'use strict'; var should = require('chai').should(); var proxyquire = require('proxyquire'); var bitcore = require('bitcore'); var sinon = require('sinon'); var Service = require('../bitcorenode'); describe('Bitcore Node Service', function() { describe('#constructor', function() { it('https settings from node', function() { var node = { https: true, httpsOptions: { key: 'key', cert: 'cert' } }; var options = { node: node }; var service = new Service(options); service.node.should.equal(node); service.https.should.equal(true); service.httpsOptions.should.deep.equal({ key: 'key', cert: 'cert' }); service.bwsPort.should.equal(3232); service.messageBrokerPort.should.equal(3380); service.lockerPort.should.equal(3231); }); it('direct https options', function() { var node = {}; var options = { node: node, https: true, httpsOptions: { key: 'key', cert: 'cert' } }; var service = new Service(options); service.https.should.equal(true); service.httpsOptions.should.deep.equal({ key: 'key', cert: 'cert' }); service.bwsPort.should.equal(3232); service.messageBrokerPort.should.equal(3380); service.lockerPort.should.equal(3231); }); it('can set custom ports', function() { var node = {}; var options = { node: node, bwsPort: 1000, messageBrokerPort: 1001, lockerPort: 1002 }; var service = new Service(options); service.bwsPort.should.equal(1000); service.messageBrokerPort.should.equal(1001); service.lockerPort.should.equal(1002); }); }); describe('#readHttpsOptions', function() { var TestService = proxyquire('../bitcorenode', { fs: { readFileSync: function(arg) { return arg; } } }); it('will create server options from httpsOptions', function() { var options = { node: { https: true, httpsOptions: { key: 'key', cert: 'cert', CAinter1: 'CAinter1', CAinter2: 'CAinter2', CAroot: 'CAroot' } } }; var service = new TestService(options); var serverOptions = service._readHttpsOptions(); serverOptions.key.should.equal('key'); serverOptions.cert.should.equal('cert'); serverOptions.ca[0].should.equal('CAinter1'); serverOptions.ca[1].should.equal('CAinter2'); serverOptions.ca[2].should.equal('CAroot'); }); }); describe('#_getConfiguration', function() { it('will throw with an unknown network', function() { var options = { node: { network: 'unknown' } }; var service = new Service(options); (function() { service._getConfiguration(); }).should.throw('Unknown network'); }); it('livenet local insight', function() { var options = { node: { network: bitcore.Networks.livenet, port: 3001 } }; var service = new Service(options); var config = service._getConfiguration(); config.blockchainExplorerOpts.livenet.should.deep.equal({ 'apiPrefix': '/insight-api', 'provider': 'insight', 'url': 'http://localhost:3001' }); }); it('testnet local insight', function() { var options = { node: { network: bitcore.Networks.testnet, port: 3001 } }; var service = new Service(options); var config = service._getConfiguration(); config.blockchainExplorerOpts.testnet.should.deep.equal({ 'apiPrefix': '/insight-api', 'provider': 'insight', 'url': 'http://localhost:3001' }); }); }); describe('#_startWalletService', function() { it('will start express and web socket servers', function(done) { function TestExpressApp() {} TestExpressApp.prototype.start = sinon.stub().callsArg(1); function TestWSApp() {} TestWSApp.prototype.start = sinon.stub().callsArg(2); var listen = sinon.stub().callsArg(1); var TestService = proxyquire('../bitcorenode', { '../lib/expressapp': TestExpressApp, '../lib/wsapp': TestWSApp, 'http': { Server: sinon.stub().returns({ listen: listen }) } }); var options = { node: { bwsPort: 3232 } }; var service = new TestService(options); var config = {}; service._startWalletService(config, function(err) { if (err) { throw err; } TestExpressApp.prototype.start.callCount.should.equal(1); TestExpressApp.prototype.start.args[0][0].should.equal(config); TestExpressApp.prototype.start.args[0][1].should.be.a('function'); TestWSApp.prototype.start.callCount.should.equal(1); TestWSApp.prototype.start.args[0][0].should.equal(service.server); TestWSApp.prototype.start.args[0][1].should.equal(config); TestWSApp.prototype.start.args[0][2].should.be.a('function'); listen.callCount.should.equal(1); listen.args[0][0].should.equal(3232); listen.args[0][1].should.be.a('function'); done(); }); }); it('error from express', function(done) { function TestExpressApp() {} TestExpressApp.prototype.start = sinon.stub().callsArgWith(1, new Error('test')); function TestWSApp() {} TestWSApp.prototype.start = sinon.stub().callsArg(2); var listen = sinon.stub().callsArg(1); var TestService = proxyquire('../bitcorenode', { '../lib/expressapp': TestExpressApp, '../lib/wsapp': TestWSApp, 'http': { Server: sinon.stub().returns({ listen: listen }) } }); var options = { node: { bwsPort: 3232 } }; var service = new TestService(options); var config = {}; service._startWalletService(config, function(err) { err.message.should.equal('test'); done(); }); }); it('error from web socket', function(done) { function TestExpressApp() {} TestExpressApp.prototype.start = sinon.stub().callsArg(1); function TestWSApp() {} TestWSApp.prototype.start = sinon.stub().callsArgWith(2, new Error('test')); var listen = sinon.stub().callsArg(1); var TestService = proxyquire('../bitcorenode', { '../lib/expressapp': TestExpressApp, '../lib/wsapp': TestWSApp, 'http': { Server: sinon.stub().returns({ listen: listen }) } }); var options = { node: { bwsPort: 3232 } }; var service = new TestService(options); var config = {}; service._startWalletService(config, function(err) { err.message.should.equal('test'); done(); }); }); it('error from server.listen', function(done) { var app = {}; function TestExpressApp() { this.app = app; } TestExpressApp.prototype.start = sinon.stub().callsArg(1); function TestWSApp() {} TestWSApp.prototype.start = sinon.stub().callsArg(2); var listen = sinon.stub().callsArgWith(1, new Error('test')); var TestService = proxyquire('../bitcorenode', { '../lib/expressapp': TestExpressApp, '../lib/wsapp': TestWSApp, 'http': { Server: function() { arguments[0].should.equal(app); return { listen: listen }; } } }); var options = { node: { bwsPort: 3232 } }; var service = new TestService(options); var config = {}; service._startWalletService(config, function(err) { err.message.should.equal('test'); done(); }); }); it('will enable https', function(done) { var app = {}; function TestExpressApp() { this.app = app; } TestExpressApp.prototype.start = sinon.stub().callsArg(1); function TestWSApp() {} TestWSApp.prototype.start = sinon.stub().callsArg(2); var listen = sinon.stub().callsArg(1); var httpsOptions = {}; var createServer = function() { arguments[0].should.equal(httpsOptions); arguments[1].should.equal(app); return { listen: listen }; }; var TestService = proxyquire('../bitcorenode', { '../lib/expressapp': TestExpressApp, '../lib/wsapp': TestWSApp, 'https': { createServer: createServer } }); var options = { node: { https: true, bwsPort: 3232 } }; var service = new TestService(options); service._readHttpsOptions = sinon.stub().returns(httpsOptions); var config = {}; service._startWalletService(config, function(err) { service._readHttpsOptions.callCount.should.equal(1); listen.callCount.should.equal(1); done(); }); }); }); describe('#start', function(done) { it('error from configuration', function(done) { var options = { node: {} }; var service = new Service(options); service._getConfiguration = function() { throw new Error('test'); }; service.start(function(err) { err.message.should.equal('test'); done(); }); }); it('error from blockchain monitor', function(done) { var app = {}; function TestBlockchainMonitor() {} TestBlockchainMonitor.prototype.start = sinon.stub().callsArgWith(1, new Error('test')); function TestLocker() {} TestLocker.prototype.listen = sinon.stub(); function TestEmailService() {} TestEmailService.prototype.start = sinon.stub(); var TestService = proxyquire('../bitcorenode', { '../lib/blockchainmonitor': TestBlockchainMonitor, '../lib/emailservice': TestEmailService, 'socket.io': sinon.stub().returns({ on: sinon.stub() }), 'locker-server': TestLocker, }); var options = { node: {} }; var service = new TestService(options); var config = {}; service._getConfiguration = sinon.stub().returns(config); service._startWalletService = sinon.stub().callsArg(1); service.start(function(err) { err.message.should.equal('test'); done(); }); }); it('error from email service', function(done) { var app = {}; function TestBlockchainMonitor() {} TestBlockchainMonitor.prototype.start = sinon.stub().callsArg(1); function TestLocker() {} TestLocker.prototype.listen = sinon.stub(); function TestEmailService() {} TestEmailService.prototype.start = sinon.stub().callsArgWith(1, new Error('test')); var TestService = proxyquire('../bitcorenode', { '../lib/blockchainmonitor': TestBlockchainMonitor, '../lib/emailservice': TestEmailService, 'socket.io': sinon.stub().returns({ on: sinon.stub() }), 'locker-server': TestLocker, }); var options = { node: {} }; var service = new TestService(options); service._getConfiguration = sinon.stub().returns({ emailOpts: {} }); var config = {}; service._startWalletService = sinon.stub().callsArg(1); service.start(function(err) { err.message.should.equal('test'); done(); }); }); }); });