package controllers
import com.alexitc.playsonify.core.FutureApplicationResult
import com.alexitc.playsonify.play.PublicErrorRenderer
import com.xsn.explorer.errors.MasternodeNotFoundError
import com.xsn.explorer.helpers.DummyXSNService
import com.xsn.explorer.models.rpc.Masternode
import com.xsn.explorer.models.{Address, IPAddress, TransactionId}
import com.xsn.explorer.services.XSNService
import controllers.common.MyAPISpec
import org.scalactic.{Bad, Good}
import play.api.inject.bind
import play.api.libs.json.JsValue
import play.api.test.Helpers._
import scala.concurrent.Future
class MasternodesControllerSpec extends MyAPISpec {
val masternodes = List(
txid = TransactionId.from("c3efb8b60bda863a3a963d340901dc2b870e6ea51a34276a8f306d47ffb94f01").get,
ip = "",
protocol = "70208",
activeSeconds = 513323,
lastSeen = 1524349009,
payee = Address.from("XqdmM7rop8Sdgn8UjyNh3Povc3rhNSXYw2").get),
txid = TransactionId.from("b02f99d87194c9400ab147c070bf621770684906dedfbbe9ba5f3a35c26b8d01").get,
ip = "",
protocol = "70208",
status = "ENABLED",
activeSeconds = 777344,
lastSeen = 1524349028,
payee = Address.from("XdNDRAiMUC9KiVRzhCTg9w44jQRdCpCRe3").get)
val masternode = masternodes.last
val xsnService = new DummyXSNService {
override def getMasternodes(): FutureApplicationResult[List[Masternode]] = {
override def getMasternode(ipAddress: IPAddress): FutureApplicationResult[Masternode] = {
if (masternode.ip.startsWith(ipAddress.string)) {
} else {
override val application = guiceApplicationBuilder
"GET /masternodes" should {
"return the masternodes" in {
val expected = masternodes.head
val response = GET("/masternodes?offset=1&limit=10&orderBy=activeSeconds:desc")
status(response) mustEqual OK
val json = contentAsJson(response)
(json \ "total").as[Int] mustEqual 2
val jsonList = (json \ "data").as[List[JsValue]]
jsonList.size mustEqual 1
val item = jsonList.head
(item \ "txid").as[String] mustEqual expected.txid.string
(item \ "payee").as[String] mustEqual expected.payee.string
(item \ "ip").as[String] mustEqual expected.ip
(item \ "protocol").as[String] mustEqual expected.protocol
(item \ "lastSeen").as[Long] mustEqual expected.lastSeen
(item \ "activeSeconds").as[Long] mustEqual expected.activeSeconds
(item \ "status").as[String] mustEqual expected.status
"GET /masternodes/:ip" should {
"return the masternode" in {
val expected = masternode
val response = GET("/masternodes/")
status(response) mustEqual OK
val json = contentAsJson(response)
(json \ "activeSeconds").as[Long] mustEqual expected.activeSeconds
(json \ "ip").as[String] mustEqual expected.ip
(json \ "lastSeen").as[Long] mustEqual expected.lastSeen
(json \ "payee").as[String] mustEqual expected.payee.string
(json \ "protocol").as[String] mustEqual expected.protocol
(json \ "status").as[String] mustEqual expected.status
(json \ "txid").as[String] mustEqual expected.txid.string
"fail on masternode not found" in {
val response = GET("/masternodes/")
status(response) mustEqual NOT_FOUND
val json = contentAsJson(response)
val errorList = (json \ "errors").as[List[JsValue]]
errorList.size mustEqual 1
val error = errorList.head
(error \ "type").as[String] mustEqual PublicErrorRenderer.FieldValidationErrorType
(error \ "field").as[String] mustEqual "ip"
(error \ "message").as[String].nonEmpty mustEqual true
"fail on bad ip format" in {
val response = GET("/masternodes/")
status(response) mustEqual BAD_REQUEST
val json = contentAsJson(response)
val errorList = (json \ "errors").as[List[JsValue]]
errorList.size mustEqual 1
val error = errorList.head
(error \ "type").as[String] mustEqual PublicErrorRenderer.FieldValidationErrorType
(error \ "field").as[String] mustEqual "ip"
(error \ "message").as[String].nonEmpty mustEqual true