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var $ = require('preconditions').singleton();
var _ = require('lodash');
var log = require('npmlog');
var Bitcore = require('bitcore');
var WalletUtils = require('../walletutils')
* Checks data given by the server
function Verifier(opts) {};
Verifier.checkAddress = function(data, address) {
var local = WalletUtils.deriveAddress(data.publicKeyRing, address.path, data.m,;
return (local.address == address.address && JSON.stringify(local.publicKeys) == JSON.stringify(address.publicKeys));
Verifier.checkCopayers = function(copayers, walletPrivKey, myXPrivKey, n) {
var walletPubKey = Bitcore.PrivateKey.fromString(walletPrivKey).toPublicKey().toString();
if (copayers.length != n) {
log.error('Missing public keys in server response');
return false;
// Repeated xpub kes?
var uniq = [];
var error;
_.each(copayers, function(copayer) {
if (uniq[copayers.xPubKey]++) {
log.error('Repeated public keys in server response');
error = true;
// Not signed pub keys
if (!WalletUtils.verifyMessage(copayer.xPubKey, copayer.xPubKeySignature, walletPubKey)) {
log.error('Invalid signatures in server response');
error = true;
if (error)
return false;
var myXPubKey = new Bitcore.HDPublicKey(myXPrivKey).toString();
if (!_.contains(_.pluck(copayers, 'xPubKey'), myXPubKey)) {
log.error('Server response does not contains our public keys')
return false;
return true;
Verifier.checkTxProposal = function(data, txp) {
var hash = WalletUtils.getProposalHash(txp.toAddress, txp.amount, txp.message);
var creatorXPubKey = _.find(data.publicKeyRing, function(xPubKey) {
if (WalletUtils.xPubToCopayerId(xPubKey) === txp.creatorId) return true;
if (!creatorXPubKey) return false;
var creatorSigningPubKey = (new Bitcore.HDPublicKey(creatorXPubKey)).derive('m/1/0').publicKey.toString();
if (!WalletUtils.verifyMessage(hash, txp.proposalSignature, creatorSigningPubKey)) return false;
return Verifier.checkAddress(data, txp.changeAddress);
module.exports = Verifier;