Browse Source
The SQS seeder and the Poller seeder are removed, they weren't adapted to the linear synchronization process and they are not required anymore. Also, all related classes and dependencies that where used by these tasks were removed too.prometheus-integration
Alexis Hernandez
7 years ago
19 changed files with 1 additions and 1202 deletions
@ -1,23 +0,0 @@ |
package com.xsn.explorer.config |
import javax.inject.Inject |
import play.api.Configuration |
trait SeederConfig { |
def queueUrl: String |
def isEnabled: Boolean |
} |
class PlaySeederConfig @Inject() (configuration: Configuration) extends SeederConfig { |
override def queueUrl: String = { |
configuration.get[String]("seeder.queueUrl") |
} |
override def isEnabled: Boolean = { |
configuration.get[Boolean]("seeder.enabled") |
} |
} |
@ -1,34 +0,0 @@ |
package |
import com.alexitc.playsonify.core.ApplicationResult |
import com.xsn.explorer.models.Transaction |
import com.xsn.explorer.models.rpc.Block |
import scala.language.higherKinds |
trait DatabaseSeeder[F[_]] { |
import DatabaseSeeder._ |
/** |
* The database has some blocks, we are adding a new a block. |
*/ |
def newBlock(command: CreateBlockCommand): F[Unit] |
/** |
* The database has some blocks but there is a rechain happening, we need to |
* replace our current latest block with the new latest block. |
*/ |
def replaceBlock(command: ReplaceBlockCommand): F[Unit] |
} |
object DatabaseSeeder { |
case class CreateBlockCommand(block: Block, transactions: List[Transaction]) |
case class ReplaceBlockCommand( |
orphanBlock: Block, |
newBlock: Block, newTransactions: List[Transaction]) |
} |
trait DatabaseBlockingSeeder extends DatabaseSeeder[ApplicationResult] |
@ -1,144 +0,0 @@ |
package |
import java.sql.Connection |
import javax.inject.Inject |
import com.alexitc.playsonify.core.ApplicationResult |
import |
import |
import{BalancePostgresDAO, BlockPostgresDAO, TransactionPostgresDAO} |
import com.xsn.explorer.models.rpc.Block |
import com.xsn.explorer.models.{Address, Balance, Transaction} |
import com.xsn.explorer.util.Extensions.ListOptionExt |
import org.scalactic.Good |
import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory |
import play.api.db.Database |
class DatabasePostgresSeeder @Inject() ( |
override val database: Database, |
blockPostgresDAO: BlockPostgresDAO, |
transactionPostgresDAO: TransactionPostgresDAO, |
balancePostgresDAO: BalancePostgresDAO) |
extends DatabaseBlockingSeeder |
with AnormPostgresDataHandler { |
private val logger = LoggerFactory.getLogger(this.getClass) |
override def newBlock(command: CreateBlockCommand): ApplicationResult[Unit] = withTransaction { implicit conn => |
val result = for { |
_ <- upsertBlockCascade(command) |
} yield () |
result |
.map(Good(_)) |
.getOrElse(throw new RuntimeException("Unable to add the new block")) |
} |
override def replaceBlock(command: ReplaceBlockCommand): ApplicationResult[Unit] = withTransaction { implicit conn => |
val createCommand = CreateBlockCommand(command.newBlock, command.newTransactions) |
val result = for { |
_ <- deleteBlockCascade(command.orphanBlock) |
_ <- upsertBlockCascade(createCommand) |
} yield () |
result |
.map(Good(_)) |
.getOrElse(throw new RuntimeException("Unable to replace latest block")) |
} |
private def upsertBlockCascade(command: CreateBlockCommand)(implicit conn: Connection): Option[Unit] = { |
val result = for { |
// block |
_ <- deleteBlockCascade(command.block) |
.orElse(Some(())) |
_ <- blockPostgresDAO.insert(command.block) |
// transactions |
_ <- => transactionPostgresDAO.upsert(tx)).everything |
// balances |
_ <- balances(command.transactions) |
.map { b => balancePostgresDAO.upsert(b) } |
.toList |
.everything |
} yield () |
// link previous block (if possible) |
command.block.previousBlockhash.foreach { previousBlockhash => |
blockPostgresDAO |
.setNextBlockhash(previousBlockhash, command.block.hash) |
} |
// link next block (if possible) |
command.block.nextBlockhash.foreach { nextBlockhash => |
blockPostgresDAO |
.setPreviousBlockhash(nextBlockhash, command.block.hash) |
} |
result |
} |
private def deleteBlockCascade(block: Block)(implicit conn: Connection): Option[Unit] = { |
// transactions |
val deletedTransactions = transactionPostgresDAO.deleteBy(block.hash) |
for { |
// block |
_ <- blockPostgresDAO.delete(block.hash) |
// balances |
_ <- balances(deletedTransactions) |
.map { b => b.copy(spent = -b.spent, received = -b.received) } |
.map { b => balancePostgresDAO.upsert(b) } |
.toList |
.everything |
} yield () |
} |
private def spendMap(transactions: List[Transaction]): Map[Address, BigDecimal] = { |
transactions |
.map(_.inputs) |
.flatMap { inputs => |
inputs.flatMap { input => |
for { |
address <- input.address |
value <- input.value |
} yield address -> value |
} |
} |
.groupBy(_._1) |
.mapValues { list => } |
} |
private def receiveMap(transactions: List[Transaction]): Map[Address, BigDecimal] = { |
transactions |
.map(_.outputs) |
.flatMap { outputs => |
|||| { output => |
output.address -> output.value |
} |
} |
.groupBy(_._1) |
.mapValues { list => } |
} |
private def balances(transactions: List[Transaction]) = { |
val spentList = spendMap(transactions).map { case (address, spent) => |
Balance(address, spent = spent) |
} |
val receiveList = receiveMap(transactions).map { case (address, received) => |
Balance(address, received = received) |
} |
(spentList ++ receiveList) |
.groupBy(_.address) |
.mapValues { _.reduce(mergeBalances) } |
.values |
} |
def mergeBalances(a: Balance, b: Balance): Balance = { |
Balance(a.address, spent = a.spent + b.spent, received = a.received + b.received) |
} |
} |
@ -1,23 +0,0 @@ |
package |
import javax.inject.Inject |
import com.alexitc.playsonify.core.FutureApplicationResult |
import{DatabaseBlockingSeeder, DatabaseSeeder} |
import com.xsn.explorer.executors.DatabaseExecutionContext |
import scala.concurrent.Future |
class DatabaseFutureSeeder @Inject() ( |
blockingSeeder: DatabaseBlockingSeeder)( |
implicit ec: DatabaseExecutionContext) |
extends DatabaseSeeder[FutureApplicationResult] { |
override def newBlock(command: DatabaseSeeder.CreateBlockCommand): FutureApplicationResult[Unit] = Future { |
blockingSeeder.newBlock(command) |
} |
override def replaceBlock(command: DatabaseSeeder.ReplaceBlockCommand): FutureApplicationResult[Unit] = Future { |
blockingSeeder.replaceBlock(command) |
} |
} |
@ -1,20 +0,0 @@ |
package com.xsn.explorer.modules |
import javax.inject.Singleton |
import{AmazonSQSAsync, AmazonSQSAsyncClientBuilder} |
import{AbstractModule, Provides} |
class AmazonSQSAsyncModule extends AbstractModule { |
override def configure(): Unit = { |
} |
@Provides |
@Singleton |
def createSQSClient: AmazonSQSAsync = { |
AmazonSQSAsyncClientBuilder |
.standard() |
.build() |
} |
} |
@ -1,6 +0,0 @@ |
package com.xsn.explorer.modules |
import com.xsn.explorer.tasks.PollingSeederTask |
import play.api.inject.{SimpleModule, bind} |
class PollingSeederModule extends SimpleModule(bind[PollingSeederTask].toSelf.eagerly()) |
@ -1,6 +0,0 @@ |
package com.xsn.explorer.modules |
import com.xsn.explorer.tasks.SQSSeederTask |
import play.api.inject.{SimpleModule, _} |
class SeederModule extends SimpleModule(bind[SQSSeederTask].toSelf.eagerly()) |
@ -1,175 +0,0 @@ |
package com.xsn.explorer.processors |
import javax.inject.Inject |
import com.alexitc.playsonify.core.FutureApplicationResult |
import com.alexitc.playsonify.core.FutureOr.Implicits.{FutureListOps, FutureOps} |
import |
import{BlockFutureDataHandler, DatabaseFutureSeeder} |
import com.xsn.explorer.errors._ |
import com.xsn.explorer.models.rpc.Block |
import com.xsn.explorer.models.{Blockhash, Transaction} |
import{TransactionService, XSNService} |
import org.scalactic.{Bad, Good, One} |
import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory |
import |
import scala.concurrent.Future |
/** |
* Process events related to blocks coming from the RPC server. |
*/ |
class BlockEventsProcessor @Inject() ( |
xsnService: XSNService, |
transactionService: TransactionService, |
databaseSeeder: DatabaseFutureSeeder, |
blockDataHandler: BlockFutureDataHandler, |
blockOps: BlockOps) { |
import BlockEventsProcessor._ |
private val logger = LoggerFactory.getLogger(this.getClass) |
/** |
* There is a possible new block in the blockchain, we need to sync our database. |
* |
* The following scenarios are handled for the new block: |
* |
* 0. The block is already present, we ignore it. |
* |
* x. The block can not be fully retrieved from the rpc server, we ignore it. |
* |
* x. The first block in the database (not exactly the first block in the chain), we just add it. |
* - Example: current blocks = empty, new block = A, new blocks = A |
* |
* x. A new block on our database having a link to our latest block in the database: |
* - The new block is added. |
* - The next block from our latest block is set to the next block. |
* - Example: current blocks = A -> B, new block = C, new blocks = A -> B -> C |
* |
* 2. It is the previous block from our latest block (rechain). |
* - current blocks = A -> B -> C, new latest block = B, new blocks = A -> B |
* |
* 3. None of previous cases, it is a block that might be missing in our chain. |
* |
* @param blockhash the blockhash to process |
*/ |
def processBlock(blockhash: Blockhash): FutureApplicationResult[Result] = { |
val result = for { |
block <- xsnService.getBlock(blockhash).toFutureOr |
transactions <- |
r <- processBlock(block, transactions).toFutureOr |
} yield r |
|||| { |
case Good(r) => Good(r) |
case Bad(One(BlockNotFoundError)) => Good(MissingBlockIgnored) |
case Bad(One(TransactionNotFoundError)) => Good(MissingBlockIgnored) |
case Bad(errors) => Bad(errors) |
} |
} |
private def processBlock(newBlock: Block, newTransactions: List[Transaction]): FutureApplicationResult[Result] = { |
def onRechain(orphanBlock: Block): FutureApplicationResult[Result] = { |
val command = DatabaseSeeder.ReplaceBlockCommand( |
orphanBlock = orphanBlock, |
newBlock = newBlock, |
newTransactions = newTransactions) |
val result = for { |
_ <- databaseSeeder.replaceBlock(command).toFutureOr |
} yield RechainDone(orphanBlock, newBlock) |
result.toFuture |
} |
def onFirstBlock: FutureApplicationResult[Result] = { |
||||"first block = ${newBlock.hash.string}") |
val command = DatabaseSeeder.CreateBlockCommand(newBlock, newTransactions) |
databaseSeeder.newBlock(command) |
.toFutureOr |
.map(_ => FirstBlockCreated(newBlock)) |
.toFuture |
} |
def onNewBlock(latestBlock: Block): FutureApplicationResult[Result] = { |
||||"existing latest block = ${latestBlock.hash.string} -> new latest block = ${newBlock.hash.string}") |
val command = DatabaseSeeder.CreateBlockCommand(newBlock, newTransactions) |
databaseSeeder |
.newBlock(command) |
.toFutureOr |
.map(_ => NewBlockAppended(newBlock)) |
.toFuture |
} |
def onMissingBlock(): FutureApplicationResult[Result] = { |
blockDataHandler |
.getBy(newBlock.hash) |
.flatMap { |
case Good(_) => |
||||"The block ${newBlock.hash.string} is not missing but duplicated, ignoring") |
Future.successful { Good(ExistingBlockIgnored(newBlock)) } |
case Bad(One(BlockNotFoundError)) => |
blockOps |
.createBlock(newBlock, newTransactions) |
.map { |
case Good(BlockOps.Result.BlockCreated) => Good(MissingBlockProcessed(newBlock)) |
case Good(BlockOps.Result.BlockReplacedByHeight) => Good(ReplacedByBlockHeight(newBlock)) |
case Bad(errors) => Bad(errors) |
} |
case Bad(errors) => |
Future.successful(Bad(errors)) |
} |
} |
val result = for { |
latestBlockMaybe <- blockDataHandler |
.getLatestBlock() |
.map { |
case Good(block) => Good(Some(block)) |
case Bad(One(BlockNotFoundError)) => Good(None) |
case Bad(errors) => Bad(errors) |
} |
.toFutureOr |
r <- latestBlockMaybe |
.map { latestBlock => |
if (newBlock.hash == latestBlock.hash) { |
// duplicated msg |
||||"ignoring duplicated latest block = ${newBlock.hash.string}") |
Future.successful(Good(ExistingBlockIgnored(newBlock))) |
} else if (newBlock.previousBlockhash.contains(latestBlock.hash)) { |
// latest block -> new block |
onNewBlock(latestBlock) |
} else if (latestBlock.previousBlockhash.contains(newBlock.hash)) { |
||||"rechain, orphan block = ${latestBlock.hash.string}, new latest block = ${newBlock.hash.string}") |
onRechain(latestBlock) |
} else { |
||||"Adding possible missing block = ${newBlock.hash.string}") |
onMissingBlock() |
} |
} |
.getOrElse(onFirstBlock) |
.toFutureOr |
} yield r |
result.toFuture |
} |
} |
object BlockEventsProcessor { |
sealed trait Result |
case class FirstBlockCreated(block: Block) extends Result |
case class MissingBlockProcessed(block: Block) extends Result |
case class ExistingBlockIgnored(block: Block) extends Result |
case class NewBlockAppended(block: Block) extends Result |
case class RechainDone(orphanBlock: Block, newBlock: Block) extends Result |
case object MissingBlockIgnored extends Result |
case class ReplacedByBlockHeight(newBlock: Block) extends Result |
} |
@ -1,65 +0,0 @@ |
package com.xsn.explorer.processors |
import javax.inject.Inject |
import com.alexitc.playsonify.core.FutureApplicationResult |
import com.alexitc.playsonify.core.FutureOr.Implicits.FutureOps |
import |
import{BlockFutureDataHandler, DatabaseFutureSeeder} |
import com.xsn.explorer.errors.PostgresForeignKeyViolationError |
import com.xsn.explorer.models.Transaction |
import com.xsn.explorer.models.rpc.Block |
import org.scalactic.{Bad, Good, One} |
import scala.concurrent.{ExecutionContext, Future} |
/** |
* BlockOps is contains useful operations used for seeding the database, while these methods might be adequate to be on |
* the [[]] class, they were added here to avoid growing that service, |
* in any case, these methods are used by the seeding process. |
*/ |
class BlockOps @Inject() ( |
databaseSeeder: DatabaseFutureSeeder, |
blockDataHandler: BlockFutureDataHandler)( |
implicit val ec: ExecutionContext) { |
import BlockOps._ |
/** |
* Creates a new block and in case of a conflict due to repeated height, the old block is replaced. |
*/ |
def createBlock(block: Block, transactions: List[Transaction]): FutureApplicationResult[Result] = { |
val command = DatabaseSeeder.CreateBlockCommand(block, transactions) |
databaseSeeder |
.newBlock(command) |
.flatMap { |
case Good(_) => Future.successful(Good(Result.BlockCreated)) |
case Bad(One(PostgresForeignKeyViolationError("height", _))) => onRepeatedBlockHeight(block, transactions) |
case Bad(errors) => Future.successful(Bad(errors)) |
} |
} |
private def onRepeatedBlockHeight(newBlock: Block, newTransactions: List[Transaction]): FutureApplicationResult[Result] = { |
val result = for { |
orphanBlock <- blockDataHandler.getBy(newBlock.height).toFutureOr |
replaceCommand = DatabaseSeeder.ReplaceBlockCommand( |
orphanBlock = orphanBlock, |
newBlock = newBlock, |
newTransactions = newTransactions) |
_ <- databaseSeeder.replaceBlock(replaceCommand).toFutureOr |
} yield Result.BlockReplacedByHeight |
result.toFuture |
} |
} |
object BlockOps { |
sealed trait Result |
object Result { |
case object BlockCreated extends Result |
case object BlockReplacedByHeight extends Result |
} |
} |
@ -1,137 +0,0 @@ |
package com.xsn.explorer.tasks |
import javax.inject.{Inject, Singleton} |
import com.alexitc.playsonify.core.FutureApplicationResult |
import com.alexitc.playsonify.core.FutureOr.Implicits.{FutureListOps, FutureOps, OrOps} |
import |
import com.xsn.explorer.errors.BlockNotFoundError |
import com.xsn.explorer.models.rpc.Block |
import com.xsn.explorer.models.{Blockhash, Height} |
import com.xsn.explorer.processors.BlockOps |
import{TransactionService, XSNService} |
import org.scalactic.{Bad, Good, One, Or} |
import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory |
import |
import scala.concurrent.Future |
import scala.util.control.NonFatal |
/** |
* As the database sync process is slow, it's useful to fill it using a fast server and then, release to the |
* production server, in this case might have a database updated until block N while the SQS messages started |
* at N + X, leaving X missing blocks, this task, syncs the database from block N + X to block N. |
*/ |
@Singleton |
class BackwardsSynchronizerTask @Inject() ( |
xsnService: XSNService, |
transactionService: TransactionService, |
blockDataHandler: BlockFutureDataHandler, |
blockOps: BlockOps) { |
private val logger = LoggerFactory.getLogger(this.getClass) |
private val lock = new Object |
/** |
* TODO: Until is fixed, ignore the genesis block. |
*/ |
private val FirstBlockHeight = Height(1) |
private var running = false |
/** |
* |
* @param block a block that is stored in our database |
*/ |
def sync(block: Block): Unit = { |
if (running) { |
() |
} else { |
lock.synchronized { |
if (running) { |
() |
} else { |
running = true |
tryToSync(block).onComplete { _ => |
running = false |
} |
} |
} |
} |
} |
private def tryToSync(block: Block) = { |
val futureOr = for { |
previous <- Or.from(block.previousBlockhash, One(BlockNotFoundError)).toFutureOr |
_ <- { |
if (block.height == FirstBlockHeight) { |
// no sync required |
Future.successful(Good(())) |
} else { |
// sync |
||||"Sync might be required from block ${}") |
val r = doSync(previous) |
r.foreach { |
case Good(_) => |
||||"Sync completed") |
case _ => () |
} |
r |
} |
}.toFutureOr |
} yield () |
val result = futureOr.toFuture |
result.foreach { |
case Bad(errors) => |
logger.error(s"Failed to sync blocks, errors = $errors") |
case _ => () |
} |
result.recover { |
case NonFatal(ex) => |
logger.error(s"Failed to sync blocks", ex) |
} |
result |
} |
private def checkAndSync(blockhash: Blockhash): FutureApplicationResult[Unit] = { |
blockDataHandler.getBy(blockhash).flatMap { |
case Bad(One(BlockNotFoundError)) => doSync(blockhash) |
case Bad(errors) => Future.successful(Bad(errors)) |
case Good(_) => |
logger.debug("No more blocks to sync") |
Future.successful(Good(())) |
} |
} |
private def doSync(blockhash: Blockhash): FutureApplicationResult[Unit] = { |
val result = for { |
block <- xsnService.getBlock(blockhash).toFutureOr |
transactions <- |
_ <- blockOps.createBlock(block, transactions).toFutureOr |
_ = logger.debug(s"Block ${} saved") |
_ <- block |
.previousBlockhash |
.filter(_ => > |
.map { previous => |
checkAndSync(previous) |
} |
.getOrElse { |
logger.debug(s"No more blocks to sync") |
Future.successful(Good(())) |
} |
.toFutureOr |
} yield () |
result.toFuture |
} |
} |
@ -1,64 +0,0 @@ |
package com.xsn.explorer.tasks |
import javax.inject.Inject |
import |
import com.alexitc.playsonify.core.FutureOr.Implicits.FutureOps |
import com.xsn.explorer.processors.BlockEventsProcessor |
import |
import org.scalactic.Bad |
import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory |
import scala.concurrent.ExecutionContext |
import scala.concurrent.duration.DurationInt |
import scala.util.control.NonFatal |
class PollingSeederTask @Inject() ( |
actorSystem: ActorSystem, |
xsnService: XSNService, |
blockEventsProcessor: BlockEventsProcessor, |
backwardsSynchronizerTask: BackwardsSynchronizerTask)( |
implicit ec: ExecutionContext) { |
private val logger = LoggerFactory.getLogger(this.getClass) |
start() |
def start() = { |
||||"Starting polling seeder task") |
actorSystem.scheduler.schedule(initialDelay = 15.seconds, interval = 1.minute)(run) |
} |
private def run(): Unit = { |
val result = for { |
block <- xsnService.getLatestBlock().toFutureOr |
result <- blockEventsProcessor.processBlock(block.hash).toFutureOr |
} yield onBlockResult(result) |
val _ = result |
.toFuture |
.map { |
case Bad(errors) => logger.error(s"Failed to sync latest block, errors = $errors") |
case _ => () |
} |
.recover { |
case NonFatal(ex) => logger.error("Failed to sync latest block", ex) |
} |
} |
private def onBlockResult(eventResult: BlockEventsProcessor.Result) = eventResult match { |
case BlockEventsProcessor.FirstBlockCreated(block) => |
backwardsSynchronizerTask.sync(block) |
case BlockEventsProcessor.RechainDone(_, newBlock) => |
backwardsSynchronizerTask.sync(newBlock) |
case BlockEventsProcessor.MissingBlockProcessed(block) => |
backwardsSynchronizerTask.sync(block) |
case BlockEventsProcessor.ReplacedByBlockHeight(newBlock) => |
backwardsSynchronizerTask.sync(newBlock) |
case _ => () |
} |
} |
@ -1,112 +0,0 @@ |
package com.xsn.explorer.tasks |
import javax.inject.{Inject, Singleton} |
import |
import |
import |
import |
import |
import |
import com.xsn.explorer.config.SeederConfig |
import com.xsn.explorer.models.Blockhash |
import com.xsn.explorer.processors.BlockEventsProcessor |
import org.scalactic.{Bad, Good} |
import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory |
import |
import scala.util.control.NonFatal |
import scala.util.{Failure, Success} |
@Singleton |
class SQSSeederTask @Inject() ( |
config: SeederConfig, |
blockEventsProcessor: BlockEventsProcessor, |
backwardsSynchronizerTask: BackwardsSynchronizerTask)( |
implicit sqs: AmazonSQSAsync, |
materializer: Materializer) { |
private val logger = LoggerFactory.getLogger(this.getClass) |
private val settings = SqsSourceSettings.Defaults.copy(maxBatchSize = 1, maxBufferSize = 1) |
if (config.isEnabled) { |
run() |
} else { |
||||"Seeder is disabled") |
} |
def run(): Unit = { |
||||"Starting seeder") |
def f(): Unit = { |
SqsSource(config.queueUrl, settings) |
.runWith(Sink.foreach(handleMessage)) |
.onComplete { |
case Failure(ex) => |
logger.error("Failed to stream SQS messages, restarting seeder", ex) |
f() |
case Success(_) => |
||||"SQS stream completed") |
} |
} |
f() |
} |
private def handleMessage(message: Message): Unit = { |
def onBlockhash(blockhash: Blockhash) = { |
val result = blockEventsProcessor.processBlock(blockhash) |
result.recover { |
case NonFatal(ex) => |
logger.error(s"Failed to process the latest block = ${blockhash.string}", ex) |
} |
result.foreach { |
case Bad(errors) => |
logger.error(s"Failed to process the latest block = ${blockhash.string}, errors = $errors") |
case Good(_) => |
||||"Block processed successfully = ${blockhash.string}") |
sqs.deleteMessageAsync(config.queueUrl, message.getReceiptHandle) |
} |
result.foreach { |
case Good(eventResult) => onBlockResult(eventResult) |
case _ => () |
} |
} |
val body = message.getBody |
Blockhash |
.from(body) |
.orElse { |
logger.warn(s"Ignoring invalid message: $body") |
sqs.deleteMessageAsync(config.queueUrl, message.getReceiptHandle) |
None |
} |
.foreach(onBlockhash) |
} |
private def onBlockResult(eventResult: BlockEventsProcessor.Result) = eventResult match { |
case BlockEventsProcessor.FirstBlockCreated(block) => |
backwardsSynchronizerTask.sync(block) |
case BlockEventsProcessor.NewBlockAppended(_) => () |
case BlockEventsProcessor.RechainDone(_, newBlock) => |
backwardsSynchronizerTask.sync(newBlock) |
case BlockEventsProcessor.MissingBlockProcessed(block) => |
backwardsSynchronizerTask.sync(block) |
case BlockEventsProcessor.ExistingBlockIgnored(block) => |
backwardsSynchronizerTask.sync(block) |
case BlockEventsProcessor.MissingBlockIgnored => () |
case BlockEventsProcessor.ReplacedByBlockHeight(newBlock) => |
backwardsSynchronizerTask.sync(newBlock) |
} |
} |
@ -1,326 +0,0 @@ |
package com.xsn.explorer.processors |
import com.alexitc.playsonify.core.FutureApplicationResult |
import com.alexitc.playsonify.models._ |
import com.alexitc.playsonify.validators.PaginatedQueryValidator |
import |
import{BalancePostgresDAO, BlockPostgresDAO, StatisticsPostgresDAO, TransactionPostgresDAO} |
import |
import{BlockFutureDataHandler, DatabaseFutureSeeder, TransactionFutureDataHandler} |
import |
import com.xsn.explorer.errors.{BlockNotFoundError, TransactionNotFoundError} |
import com.xsn.explorer.helpers.{BlockLoader, Executors, FileBasedXSNService} |
import com.xsn.explorer.models.fields.BalanceField |
import com.xsn.explorer.models.rpc.{Block, Transaction} |
import com.xsn.explorer.models.{Blockhash, TransactionId} |
import com.xsn.explorer.parsers.TransactionOrderingParser |
import com.xsn.explorer.processors.BlockEventsProcessor._ |
import{TransactionService, XSNService} |
import org.scalactic.{Bad, Good} |
import org.scalatest.BeforeAndAfter |
import org.scalatest.concurrent.ScalaFutures |
import scala.concurrent.Future |
class BlockEventsProcessorSpec extends PostgresDataHandlerSpec with ScalaFutures with BeforeAndAfter { |
lazy val dataHandler = new BlockPostgresDataHandler(database, new BlockPostgresDAO) |
lazy val transactionDataHandler = new TransactionPostgresDataHandler( |
database, |
new TransactionPostgresDAO(new FieldOrderingSQLInterpreter)) |
lazy val xsnService = new FileBasedXSNService |
lazy val processor = blockEventsProcessor(xsnService) |
val blockList = List( |
BlockLoader.get("00000c822abdbb23e28f79a49d29b41429737c6c7e15df40d1b1f1b35907ae34"), |
BlockLoader.get("000003fb382f6892ae96594b81aa916a8923c70701de4e7054aac556c7271ef7"), |
BlockLoader.get("000004645e2717b556682e3c642a4c6e473bf25c653ff8e8c114a3006040ffb8"), |
BlockLoader.get("00000766115b26ecbc09cd3a3db6870fdaf2f049d65a910eb2f2b48b566ca7bd") |
) |
before { |
clearDatabase() |
} |
"newLatestBlock" should { |
"process genesis block" in { |
val block = blockList.head |
whenReady(processor.processBlock(block.hash)) { result => |
result mustEqual Good(FirstBlockCreated(block)) |
} |
} |
"process a new block" in { |
val block0 = blockList(0) |
val block1 = blockList(1) |
val block2 = blockList(2) |
createBlocks(processor, block0, block1) |
whenReady(processor.processBlock(block2.hash)) { result => |
result mustEqual Good(NewBlockAppended(block2)) |
val blocks = List(block0, block1, block2) |
verifyBlockchain(blocks) |
} |
} |
"process a rechain" in { |
val block0 = blockList(0) |
val block1 = blockList(1) |
val block2 = blockList(2) |
createBlocks(processor, block0, block1, block2) |
whenReady(processor.processBlock(block1.hash)) { |
case Good(RechainDone(orphanBlock, newBlock)) => |
orphanBlock.hash mustEqual block2.hash |
newBlock.hash mustEqual block1.hash |
val blocks = List(block0, block1) |
verifyBlockchain(blocks) |
case e => fail() |
} |
} |
"process a repeated block without affecting the balances" in { |
val block0 = blockList(0) |
val block1 = blockList(1) |
val block2 = blockList(2) |
createBlocks(processor, block0, block1, block2) |
val statsDataHandler = new StatisticsPostgresDataHandler(database, new StatisticsPostgresDAO) |
val expectedStats = statsDataHandler.getStatistics().get |
whenReady(processor.processBlock(block0.hash)) { result => |
result.isGood mustEqual true |
val blocks = List(block0, block1, block2) |
verifyBlockchain(blocks) |
val stats = statsDataHandler.getStatistics().get |
stats.totalSupply mustEqual expectedStats.totalSupply |
stats.circulatingSupply mustEqual expectedStats.circulatingSupply |
} |
} |
"process a block without spent index on transactions" in { |
val block = BlockLoader.get("000001ff95f22b8d82db14a5c5e9f725e8239e548be43c668766e7ddaee81924") |
.copy(previousBlockhash = None) |
val processor = blockEventsProcessor(block) |
whenReady(processor.processBlock(block.hash)) { result => |
result.isGood mustEqual true |
val balanceDataHandler = new BalancePostgresDataHandler(database, new BalancePostgresDAO(new FieldOrderingSQLInterpreter)) |
val balance = balanceDataHandler.get( |
PaginatedQuery(Offset(0), Limit(100)), |
FieldOrdering(BalanceField.Available, OrderingCondition.DescendingOrder)) |
.get |
.data |
.find(_.address.string == "XdJnCKYNwzCz8ATv8Eu75gonaHyfr9qXg9") |
.get |
balance.spent mustEqual BigDecimal("76500000.000000000000000") |
} |
} |
"process a rechain without corrupting the balances table" in { |
val block0 = blockList(0) |
val block1 = blockList(1) |
val block2 = blockList(2) |
createBlocks(processor, block0, block1, block2) |
whenReady(processor.processBlock(block1.hash)) { result => |
result.isGood mustEqual true |
val blocks = List(block0, block1) |
verifyBlockchain(blocks) |
val balanceDataHandler = new BalancePostgresDataHandler(database, new BalancePostgresDAO(new FieldOrderingSQLInterpreter)) |
val balances = balanceDataHandler.get( |
PaginatedQuery(Offset(0), Limit(100)), |
FieldOrdering(BalanceField.Available, OrderingCondition.DescendingOrder)) |
.get |
.data |
val balance = balances |
.find(_.address.string == "XdJnCKYNwzCz8ATv8Eu75gonaHyfr9qXg9") |
.get |
balance.received mustEqual BigDecimal(0) |
balance.spent mustEqual BigDecimal(0) |
} |
} |
"ignore orphan block on rare rechain events when the rpc server doesn't have the block anymore" in { |
// see |
val block0 = blockList(0) |
val block1 = blockList(1) |
val block2 = blockList(2) |
val block3 = blockList(3) |
val xsnService = new FileBasedXSNService { |
override def getBlock(blockhash: Blockhash): FutureApplicationResult[Block] = { |
if (blockhash == block3.hash) { |
Future.successful(Bad(BlockNotFoundError).accumulating) |
} else { |
super.getBlock(blockhash) |
} |
} |
} |
val processor = blockEventsProcessor(xsn = xsnService) |
createBlocks(processor, block0, block1, block2) |
/** |
* When processing the latest block, a rechain event has occurred in the rpc server which leads to |
* a case that we can't retrieve the block information, the block should be ignored. |
*/ |
whenReady(processor.processBlock(block3.hash)) { result => |
result mustEqual Good(MissingBlockIgnored) |
val blocks = List(block0, block1, block2) |
verifyBlockchain(blocks) |
} |
} |
"ignore orphan block on rare rechain events when the rpc server doesn't have the a transaction from the block anymore" in { |
// see |
val block0 = blockList(0) |
val block1 = blockList(1) |
val block2 = blockList(2) |
val block3 = blockList(3) |
val xsnService = new FileBasedXSNService { |
override def getTransaction(txid: TransactionId): FutureApplicationResult[Transaction] = { |
if (txid == block3.transactions.last) { |
Future.successful(Bad(TransactionNotFoundError).accumulating) |
} else { |
super.getTransaction(txid) |
} |
} |
} |
val processor = blockEventsProcessor(xsn = xsnService) |
createBlocks(processor, block0, block1, block2) |
/** |
* When processing the latest block, a rechain event has occurred in the rpc server which leads to |
* a case that we can't retrieve a specific transaction, the block should be ignored. |
*/ |
whenReady(processor.processBlock(block3.hash)) { result => |
result mustEqual Good(MissingBlockIgnored) |
val blocks = List(block0, block1, block2) |
verifyBlockchain(blocks) |
} |
} |
"remove orphan block on rare rechain events when the block height already exists" in { |
// see |
val block0 = blockList(0) |
val block1 = blockList(1) |
val block2 = blockList(2) |
val block3 = blockList(3) |
.copy(height = block2.height) |
.copy(previousBlockhash = block2.previousBlockhash) |
val processor = blockEventsProcessor(block3) |
createBlocks(processor, block0, block1, block2) |
whenReady(processor.processBlock(block3.hash)) { result => |
result mustEqual Good(ReplacedByBlockHeight(block3)) |
val blocks = List(block0, block1.copy(nextBlockhash = Some(block3.hash)), block3) |
verifyBlockchain(blocks) |
// ensure block2 has been removed |
dataHandler.getBy(block2.hash) mustEqual Bad(BlockNotFoundError).accumulating |
} |
} |
"keep the correct previous_blockhash on rare events" in { |
// see |
val block0 = blockList(0) |
val block1 = blockList(1) |
val block2 = blockList(2) |
val block3 = blockList(3) |
val rareBlock3 = block3.copy(previousBlockhash = block2.previousBlockhash) |
val processor = blockEventsProcessor(rareBlock3) |
createBlocks(processor, block0, block1, rareBlock3) |
whenReady(processor.processBlock(block2.hash)) { result => |
result mustEqual Good(MissingBlockProcessed(block2)) |
val blocks = List(block0, block1, block2, block3) |
verifyBlockchain(blocks) |
} |
} |
} |
private def verifyBlockchain(blocks: List[Block]) = { |
countBlocks() mustEqual blocks.size |
blocks.foreach { block => |
val dbBlock = dataHandler.getBy(block.hash).get |
dbBlock.previousBlockhash mustEqual block.previousBlockhash |
dbBlock.nextBlockhash mustEqual block.nextBlockhash |
} |
} |
private def countBlocks() = { |
database.withConnection { implicit conn => |
_root_.anorm.SQL("""SELECT COUNT(*) FROM blocks""").as(_root_.anorm.SqlParser.scalar[Int].single) |
} |
} |
private def createBlocks(processor: BlockEventsProcessor, blocks: Block*) = { |
blocks |
.map(_.hash) |
.foreach { block => |
whenReady(processor.processBlock(block)) { result => |
result.isGood mustEqual true |
} |
} |
} |
private def blockEventsProcessor(blocks: Block*): BlockEventsProcessor = { |
val xsn = new FileBasedXSNService { |
override def getBlock(blockhash: Blockhash): FutureApplicationResult[Block] = { |
blocks |
.find(_.hash == blockhash) |
.map { block => Future.successful(Good(block)) } |
.getOrElse(super.getBlock(blockhash)) |
} |
} |
blockEventsProcessor(xsn) |
} |
private def blockEventsProcessor(xsn: XSNService): BlockEventsProcessor = { |
val dataSeeder = new DatabasePostgresSeeder( |
database, |
new BlockPostgresDAO, |
new TransactionPostgresDAO(new FieldOrderingSQLInterpreter), |
new BalancePostgresDAO(new FieldOrderingSQLInterpreter)) |
val blockOps = new BlockOps( |
new DatabaseFutureSeeder(dataSeeder)(Executors.databaseEC), |
new BlockFutureDataHandler(dataHandler)(Executors.databaseEC)) |
val transactionService = new TransactionService( |
new PaginatedQueryValidator, |
new TransactionOrderingParser, |
xsn, |
new TransactionFutureDataHandler(transactionDataHandler)(Executors.databaseEC))(Executors.globalEC) |
new BlockEventsProcessor( |
xsn, |
transactionService, |
new DatabaseFutureSeeder(dataSeeder)(Executors.databaseEC), |
new BlockFutureDataHandler(dataHandler)(Executors.databaseEC), |
blockOps) |
} |
} |
@ -1,51 +0,0 @@ |
package com.xsn.explorer.processors |
import{BalancePostgresDAO, BlockPostgresDAO, TransactionPostgresDAO} |
import |
import{BlockPostgresDataHandler, DatabasePostgresSeeder} |
import{BlockFutureDataHandler, DatabaseFutureSeeder} |
import |
import com.xsn.explorer.helpers.{BlockLoader, Executors, FileBasedXSNService} |
import org.scalactic.Good |
import org.scalatest.BeforeAndAfter |
import org.scalatest.concurrent.ScalaFutures |
class BlockOpsSpec extends PostgresDataHandlerSpec with ScalaFutures with BeforeAndAfter { |
before { |
clearDatabase() |
} |
lazy val dataHandler = new BlockPostgresDataHandler(database, new BlockPostgresDAO) |
lazy val dataSeeder = new DatabasePostgresSeeder( |
database, |
new BlockPostgresDAO, |
new TransactionPostgresDAO(new FieldOrderingSQLInterpreter), |
new BalancePostgresDAO(new FieldOrderingSQLInterpreter)) |
lazy val xsnService = new FileBasedXSNService |
lazy val blockOps = new BlockOps( |
new DatabaseFutureSeeder(dataSeeder)(Executors.databaseEC), |
new BlockFutureDataHandler(dataHandler)(Executors.databaseEC)) |
val block1 = BlockLoader.get("000003fb382f6892ae96594b81aa916a8923c70701de4e7054aac556c7271ef7") |
val block2 = BlockLoader.get("000004645e2717b556682e3c642a4c6e473bf25c653ff8e8c114a3006040ffb8") |
"createBlock" should { |
"create a new block" in { |
whenReady(blockOps.createBlock(block1.copy(previousBlockhash = None), List.empty)) { result => |
result mustEqual Good(BlockOps.Result.BlockCreated) |
} |
} |
"replace a block if the height already exist" in { |
whenReady(blockOps.createBlock(block1.copy(previousBlockhash = None), List.empty)) { _.isGood mustEqual true } |
whenReady(blockOps.createBlock(block2.copy(height = block1.height, previousBlockhash = None), List.empty)) { result => |
result mustEqual Good(BlockOps.Result.BlockReplacedByHeight) |
} |
} |
} |
} |
Reference in new issue