumber(output.amount) || _.isNaN(output.amount) || output.amount <= 0) { cb(new ClientError('Invalid amount')); return false; } if (output.amount < Bitcore.Transaction.DUST_AMOUNT) { cb(new ClientError('DUSTAMOUNT', 'Amount below dust threshold')); return false; } output.valid = true; }); if (_.any(opts.outputs, { valid: false })) return; var txp = Model.TxProposal.create({ type: type, walletId: self.walletId, creatorId: self.copayerId, outputs: opts.outputs, toAddress: opts.toAddress, amount: opts.amount, message: opts.message, proposalSignature: opts.proposalSignature, changeAddress: wallet.createAddress(true), feePerKb: feePerKb, payProUrl: opts.payProUrl, requiredSignatures: wallet.m, requiredRejections: Math.min(wallet.m, wallet.n - wallet.m + 1), }); self._selectTxInputs(txp, function(err) { if (err) return cb(err); $.checkState(txp.inputs); self.storage.storeAddressAndWallet(wallet, txp.changeAddress, function(err) { if (err) return cb(err); self.storage.storeTx(wallet.id, txp, function(err) { if (err) return cb(err); self._notify('NewTxProposal', { amount: txp.getTotalAmount() }, function() { return cb(null, txp); }); }); }); }); }); }); }); }; /** * Retrieves a tx from storage. * @param {Object} opts * @param {string} opts.txProposalId - The tx id. * @returns {Object} txProposal */ WalletService.prototype.getTx = function(opts, cb) { var self = this; self.storage.fetchTx(self.walletId, opts.txProposalId, function(err, txp) { if (err) return cb(err); if (!txp) return cb(new ClientError('Transaction proposal not found')); return cb(null, txp); }); }; /** * removeWallet * * @param opts * @param cb * @return {undefined} */ WalletService.prototype.removeWallet = function(opts, cb) { var self = this; self._runLocked(cb, function(cb) { self.storage.removeWallet(self.walletId, cb); }); }; WalletService.prototype.getRemainingDeleteLockTime = function(txp) { var now = Math.floor(Date.now() / 1000); var lockTimeRemaining = txp.createdOn + WalletService.deleteLockTime - now; if (lockTimeRemaining < 0) return 0; // not the creator? need to wait if (txp.creatorId !== this.copayerId) return lockTimeRemaining; // has other approvers? need to wait var approvers = txp.getApprovers(); if (approvers.length > 1 || (approvers.length == 1 && approvers[0] !== this.copayerId)) return lockTimeRemaining; return 0; }; /** * removePendingTx * * @param opts * @param {string} opts.txProposalId - The tx id. * @return {undefined} */ WalletService.prototype.removePendingTx = function(opts, cb) { var self = this; if (!Utils.checkRequired(opts, ['txProposalId'])) return cb(new ClientError('Required argument missing')); self._runLocked(cb, function(cb) { self.getTx({ txProposalId: opts.txProposalId, }, function(err, txp) { if (err) return cb(err); if (!txp.isPending()) return cb(new ClientError('TXNOTPENDING', 'Transaction proposal not pending')); var deleteLockTime = self.getRemainingDeleteLockTime(txp); if (deleteLockTime > 0) { return cb(new ClientError('TXCANNOTREMOVE', 'Cannot remove this tx proposal during locktime')); } self.storage.removeTx(self.walletId, txp.id, function() { self._notify('TxProposalRemoved', {}, cb); }); }); }); }; WalletService.prototype._broadcastTx = function(txp, cb) { var raw; try { raw = txp.getRawTx(); } catch (ex) { return cb(ex); } var bc = this._getBlockchainExplorer(txp.getNetworkName()); bc.broadcast(raw, function(err, txid) { if (err) { log.error('Could not broadcast transaction', err); return cb(new ClientError('BLOCKCHAINERROR', 'Could not broadcast transaction')); } return cb(null, txid); }) }; WalletService.prototype._checkTxInBlockchain = function(txp, cb) { var tx = txp.getBitcoreTx(); var bc = this._getBlockchainExplorer(txp.getNetworkName()); bc.getTransaction(tx.id, function(err, tx) { if (err) { log.error('Could not get transaction info', err); return cb(new ClientError('BLOCKCHAINERROR', 'Could not get transaction info')); } return cb(null, tx); }) }; /** * Sign a transaction proposal. * @param {Object} opts * @param {string} opts.txProposalId - The identifier of the transaction. * @param {string} opts.signatures - The signatures of the inputs of this tx for this copayer (in apperance order) */ WalletService.prototype.signTx = function(opts, cb) { var self = this; if (!Utils.checkRequired(opts, ['txProposalId', 'signatures'])) return cb(new ClientError('Required argument missing')); self.getWallet({}, function(err, wallet) { if (err) return cb(err); self.getTx({ txProposalId: opts.txProposalId }, function(err, txp) { if (err) return cb(err); var action = _.find(txp.actions, { copayerId: self.copayerId }); if (action) return cb(new ClientError('CVOTED', 'Copayer already voted on this transaction proposal')); if (!txp.isPending()) return cb(new ClientError('TXNOTPENDING', 'The transaction proposal is not pending')); var copayer = wallet.getCopayer(self.copayerId); if (!txp.sign(self.copayerId, opts.signatures, copayer.xPubKey)) return cb(new ClientError('BADSIGNATURES', 'Bad signatures')); self.storage.storeTx(self.walletId, txp, function(err) { if (err) return cb(err); async.series([ function(next) { self._notify('TxProposalAcceptedBy', { txProposalId: opts.txProposalId, copayerId: self.copayerId, }, next); }, function(next) { if (txp.isAccepted()) { self._notify('TxProposalFinallyAccepted', { txProposalId: opts.txProposalId, }, next); } else { next(); } }, ], function() { return cb(null, txp); }); }); }); }); }; /** * Broadcast a transaction proposal. * @param {Object} opts * @param {string} opts.txProposalId - The identifier of the transaction. */ WalletService.prototype.broadcastTx = function(opts, cb) { var self = this; if (!Utils.checkRequired(opts, ['txProposalId'])) return cb(new ClientError('Required argument missing')); function setBroadcasted(txp, txid, cb) { txp.setBroadcasted(txid); self.storage.storeTx(self.walletId, txp, function(err) { if (err) return cb(err); self._notify('NewOutgoingTx', { txProposalId: opts.txProposalId, txid: txid, amount: txp.getTotalAmount(), }, function() { return cb(null, txp); }); }); }; self.getWallet({}, function(err, wallet) { if (err) return cb(err); self.getTx({ txProposalId: opts.txProposalId }, function(err, txp) { if (err) return cb(err); if (txp.status == 'broadcasted') return cb(new ClientError('TXALREADYBROADCASTED', 'The transaction proposal is already broadcasted')); if (txp.status != 'accepted') return cb(new ClientError('TXNOTACCEPTED', 'The transaction proposal is not accepted')); self._broadcastTx(txp, function(err, txid) { if (err) { var broadcastErr = err; // Check if tx already in blockchain self._checkTxInBlockchain(txp, function(err, tx) { if (err) return cb(err); if (!tx) return cb(broadcastErr); setBroadcasted(txp, tx.txid, cb); }); } else { setBroadcasted(txp, txid, cb); } }); }); }); }; /** * Reject a transaction proposal. * @param {Object} opts * @param {string} opts.txProposalId - The identifier of the transaction. * @param {string} [opts.reason] - A message to other copayers explaining the rejection. */ WalletService.prototype.rejectTx = function(opts, cb) { var self = this; if (!Utils.checkRequired(opts, ['txProposalId'])) return cb(new ClientError('Required argument missing')); self.getTx({ txProposalId: opts.txProposalId }, function(err, txp) { if (err) return cb(err); var action = _.find(txp.actions, { copayerId: self.copayerId }); if (action) return cb(new ClientError('CVOTED', 'Copayer already voted on this transaction proposal')); if (txp.status != 'pending') return cb(new ClientError('TXNOTPENDING', 'The transaction proposal is not pending')); txp.reject(self.copayerId, opts.reason); self.storage.storeTx(self.walletId, txp, function(err) { if (err) return cb(err); async.series([ function(next) { self._notify('TxProposalRejectedBy', { txProposalId: opts.txProposalId, copayerId: self.copayerId, }, next); }, function(next) { if (txp.status == 'rejected') { var rejectedBy = _.pluck(_.filter(txp.actions, { type: 'reject' }), 'copayerId'); self._notify('TxProposalFinallyRejected', { txProposalId: opts.txProposalId, rejectedBy: rejectedBy, }, next); } else { next(); } }, ], function() { return cb(null, txp); }); }); }); }; /** * Retrieves pending transaction proposals. * @param {Object} opts * @returns {TxProposal[]} Transaction proposal. */ WalletService.prototype.getPendingTxs = function(opts, cb) { var self = this; self.storage.fetchPendingTxs(self.walletId, function(err, txps) { if (err) return cb(err); _.each(txps, function(txp) { txp.deleteLockTime = self.getRemainingDeleteLockTime(txp); }); return cb(null, txps); }); }; /** * Retrieves all transaction proposals in the range (maxTs-minTs) * Times are in UNIX EPOCH * * @param {Object} opts.minTs (defaults to 0) * @param {Object} opts.maxTs (defaults to now) * @param {Object} opts.limit * @returns {TxProposal[]} Transaction proposals, newer first */ WalletService.prototype.getTxs = function(opts, cb) { var self = this; self.storage.fetchTxs(self.walletId, opts, function(err, txps) { if (err) return cb(err); return cb(null, txps); }); }; /** * Retrieves notifications in the range (maxTs-minTs). * Times are in UNIX EPOCH. Order is assured even for events with the same time * * @param {Object} opts.minTs (defaults to 0) * @param {Object} opts.maxTs (defaults to now) * @param {Object} opts.limit * @param {Object} opts.reverse (default false) * @returns {Notification[]} Notifications */ WalletService.prototype.getNotifications = function(opts, cb) { var self = this; self.storage.fetchNotifications(self.walletId, opts, function(err, notifications) { if (err) return cb(err); return cb(null, notifications); }); }; WalletService.prototype._normalizeTxHistory = function(txs) { return _.map(txs, function(tx) { var inputs = _.map(tx.vin, function(item) { return { address: item.addr, amount: item.valueSat, } }); var outputs = _.map(tx.vout, function(item) { var itemAddr; // If classic multisig, ignore if (item.scriptPubKey && _.isArray(item.scriptPubKey.addresses) && item.scriptPubKey.addresses.length == 1) { itemAddr = item.scriptPubKey.addresses[0]; } return { address: itemAddr, amount: parseInt((item.value * 1e8).toFixed(0)), } }); return { txid: tx.txid, confirmations: tx.confirmations, fees: parseInt((tx.fees * 1e8).toFixed(0)), time: !_.isNaN(tx.time) ? tx.time : Math.floor(Date.now() / 1000), inputs: inputs, outputs: outputs, }; }); }; /** * Retrieves all transactions (incoming & outgoing) * Times are in UNIX EPOCH * * @param {Object} opts * @param {Number} opts.skip (defaults to 0) * @param {Number} opts.limit * @returns {TxProposal[]} Transaction proposals, first newer */ WalletService.prototype.getTxHistory = function(opts, cb) { var self = this; function decorate(txs, addresses, proposals) { var indexedAddresses = _.indexBy(addresses, 'address'); var indexedProposals = _.indexBy(proposals, 'txid'); function sum(items, isMine, isChange) { var filter = {}; if (_.isBoolean(isMine)) filter.isMine = isMine; if (_.isBoolean(isChange)) filter.isChange = isChange; return _.reduce(_.where(items, filter), function(memo, item) { return memo + item.amount; }, 0); }; function classify(items) { return _.map(items, function(item) { var address = indexedAddresses[item.address]; return { address: item.address, amount: item.amount, isMine: !!address, isChange: address ? address.isChange : false, } }); }; var now = Math.floor(Date.now() / 1000); return _.map(txs, function(tx) { var amountIn, amountOut, amountOutChange; var amount, action, addressTo; if (tx.outputs.length || tx.inputs.length) { var inputs = classify(tx.inputs); var outputs = classify(tx.outputs); amountIn = sum(inputs, true); amountOut = sum(outputs, true, false); amountOutChange = sum(outputs, true, true); if (amountIn == (amountOut + amountOutChange + (amountIn > 0 ? tx.fees : 0))) { amount = amountOut; action = 'moved'; } else { amount = amountIn - amountOut - amountOutChange - (amountIn > 0 ? tx.fees : 0); action = amount > 0 ? 'sent' : 'received'; } amount = Math.abs(amount); if (action == 'sent' || action == 'moved') { var firstExternalOutput = _.find(outputs, { isMine: false }); addressTo = firstExternalOutput ? firstExternalOutput.address : 'N/A'; }; } else { action = 'invalid'; amount = 0; } var newTx = { txid: tx.txid, action: action, amount: amount, fees: tx.fees, time: tx.firstSeenTs || tx.time || now, addressTo: addressTo, confirmations: tx.confirmations, }; var proposal = indexedProposals[tx.txid]; if (proposal) { newTx.proposalId = proposal.id; newTx.creatorName = proposal.creatorName; newTx.message = proposal.message; newTx.actions = _.map(proposal.actions, function(action) { return _.pick(action, ['createdOn', 'type', 'copayerId', 'copayerName', 'comment']); }); // newTx.sentTs = proposal.sentTs; // newTx.merchant = proposal.merchant; //newTx.paymentAckMemo = proposal.paymentAckMemo; } return newTx; }); }; // Get addresses for this wallet self.storage.fetchAddresses(self.walletId, function(err, addresses) { if (err) return cb(err); if (addresses.length == 0) return cb(null, []); var addressStrs = _.pluck(addresses, 'address'); var networkName = Bitcore.Address(addressStrs[0]).toObject().network; var bc = self._getBlockchainExplorer(networkName); async.parallel([ function(next) { self.storage.fetchTxs(self.walletId, {}, function(err, txps) { if (err) return next(err); next(null, txps); }); }, function(next) { var from = opts.skip || 0; var to = from + (_.isUndefined(opts.limit) ? 100 : opts.limit); bc.getTransactions(addressStrs, from, to, function(err, txs) { if (err) { log.error('Could not fetch transactions', err); return next(new ClientError('BLOCKCHAINERROR', 'Could not fetch transactions')); } next(null, self._normalizeTxHistory(txs)); }); }, ], function(err, res) { if (err) return cb(err); var proposals = res[0]; var txs = res[1]; txs = decorate(txs, addresses, proposals); return cb(null, txs); }); }); }; /** * Scan the blockchain looking for addresses having some activity * * @param {Object} opts * @param {Boolean} opts.includeCopayerBranches (defaults to false) */ WalletService.prototype.scan = function(opts, cb) { var self = this; opts = opts || {}; function deriveAddresses(size, derivator, cb) { async.mapSeries(_.range(size), function(i, next) { setTimeout(function() { next(null, derivator.derive()); }, WalletService.scanConfig.DERIVATION_DELAY) }, cb); }; function checkActivity(addresses, networkName, cb) { var bc = self._getBlockchainExplorer(networkName); bc.getAddressActivity(addresses, cb); }; function scanBranch(derivator, cb) { var activity = true; var allAddresses = []; var networkName; async.whilst(function() { return activity; }, function(next) { deriveAddresses(WalletService.scanConfig.SCAN_WINDOW, derivator, function(err, addresses) { if (err) return next(err); networkName = networkName || Bitcore.Address(addresses[0].address).toObject().network; checkActivity(_.pluck(addresses, 'address'), networkName, function(err, thereIsActivity) { if (err) { log.error('Could not check address activity', err); return next(new ClientError('BLOCKCHAINERROR', 'Could not check address activity')); } activity = thereIsActivity; if (thereIsActivity) { allAddresses.push(addresses); } else { derivator.rewind(WalletService.scanConfig.SCAN_WINDOW); } next(); }); }); }, function(err) { return cb(err, _.flatten(allAddresses)); }); }; self._runLocked(cb, function(cb) { self.getWallet({}, function(err, wallet) { if (err) return cb(err); if (!wallet.isComplete()) return cb(new ClientError('Wallet is not complete')); wallet.scanStatus = 'running'; self.storage.storeWallet(wallet, function(err) { if (err) return cb(err); var derivators = []; _.each([false, true], function(isChange) { derivators.push({ derive: _.bind(wallet.createAddress, wallet, isChange), rewind: _.bind(wallet.addressManager.rewindIndex, wallet.addressManager, isChange), }); if (opts.includeCopayerBranches) { _.each(wallet.copayers, function(copayer) { derivators.push({ derive: _.bind(copayer.createAddress, copayer, wallet, isChange), rewind: _.bind(copayer.addressManager.rewindIndex, copayer.addressManager, isChange), }); }); } }); async.eachSeries(derivators, function(derivator, next) { scanBranch(derivator, function(err, addresses) { if (err) return next(err); self.storage.storeAddressAndWallet(wallet, addresses, next); }); }, function(err) { wallet.scanStatus = err ? 'error' : 'success'; self.storage.storeWallet(wallet, function() { return cb(err); }); }); }); }); }); }; /** * Start a scan process. * * @param {Object} opts * @param {Boolean} opts.includeCopayerBranches (defaults to false) */ WalletService.prototype.startScan = function(opts, cb) { var self = this; function scanFinished(err) { var data = { result: err ? 'error' : 'success', }; if (err) data.error = err; self._notify('ScanFinished', data, { isGlobal: true }); }; self.getWallet({}, function(err, wallet) { if (err) return cb(err); if (!wallet.isComplete()) return cb(new ClientError('Wallet is not complete')); setTimeout(function() { self.scan(opts, scanFinished); }, 100); return cb(null, { started: true }); }); }; module.exports = WalletService; module.exports.ClientError = ClientError;