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115 lines
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115 lines
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7 years ago
import com.xsn.explorer.helpers.DataHelper
import com.xsn.explorer.models.Balance
import org.scalactic.Good
class BalancePostgresDataHandlerSpec extends PostgresDataHandlerSpec {
lazy val dataHandler = new BalancePostgresDataHandler(database, new BalancePostgresDAO)
"upsert" should {
"create an empty balance" in {
val address = DataHelper.createAddress("XxQ7j37LfuXgsLd5DZAwFKhT3s2ZMkW85F")
val balance = Balance(address)
val result = dataHandler.upsert(balance)
result mustEqual Good(balance)
"set the available amount" in {
val address = DataHelper.createAddress("Xbh5pJdBNm8J9PxnEmwVcuQKRmZZ7DkpcF")
val balance = Balance(address, received = BigDecimal(10), spent = BigDecimal(5))
val result = dataHandler.upsert(balance)
result mustEqual Good(balance)
database.withConnection { implicit conn =>
val available = _root_.anorm
.SQL(s"SELECT available FROM balances WHERE address = '${address.string}'")
available mustEqual balance.available
"update an existing balance" in {
val address = DataHelper.createAddress("XfAATXtkRgCdMTrj2fxHvLsKLLmqAjhEAt")
val initialBalance = Balance(address, received = BigDecimal(10), spent = BigDecimal(5))
val patch = Balance(address, received = BigDecimal(10), spent = BigDecimal(10))
val expected = combine(initialBalance, patch)
val result = dataHandler.upsert(patch)
result mustEqual Good(expected)
"allow to set received coins and then, spend them all" in {
pending // TODO: remove it when database checks are enabled
val address = DataHelper.createAddress("XjfNeGJhLgW3egmsZqdbpCNGfysPs7jTNm")
val initialBalance = Balance(address, received = BigDecimal(10))
val patch = Balance(address, spent = BigDecimal(10))
val expected = combine(initialBalance, patch)
dataHandler.upsert(initialBalance).isGood mustEqual true
val result = dataHandler.upsert(patch)
result mustEqual Good(expected)
"fail to set received as negative" in {
pending // TODO: remove it when database checks are enabled
val address = DataHelper.createAddress("XdhDFQBfk4E7GE3GVRe4X1bzxiyxRiN2kr")
val balance = Balance(address, received = BigDecimal(-1))
val result = dataHandler.upsert(balance)
result.isBad mustEqual true
"fail to set spent as negative" in {
pending // TODO: remove it when database checks are enabled
val address = DataHelper.createAddress("Xry2cCLNDMqLmENGW49vYJZPXHPgpqDZ8K")
val balance = Balance(address, spent = BigDecimal(-1))
val result = dataHandler.upsert(balance)
result.isBad mustEqual true
"fail to set spent > received" in {
pending // TODO: remove it when database checks are enabled
val address = DataHelper.createAddress("XmCEMpTo4r68N7hsmrYhNbfSqSVNJGb6qx")
val balance = Balance(address, received = BigDecimal(9), spent = BigDecimal(10))
val result = dataHandler.upsert(balance)
result.isBad mustEqual true
"fail to set go negative on received" in {
pending // TODO: remove it when database checks are enabled
val address = DataHelper.createAddress("XauduFtKWMNZaPxqruayxp3S1kj9rvDxjN")
val initialBalance = Balance(address, received = BigDecimal(10))
val patch = Balance(address, spent = BigDecimal(11))
val result = dataHandler.upsert(patch)
result.isBad mustEqual true
private def combine(balances: Balance*): Balance = {
balances.reduce { (a, b) =>
Balance(a.address, a.received + b.received, a.spent + b.spent)