package com.xsn.explorer.services
import com.alexitc.playsonify.core.FutureOr.Implicits.{FutureOps, OptionOps}
import com.alexitc.playsonify.core.{ApplicationResult, FutureApplicationResult}
import com.xsn.explorer.data.async.{BlockFutureDataHandler, LedgerFutureDataHandler}
import com.xsn.explorer.errors.BlockNotFoundError
import com.xsn.explorer.models._
import com.xsn.explorer.models.persisted.Block
import com.xsn.explorer.models.transformers._
import com.xsn.explorer.models.values._
import com.xsn.explorer.util.Extensions.FutureOrExt
import javax.inject.Inject
import org.scalactic.{Bad, Good}
import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory
import scala.concurrent.{ExecutionContext, Future}
class LedgerSynchronizerService @Inject() (
xsnService: XSNService,
blockService: BlockService,
transactionCollectorService: TransactionCollectorService,
ledgerDataHandler: LedgerFutureDataHandler,
blockDataHandler: BlockFutureDataHandler)(
implicit ec: ExecutionContext) {
import LedgerSynchronizerService._
private val logger = LoggerFactory.getLogger(this.getClass)
* Synchronize the given block with our ledger database.
* The synchronization involves a very complex logic in order to handle
* several corner cases, be sure to not call this method concurrently
* because the behavior is undefined.
def synchronize(blockhash: Blockhash): FutureApplicationResult[Unit] = {
val result = for {
data <- xsnService.getBlock(blockhash).toFutureOr
_ <- synchronize(data).toFutureOr
} yield ()
private def synchronize(block: rpc.Block): FutureApplicationResult[Unit] = {
logger.info(s"Synchronize block ${block.height}, hash = ${block.hash}")
val result = for {
latestBlockMaybe <- blockDataHandler
_ <- latestBlockMaybe
.map { latestBlock => onLatestBlock(latestBlock, block) }
.getOrElse { onEmptyLedger(block) }
} yield ()
* 1. current ledger is empty:
* 1.1. the given block is the genensis block, it is added.
* 1.2. the given block is not the genesis block, sync everything until the given block.
private def onEmptyLedger(block: rpc.Block): FutureApplicationResult[Unit] = {
if (block.height.int == 0) {
logger.info(s"Synchronize genesis block on empty ledger, hash = ${block.hash}")
} else {
logger.info(s"Synchronize block ${block.height} on empty ledger, hash = ${block.hash}")
val result = for {
_ <- sync(0 until block.height.int).toFutureOr
_ <- synchronize(block).toFutureOr
} yield ()
* 2. current ledger has blocks until N, given block height H:
* 2.1. if N+1 == H and its previous blockhash is N, it is added.
* 2.2. if N+1 == H and its previous blockhash isn't N, pick the expected block N from H and apply the whole process with it, then, apply H.
* 2.3. if H > N+1, sync everything until H.
* 2.4. if H <= N, if the hash already exists, it is ignored.
* 2.5. if H <= N, if the hash doesn't exists, remove blocks from N to H (included), then, add the new H.
private def onLatestBlock(ledgerBlock: Block, newBlock: rpc.Block): FutureApplicationResult[Unit] = {
if (ledgerBlock.height.int + 1 == newBlock.height.int &&
newBlock.previousBlockhash.contains(ledgerBlock.hash)) {
logger.info(s"Appending block ${newBlock.height}, hash = ${newBlock.hash}")
} else if (ledgerBlock.height.int + 1 == newBlock.height.int) {
logger.info(s"Reorganization to push block ${newBlock.height}, hash = ${newBlock.hash}")
val result = for {
blockhash <- newBlock.previousBlockhash.toFutureOr(BlockNotFoundError)
previousBlock <- xsnService.getBlock(blockhash).toFutureOr
_ <- synchronize(previousBlock).toFutureOr
_ <- synchronize(newBlock).toFutureOr
} yield ()
} else if (newBlock.height.int > ledgerBlock.height.int) {
logger.info(s"Filling holes to push block ${newBlock.height}, hash = ${newBlock.hash}")
val result = for {
_ <- sync(ledgerBlock.height.int + 1 until newBlock.height.int).toFutureOr
_ <- synchronize(newBlock).toFutureOr
} yield ()
} else {
val result = for {
expectedBlockMaybe <- blockDataHandler
_ = logger.info(s"Checking possible existing block ${newBlock.height}, hash = ${newBlock.hash}, exists = ${expectedBlockMaybe.isDefined}")
_ <- expectedBlockMaybe
.map { _ => Future.successful(Good(())) }
.getOrElse {
val x = for {
_ <- trimTo(newBlock.height).toFutureOr
_ <- synchronize(newBlock).toFutureOr
} yield ()
} yield ()
private def appendBlock(newBlock: rpc.Block): FutureApplicationResult[Unit] = {
val result = for {
data <- getBlockData(newBlock).toFutureOr
(blockWithTransactions, tposContracts) = data
_ <- ledgerDataHandler.push(blockWithTransactions, tposContracts).toFutureOr
} yield ()
* Sync the given range to our ledger.
private def sync(range: Range): FutureApplicationResult[Unit] = {
logger.info(s"Syncing block range = $range")
// TODO: check, it might be safer to use the nextBlockhash instead of the height
range.foldLeft[FutureApplicationResult[Unit]](Future.successful(Good(()))) { case (previous, height) =>
val result = for {
_ <- previous.toFutureOr
blockhash <- xsnService.getBlockhash(Height(height)).toFutureOr
block <- xsnService.getBlock(blockhash).toFutureOr
_ <- synchronize(block).toFutureOr
} yield ()
private def getBlockData(rpcBlock: rpc.Block): FutureApplicationResult[BlockData] = {
val result = for {
extractionMethod <- blockService.extractionMethod(rpcBlock).toFutureOr
data <- transactionCollectorService.collect(rpcBlock.transactions).toFutureOr
(transactions, contracts) = data
validContracts <- getValidContracts(contracts).toFutureOr
} yield {
val block = toPersistedBlock(rpcBlock, extractionMethod).withTransactions(transactions)
(block, validContracts)
private def getValidContracts(contracts: List[TPoSContract]): FutureApplicationResult[List[TPoSContract]] = {
val listF = contracts
.map { contract =>
.map { valid =>
if (valid) Some(contract)
else None
val futureList = Future.sequence(listF)
futureList.map { list =>
val x = list.flatMap {
case Good(a) => a.map(Good(_))
case Bad(e) => Some(Bad(e))
val initial: ApplicationResult[List[TPoSContract]] = Good(List.empty)
x.foldLeft(initial) { case (acc, cur) =>
cur match {
case Good(contract) => acc.map(contract :: _)
case Bad(e) => acc.badMap(prev => prev ++ e)
* Trim the ledger until the given block height, if the height is 4,
* the last stored block will be 3.
private def trimTo(height: Height): FutureApplicationResult[Unit] = {
val result = ledgerDataHandler
.flatMap { block =>
logger.info(s"Trimmed block ${block.height} from the ledger")
val result = if (block.height == height) {
} else {
object LedgerSynchronizerService {
type BlockData = (Block.HasTransactions, List[TPoSContract])