Browse Source
This is a simplified version of the BlockEventProcessor, it handles the synchronization between the xsn and our ledger database, it also takes care of a lot of corner cases to keep the synchronization process flexible enough and linear.prometheus-integration
6 changed files with 516 additions and 0 deletions
@ -0,0 +1,181 @@ |
package |
import javax.inject.Inject |
import com.alexitc.playsonify.core.FutureApplicationResult |
import com.alexitc.playsonify.core.FutureOr.Implicits.{FutureListOps, FutureOps, OptionOps} |
import{BlockFutureDataHandler, LedgerFutureDataHandler} |
import com.xsn.explorer.errors.BlockNotFoundError |
import com.xsn.explorer.models.rpc.Block |
import com.xsn.explorer.models.{Blockhash, Height, Transaction} |
import com.xsn.explorer.util.Extensions.FutureOrExt |
import org.scalactic.Good |
import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory |
import scala.concurrent.{ExecutionContext, Future} |
class LedgerSynchronizerService @Inject() ( |
xsnService: XSNService, |
transactionService: TransactionService, |
ledgerDataHandler: LedgerFutureDataHandler, |
blockDataHandler: BlockFutureDataHandler)( |
implicit ec: ExecutionContext) { |
private val logger = LoggerFactory.getLogger(this.getClass) |
/** |
* Synchronize the given block with our ledger database. |
* |
* The synchronization involves a very complex logic in order to handle |
* several corner cases, be sure to not call this method concurrently |
* because the behavior is undefined. |
*/ |
def synchronize(blockhash: Blockhash): FutureApplicationResult[Unit] = { |
val result = for { |
block <- xsnService.getBlock(blockhash).toFutureOr |
transactions <- |
_ <- synchronize(block, transactions).toFutureOr |
} yield () |
result.toFuture |
} |
private def synchronize(block: Block, transactions: List[Transaction]): FutureApplicationResult[Unit] = { |
|"Synchronize block ${block.height}, hash = ${block.hash}") |
val result = for { |
latestBlockMaybe <- blockDataHandler |
.getLatestBlock() |
.toFutureOr |
.map(Option.apply) |
.recoverFrom(BlockNotFoundError)(None) |
_ <- latestBlockMaybe |
.map { latestBlock => onLatestBlock(latestBlock, block, transactions) } |
.getOrElse { onEmptyLedger(block, transactions) } |
.toFutureOr |
} yield () |
result.toFuture |
} |
/** |
* 1. current ledger is empty: |
* 1.1. the given block is the genensis block, it is added. |
* 1.2. the given block is not the genesis block, sync everything until the given block. |
*/ |
private def onEmptyLedger(block: Block, transactions: List[Transaction]): FutureApplicationResult[Unit] = { |
if ( == 0) { |
|"Synchronize genesis block on empty ledger, hash = ${block.hash}") |
ledgerDataHandler.push(block, transactions) |
} else { |
|"Synchronize block ${block.height} on empty ledger, hash = ${block.hash}") |
val result = for { |
_ <- sync(0 until |
_ <- synchronize(block, transactions).toFutureOr |
} yield () |
result.toFuture |
} |
} |
/** |
* 2. current ledger has blocks until N, given block height H: |
* 2.1. if N+1 == H and its previous blockhash is N, it is added. |
* 2.2. if N+1 == H and its previous blockhash isn't N, pick the expected block N from H and apply the whole process with it, then, apply H. |
* 2.3. if H > N+1, sync everything until H. |
* 2.4. if H <= N, if the hash already exists, it is ignored. |
* 2.5. if H <= N, if the hash doesn't exists, remove blocks from N to H (included), then, add the new H. |
*/ |
private def onLatestBlock(ledgerBlock: Block, newBlock: Block, newTransactions: List[Transaction]): FutureApplicationResult[Unit] = { |
if ( + 1 == && |
newBlock.previousBlockhash.contains(ledgerBlock.hash)) { |
|"Appending block ${newBlock.height}, hash = ${newBlock.hash}") |
ledgerDataHandler.push(newBlock, newTransactions) |
} else if ( + 1 == { |
|"Reorganization to push block ${newBlock.height}, hash = ${newBlock.hash}") |
val result = for { |
blockhash <- newBlock.previousBlockhash.toFutureOr(BlockNotFoundError) |
previousBlock <- xsnService.getBlock(blockhash).toFutureOr |
previousTransactions <- |
_ <- synchronize(previousBlock, previousTransactions).toFutureOr |
_ <- synchronize(newBlock, newTransactions).toFutureOr |
} yield () |
result.toFuture |
} else if ( > { |
|"Filling holes to push block ${newBlock.height}, hash = ${newBlock.hash}") |
val result = for { |
_ <- sync( + 1 until |
_ <- synchronize(newBlock, newTransactions).toFutureOr |
} yield () |
result.toFuture |
} else { |
val result = for { |
expectedBlockMaybe <- blockDataHandler |
.getBy(newBlock.hash) |
.toFutureOr |
.map(Option.apply) |
.recoverFrom(BlockNotFoundError)(None) |
_ ="Checking possible existing block ${newBlock.height}, hash = ${newBlock.hash}, exists = ${expectedBlockMaybe.isDefined}") |
_ <- expectedBlockMaybe |
.map { _ => Future.successful(Good(())) } |
.getOrElse { |
val x = for { |
_ <- trimTo(newBlock.height).toFutureOr |
_ <- synchronize(newBlock, newTransactions).toFutureOr |
} yield () |
x.toFuture |
} |
.toFutureOr |
} yield () |
result.toFuture |
} |
} |
/** |
* Sync the given range to our ledger. |
*/ |
private def sync(range: Range): FutureApplicationResult[Unit] = { |
|"Syncing block range = $range") |
// TODO: check, it might be safer to use the nextBlockhash instead of the height |
range.foldLeft[FutureApplicationResult[Unit]](Future.successful(Good(()))) { case (previous, height) => |
val result = for { |
_ <- previous.toFutureOr |
blockhash <- xsnService.getBlockhash(Height(height)).toFutureOr |
block <- xsnService.getBlock(blockhash).toFutureOr |
transactions <- |
_ <- synchronize(block, transactions).toFutureOr |
} yield () |
result.toFuture |
} |
} |
/** |
* Trim the ledger until the given block height, if the height is 4, |
* the last stored block will be 3. |
*/ |
private def trimTo(height: Height): FutureApplicationResult[Unit] = { |
val result = ledgerDataHandler |
.pop() |
.toFutureOr |
.flatMap { block => |
|"Trimmed block ${block.height} from the ledger") |
val result = if (block.height == height) { |
Future.successful(Good(())) |
} else { |
trimTo(height) |
} |
result.toFutureOr |
} |
result.toFuture |
} |
} |
@ -0,0 +1,258 @@ |
package |
import com.alexitc.playsonify.core.FutureApplicationResult |
import com.alexitc.playsonify.validators.PaginatedQueryValidator |
import{BalancePostgresDAO, BlockPostgresDAO, TransactionPostgresDAO} |
import |
import{BalancePostgresDataHandler, BlockPostgresDataHandler, LedgerPostgresDataHandler, TransactionPostgresDataHandler} |
import{BlockFutureDataHandler, LedgerFutureDataHandler, TransactionFutureDataHandler} |
import |
import com.xsn.explorer.errors.BlockNotFoundError |
import com.xsn.explorer.helpers._ |
import com.xsn.explorer.models.rpc.Block |
import com.xsn.explorer.models.{Blockhash, Height} |
import com.xsn.explorer.parsers.TransactionOrderingParser |
import org.scalactic.{Bad, Good, One, Or} |
import org.scalatest.BeforeAndAfter |
import org.scalatest.concurrent.ScalaFutures |
import scala.concurrent.Future |
class LedgerSynchronizerServiceSpec extends PostgresDataHandlerSpec with BeforeAndAfter with ScalaFutures { |
lazy val dataHandler = new LedgerPostgresDataHandler( |
database, |
new BlockPostgresDAO, |
new TransactionPostgresDAO(new FieldOrderingSQLInterpreter), |
new BalancePostgresDAO(new FieldOrderingSQLInterpreter)) |
lazy val transactionDataHandler = new TransactionPostgresDataHandler( |
database, |
new TransactionPostgresDAO(new FieldOrderingSQLInterpreter)) |
lazy val blockDataHandler = new BlockPostgresDataHandler(database, new BlockPostgresDAO) |
val blockList = List( |
BlockLoader.get("00000c822abdbb23e28f79a49d29b41429737c6c7e15df40d1b1f1b35907ae34"), |
BlockLoader.get("000003fb382f6892ae96594b81aa916a8923c70701de4e7054aac556c7271ef7"), |
BlockLoader.get("000004645e2717b556682e3c642a4c6e473bf25c653ff8e8c114a3006040ffb8"), |
BlockLoader.get("00000766115b26ecbc09cd3a3db6870fdaf2f049d65a910eb2f2b48b566ca7bd"), |
BlockLoader.get("00000b59875e80b0afc6c657bc5318d39e03532b7d97fb78a4c7bd55c4840c32"), |
BlockLoader.get("00000267225f7dba55d9a3493740e7f0dde0f28a371d2c3b42e7676b5728d020"), |
BlockLoader.get("0000017ee4121cd8ae22f7321041ccb953d53828824217a9dc61a1c857facf85") |
) |
val genesis = blockList(0) |
before { |
clearDatabase() |
} |
"synchronize" should { |
"add the genensis block to the empty ledger" in { |
val synchronizer = ledgerSynchronizerService(genesis) |
whenReady(synchronizer.synchronize(genesis.hash)) { result => |
result mustEqual Good(()) |
verifyLedger(genesis) |
} |
} |
"add the old missing blocks blocks while adding block N to the empty ledger" in { |
val block = blockList.last |
val synchronizer = ledgerSynchronizerService(blockList: _*) |
whenReady(synchronizer.synchronize(block.hash)) { result => |
result mustEqual Good(()) |
verifyLedger(blockList: _*) |
} |
} |
"append a block to the latest block" in { |
val synchronizer = ledgerSynchronizerService(blockList: _*) |
whenReady(synchronizer.synchronize(genesis.hash)) { _ mustEqual Good(()) } |
blockList.drop(1).foreach { block => |
whenReady(synchronizer.synchronize(block.hash)) { _ mustEqual Good(()) } |
} |
verifyLedger(blockList: _*) |
} |
"ignore a duplicated block" in { |
val synchronizer = ledgerSynchronizerService(blockList: _*) |
createBlocks(synchronizer, blockList: _*) |
val block = blockList(3) |
whenReady(synchronizer.synchronize(block.hash)) { _ mustEqual Good(()) } |
verifyLedger(blockList: _*) |
} |
"add the old missing blocks blocks while adding block N to a ledger with some blocks" in { |
val initialBlocks = blockList.take(3) |
val synchronizer = ledgerSynchronizerService(blockList: _*) |
createBlocks(synchronizer, initialBlocks: _*) |
val block = blockList.last |
whenReady(synchronizer.synchronize(block.hash)) { result => |
result mustEqual Good(()) |
verifyLedger(blockList: _*) |
} |
} |
"handle reorganization, ledger has 3 blocks, a rechain occurs from block 2 while adding new block 3" in { |
val block1 = blockList(1) |
val block2 = blockList(2) |
val block3 = blockList(3) |
val newBlock2 = blockList(4).copy(previousBlockhash = block2.previousBlockhash, height = block2.height) |
val newBlock3 = blockList(5).copy(previousBlockhash = Some(newBlock2.hash), height = Height(3)) |
val initialBlocks = List(genesis, block1, block2, block3) |
createBlocks(ledgerSynchronizerService(initialBlocks: _*), initialBlocks: _*) |
val finalBlocks = List( |
genesis, |
block1.copy(nextBlockhash = Some(newBlock2.hash)), |
newBlock2.copy(nextBlockhash = Some(newBlock3.hash)), |
newBlock3) |
val synchronizer = ledgerSynchronizerService(finalBlocks: _*) |
whenReady(synchronizer.synchronize(newBlock3.hash)) { result => |
result mustEqual Good(()) |
verifyLedger(finalBlocks: _*) |
} |
} |
"handle reorganization, ledger has 3 blocks, a rechain occurs from block 2 while adding new block 4" in { |
val block1 = blockList(1) |
val block2 = blockList(2) |
val block3 = blockList(3) |
val newBlock2 = blockList(4).copy(previousBlockhash = block2.previousBlockhash, height = block2.height) |
val newBlock3 = blockList(5).copy(previousBlockhash = Some(newBlock2.hash), height = Height(3)) |
val newBlock4 = blockList(6).copy(previousBlockhash = Some(newBlock3.hash), height = Height(4)) |
val initialBlocks = List(genesis, block1, block2, block3) |
createBlocks(ledgerSynchronizerService(initialBlocks: _*), initialBlocks: _*) |
val finalBlocks = List( |
genesis, |
block1.copy(nextBlockhash = Some(newBlock2.hash)), |
newBlock2.copy(nextBlockhash = Some(newBlock3.hash)), |
newBlock3.copy(nextBlockhash = Some(newBlock4.hash)), |
newBlock4) |
val synchronizer = ledgerSynchronizerService(finalBlocks: _*) |
whenReady(synchronizer.synchronize(newBlock4.hash)) { result => |
result mustEqual Good(()) |
verifyLedger(finalBlocks: _*) |
} |
} |
"handle reorganization, ledger has 6 blocks, a rechain occurs from block 2 while adding new block 2" in { |
val initialBlocks = blockList.take(6) |
createBlocks(ledgerSynchronizerService(initialBlocks: _*), initialBlocks: _*) |
val block1 = blockList(1) |
val newBlock2 = blockList.drop(6).head.copy(previousBlockhash = Some(block1.hash), height = Height(2)) |
val finalBlocks = List( |
genesis, |
block1.copy(nextBlockhash = Some(newBlock2.hash)), |
newBlock2 |
) |
val synchronizer = ledgerSynchronizerService(finalBlocks: _*) |
whenReady(synchronizer.synchronize(newBlock2.hash)) { result => |
result mustEqual Good(()) |
verifyLedger(finalBlocks: _*) |
} |
} |
"process a block without spent index on transactions" in { |
val block = BlockLoader.get("000001ff95f22b8d82db14a5c5e9f725e8239e548be43c668766e7ddaee81924") |
.copy(previousBlockhash = None, height = Height(0)) |
val synchronizer = ledgerSynchronizerService(block) |
whenReady(synchronizer.synchronize(block.hash)) { result => |
result.isGood mustEqual true |
val balanceDataHandler = new BalancePostgresDataHandler(database, new BalancePostgresDAO(new FieldOrderingSQLInterpreter)) |
val balance = balanceDataHandler.getBy(DataHelper.createAddress("XdJnCKYNwzCz8ATv8Eu75gonaHyfr9qXg9")) |
balance.get.spent mustEqual BigDecimal("76500000.000000000000000") |
} |
} |
} |
private def verifyLedger(blocks: Block*) = { |
countBlocks() mustEqual blocks.size |
blocks.foreach { block => |
val dbBlock = blockDataHandler.getBy(block.hash).get |
dbBlock.height mustEqual block.height |
dbBlock.previousBlockhash mustEqual block.previousBlockhash |
if (block == blocks.last) { |
dbBlock.nextBlockhash.isEmpty mustEqual true |
} else { |
dbBlock.nextBlockhash mustEqual block.nextBlockhash |
} |
} |
} |
private def countBlocks() = { |
database.withConnection { implicit conn => |
_root_.anorm.SQL("""SELECT COUNT(*) FROM blocks""").as(_root_.anorm.SqlParser.scalar[Int].single) |
} |
} |
private def createBlocks(synchronizer: LedgerSynchronizerService, blocks: Block*) = { |
blocks |
.foreach { block => |
whenReady(synchronizer.synchronize(block.hash)) { result => |
result.isGood mustEqual true |
} |
} |
} |
private def ledgerSynchronizerService(blocks: Block*): LedgerSynchronizerService = { |
val xsnService = new FileBasedXSNService { |
override def getBlock(blockhash: Blockhash): FutureApplicationResult[Block] = { |
blocks |
.find(_.hash == blockhash) |
.map { block => Future.successful(Good(XSNService.cleanGenesisBlock(block))) } |
.getOrElse { |
Future.successful(Bad(BlockNotFoundError).accumulating) |
} |
} |
override def getLatestBlock(): FutureApplicationResult[Block] = { |
val block = XSNService.cleanGenesisBlock(blocks.maxBy( |
Future.successful(Good(block)) |
} |
override def getBlockhash(height: Height): FutureApplicationResult[Blockhash] = { |
val maybe = blocks.find(_.height == height).map(_.hash) |
val result = Or.from(maybe, One(BlockNotFoundError)) |
Future.successful(result) |
} |
} |
ledgerSynchronizerService(xsnService) |
} |
private def ledgerSynchronizerService(xsnService: XSNService): LedgerSynchronizerService = { |
val transactionService = new TransactionService( |
new PaginatedQueryValidator, |
new TransactionOrderingParser, |
xsnService, |
new TransactionFutureDataHandler(transactionDataHandler)(Executors.databaseEC)) |
new LedgerSynchronizerService( |
xsnService, |
transactionService, |
new LedgerFutureDataHandler(dataHandler)(Executors.databaseEC), |
new BlockFutureDataHandler(blockDataHandler)(Executors.databaseEC)) |
} |
} |
@ -0,0 +1,19 @@ |
{ |
"hash": "0000017ee4121cd8ae22f7321041ccb953d53828824217a9dc61a1c857facf85", |
"confirmations": 163684, |
"size": 179, |
"height": 6, |
"version": 536870912, |
"merkleroot": "c2c232be75be9dc0d761737173e8c3a22289d7302ac15e7924fab62f743fd6cb", |
"tx": [ |
"c2c232be75be9dc0d761737173e8c3a22289d7302ac15e7924fab62f743fd6cb" |
], |
"time": 1520276361, |
"mediantime": 1520276303, |
"nonce": 3562, |
"bits": "1e0ffff0", |
"difficulty": 0.000244140625, |
"chainwork": "0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000700070", |
"previousblockhash": "00000267225f7dba55d9a3493740e7f0dde0f28a371d2c3b42e7676b5728d020", |
"nextblockhash": "000009b8e692cda20b4d3347a95aa9ad1aa9fba3f242e3ba2ff11929a73e3914" |
} |
@ -0,0 +1,34 @@ |
{ |
"hex": "01000000010000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000ffffffff03560101ffffffff010000000000000000232103e8c52f2c5155771492907095753a43ce776e1fa7c5e769a67a9f3db4467ec029ac00000000", |
"txid": "c2c232be75be9dc0d761737173e8c3a22289d7302ac15e7924fab62f743fd6cb", |
"size": 98, |
"version": 1, |
"locktime": 0, |
"vin": [ |
{ |
"coinbase": "560101", |
"sequence": 4294967295 |
} |
], |
"vout": [ |
{ |
"value": 0, |
"valueSat": 0, |
"n": 0, |
"scriptPubKey": { |
"asm": "03e8c52f2c5155771492907095753a43ce776e1fa7c5e769a67a9f3db4467ec029 OP_CHECKSIG", |
"hex": "2103e8c52f2c5155771492907095753a43ce776e1fa7c5e769a67a9f3db4467ec029ac", |
"reqSigs": 1, |
"type": "pubkey", |
"addresses": [ |
"XdJnCKYNwzCz8ATv8Eu75gonaHyfr9qXg9" |
] |
} |
} |
], |
"blockhash": "0000017ee4121cd8ae22f7321041ccb953d53828824217a9dc61a1c857facf85", |
"height": 6, |
"confirmations": 163685, |
"time": 1520276361, |
"blocktime": 1520276361 |
} |
Reference in new issue