@ -1,28 +1,194 @@ |
package com.xsn.explorer.services |
import com.alexitc.playsonify.core.FutureApplicationResult |
import com.xsn.explorer.data.TransactionBlockingDataHandler |
import com.xsn.explorer.data.async.TransactionFutureDataHandler |
import com.xsn.explorer.errors.TransactionNotFoundError |
import com.xsn.explorer.helpers.{DataGenerator, DummyXSNService, Executors} |
import com.xsn.explorer.models._ |
import com.xsn.explorer.models.rpc.{ScriptPubKey, Transaction, TransactionVIN} |
import com.xsn.explorer.models.values._ |
import org.scalactic.{Bad, Good, One} |
import org.scalatest.EitherValues._ |
import org.scalatest.MustMatchers._ |
import org.scalatest.WordSpec |
import org.scalatest.concurrent.ScalaFutures._ |
import scala.concurrent.Future |
class TransactionCollectorServiceSpec extends WordSpec { |
lazy val service: TransactionCollectorService = ??? |
import Executors.globalEC |
def create( |
xsnService: XSNService, |
transactionDataHandler: TransactionBlockingDataHandler): TransactionCollectorService = { |
val futureDataHandler = new TransactionFutureDataHandler(transactionDataHandler)(Executors.databaseEC) |
new TransactionCollectorService(xsnService, futureDataHandler) |
} |
"getRPCTransactionVINWithValues" should { |
val txid = DataGenerator.randomTransactionId |
val outputIndex = 1 |
val vin = rpc.TransactionVIN.Raw(txid, outputIndex) |
val address = DataGenerator.randomAddress |
"return the values" in { |
pending |
val expected = vin.withValues(100, address) |
val xsnService = new DummyXSNService { |
override def getTransaction(txid: TransactionId): FutureApplicationResult[Transaction[TransactionVIN]] = { |
val output = rpc.TransactionVOUT(100, outputIndex, Some(createScript(address))) |
val tx = createTransaction(txid, List(output)) |
Future.successful(Good(tx)) |
} |
} |
val service = create(xsnService, null) |
whenReady(service.getRPCTransactionVINWithValues(vin)) { result => |
result.toEither.right.value must be(expected) |
} |
} |
"fail when the transaction doesn't have the referenced output" in { |
pending |
val xsnService = new DummyXSNService { |
override def getTransaction(txid: TransactionId): FutureApplicationResult[Transaction[TransactionVIN]] = { |
val output = rpc.TransactionVOUT(100, 1 + outputIndex, Some(createScript(address))) |
val tx = createTransaction(txid, List(output)) |
Future.successful(Good(tx)) |
} |
} |
val service = create(xsnService, null) |
whenReady(service.getRPCTransactionVINWithValues(vin)) { result => |
result.toEither.left.value must be(One(TransactionNotFoundError)) |
} |
} |
"fail when the transaction doesn't exists" in { |
pending |
val xsnService = new DummyXSNService { |
override def getTransaction(txid: TransactionId): FutureApplicationResult[Transaction[TransactionVIN]] = { |
Future.successful(Bad(TransactionNotFoundError).accumulating) |
} |
} |
val service = create(xsnService, null) |
whenReady(service.getRPCTransactionVINWithValues(vin)) { result => |
result.toEither.left.value must be(One(TransactionNotFoundError)) |
} |
} |
} |
"completeRPCTransactionsSequentially" should { |
"do nothing on empty list" in { |
val service = create(null, null) |
whenReady(service.completeRPCTransactionsSequentially(List.empty)) { result => |
result.toEither.right.value must be(empty) |
} |
} |
"do nothing when all transactions are loaded" in { |
val input = for (_ <- 1 to 10) yield { |
val txid = DataGenerator.randomTransactionId |
val tx = createTransaction(txid, List.empty) |
txid -> Good(tx) |
} |
val service = create(null, null) |
whenReady(service.completeRPCTransactionsSequentially(input.toList)) { result => |
result.toEither.right.value must be(input.flatMap(_._2.toOption)) |
} |
} |
"fail when a single tx can't be completed" in { |
val completed = for (_ <- 1 to 10) yield { |
val txid = DataGenerator.randomTransactionId |
val tx = createTransaction(txid, List.empty) |
txid -> Good(tx) |
} |
val pending = DataGenerator.randomTransactionId -> Bad(TransactionNotFoundError).accumulating |
val input = (completed.take(5).toList ::: pending :: completed.drop(5).toList).reverse |
val xsnService = new DummyXSNService { |
override def getTransaction(txid: TransactionId): FutureApplicationResult[Transaction[TransactionVIN]] = { |
Future.successful(Bad(TransactionNotFoundError).accumulating) |
} |
} |
val service = create(xsnService, null) |
whenReady(service.completeRPCTransactionsSequentially(input)) { result => |
result.toEither.left.value must be(One(TransactionNotFoundError)) |
} |
} |
"complete the missing transactions" in { |
val completed = for (_ <- 1 to 10) yield { |
val txid = DataGenerator.randomTransactionId |
val tx = createTransaction(txid, List.empty) |
txid -> Good(tx) |
} |
val firstHalf = completed.take(5).toList |
val secondHalf = completed.drop(5).toList |
val pending1 = DataGenerator.randomTransactionId -> Bad(TransactionNotFoundError).accumulating |
val pending1Tx = createTransaction(pending1._1, List.empty) |
val pending2 = DataGenerator.randomTransactionId -> Bad(TransactionNotFoundError).accumulating |
val pending2Tx = createTransaction(pending2._1, List.empty) |
val input = firstHalf ::: List(pending1) ::: secondHalf ::: List(pending2) |
val xsnService = new DummyXSNService { |
override def getTransaction(txid: TransactionId): FutureApplicationResult[Transaction[TransactionVIN]] = { |
if (txid == pending1._1) { |
Future.successful(Good(pending1Tx)) |
} else if (txid == pending2._1) { |
Future.successful(Good(pending2Tx)) |
} else { |
Future.successful(Bad(TransactionNotFoundError).accumulating) |
} |
} |
} |
val service = create(xsnService, null) |
whenReady(service.completeRPCTransactionsSequentially(input)) { result => |
val expected = firstHalf.flatMap(_._2.toOption) ::: List(pending1Tx) ::: secondHalf.flatMap(_._2.toOption) ::: List(pending2Tx) |
result.toEither.right.value must be(expected) |
} |
} |
} |
"getRPCTransactions" should { |
"work" in { |
pending |
"fallback to retrieving transactions sequentally" in { |
val tx = createTransaction(DataGenerator.randomTransactionId, List.empty) |
val pending = createTransaction(DataGenerator.randomTransactionId, List.empty) |
val xsnService: XSNService = new DummyXSNService { |
var ready = Set.empty[TransactionId] |
override def getTransaction(txid: TransactionId): FutureApplicationResult[Transaction[TransactionVIN]] = { |
if (txid == tx.id) { |
Future.successful(Good(tx)) |
} else if (txid == pending.id) { |
if (ready contains txid) { |
Future.successful(Good(pending)) |
} else { |
ready = ready + txid |
Future.successful(Bad(TransactionNotFoundError).accumulating) |
} |
} else { |
Future.successful(Bad(TransactionNotFoundError).accumulating) |
} |
} |
} |
val input = List(tx.id, pending.id) |
val service = create(xsnService, null) |
whenReady(service.getRPCTransactions(input)) { result => |
val expected = List(tx, pending) |
result.toEither.right.value must be(expected) |
} |
} |
} |
@ -32,7 +198,7 @@ class TransactionCollectorServiceSpec extends WordSpec { |
} |
} |
"getRPCTransactionsWithValues" should { |
"completeValues" should { |
"work" in { |
pending |
} |
@ -43,4 +209,21 @@ class TransactionCollectorServiceSpec extends WordSpec { |
pending |
} |
} |
def createScript(address: Address) = { |
ScriptPubKey("nulldata", "", HexString.from("00").get, List(address)) |
} |
def createTransaction(txid: TransactionId, outputs: List[rpc.TransactionVOUT]) = { |
rpc.Transaction( |
id = txid, |
size = Size(100), |
blockhash = DataGenerator.randomBlockhash, |
time = 0L, |
blocktime = 0L, |
confirmations = Confirmations(0), |
vin = List.empty[rpc.TransactionVIN], |
vout = outputs |
) |
} |
} |