8 changed files with 205 additions and 0 deletions
@ -0,0 +1,9 @@ |
# Deployment |
This folder contains all the required scripts to deploy the projects. |
These scripts were tested with ansible 2.6.4, higher versions should work too, it might not work with smaller versions. |
## xsnd |
Execute the following command to deploy the application to a test server: |
- `ansible-playbook -i test-hosts.ini --ask-become-pass --vault-password-file .vault xsnd.yml` |
@ -0,0 +1,13 @@ |
30393735346666366537626363646562353633393564306431656130303833616366623930393235 |
3239336437316235373561396664663334373963326632350a366632633935323432323233353333 |
66356433613636393130666637663062386565303561303531653231393265663262343532376537 |
3030333163396534620a393962306261376539643265346138626334316532396664306263623763 |
64626338396565363433383134326264386630393632656465323566636664313134393535633839 |
38363832646366376633333562623034393034306266343037383839376435613165626330616530 |
34663630313139383436316535386134333163353131633630666235343766333661363839666230 |
63646138653866666234646161333662306361393437336161376436613432653234383535346266 |
64663738383665393562633562616137643962613033323137643234653063303663656638633062 |
37646163663436653030663831633031336164656662393833366133303163613163346539306362 |
39343731623038623163323339343134663833613565343733386663383839306362386339333165 |
65623139313335323662 |
@ -0,0 +1,16 @@ |
--- |
galaxy_info: |
author: Malk’Zameth |
description: Java8 from Oracle, using the webupd8 ppa |
license: GPLv3 |
min_ansible_version: 1.9 |
platforms: |
- name: Ubuntu |
versions: |
- saucy |
- trusty |
categories: |
- development |
- system |
dependencies: [] |
@ -0,0 +1,28 @@ |
# based on https://github.com/malk/ansible-java8-oracle |
- name: Install add-apt-repostory |
become: yes |
apt: |
name: software-properties-common |
state: latest |
- name: Add Oracle Java Repository |
become: yes |
apt_repository: |
repo: ppa:webupd8team/java |
state: present |
- name: Accept Java 8 License |
become: yes |
debconf: |
name: 'oracle-java8-installer' |
question: 'shared/accepted-oracle-license-v1-1' |
value: 'true' |
vtype: 'select' |
- name: Install Oracle Java 8 |
become: yes |
apt: name={{item}} state=latest |
with_items: |
- oracle-java8-installer |
- ca-certificates |
- oracle-java8-set-default |
@ -0,0 +1,10 @@ |
- name: Ensure python2 is present (required by ubuntu 16.04) |
become: yes |
raw: apt-get -y install python-simplejson |
- name: Install unzip tool |
become: yes |
apt: |
name: unzip |
state: latest |
@ -0,0 +1,15 @@ |
[Unit] |
Description=XSN RPC Server |
[Service] |
Type=simple |
WorkingDirectory=/home/xsn/ |
StandardOutput=tty |
StandardError=tty |
User=xsn |
ExecStart=/home/xsn/app/xsnd |
Restart=on-failure |
[Install] |
WantedBy=multi-user.target |
@ -0,0 +1,8 @@ |
[server] |
test-server |
[xsnd] |
test-server |
[postgres] |
test-server |
@ -0,0 +1,106 @@ |
--- |
- hosts: xsnd |
gather_facts: no |
roles: |
- ubuntu-16-04 |
vars: |
- xsn_user: xsn |
- xsn_group: xsn |
- xsn_home: /home/xsn |
- xsn_config_dir: /home/xsn/.xsncore |
- xsn_download_url: https://github.com/X9Developers/XSN/releases/download/v1.0.17/xsn-1.0.17-x86_64-linux-gnu.tar.gz |
- xsn_download_dest: /home/dummy/xsn.tar.gz |
- xsn_download_checksum: sha1:550e5b2e8f2d19a88915c167e333c732ecfef542 |
- xsn_unarchive_dest: /home/xsn/app |
tasks: |
- name: Create the xsn group |
become: yes |
group: |
name={{ xsn_group }} |
state=present |
- name: Create the xsn user |
become: yes |
user: |
name={{ xsn_user }} |
group={{ xsn_group }} |
state=present |
system=yes |
- name: Create the app directory |
become: yes |
file: |
path={{ xsn_home }}/app |
state=directory |
owner={{ xsn_user }} |
group={{ xsn_group }} |
- name: Create the config directory |
become: yes |
file: |
path={{ xsn_config_dir }} |
state=directory |
owner={{ xsn_user }} |
group={{ xsn_group }} |
- name: Download the xsnd |
get_url: |
url={{ xsn_download_url }} |
dest={{ xsn_download_dest }} |
checksum={{ xsn_download_checksum }} |
- name: Unpack the application |
become: yes |
unarchive: |
remote_src=yes |
src={{ xsn_download_dest }} |
dest={{ xsn_unarchive_dest }} |
owner={{ xsn_user }} |
group={{ xsn_group }} |
- name: Move the application to the right folder |
become: yes |
command: mv {{ xsn_unarchive_dest }}/xsn-1.0.17/bin/xsnd {{ xsn_unarchive_dest }} |
- name: Set the application config |
become: yes |
copy: |
src=config/xsn.conf |
dest={{ xsn_config_dir }}/xsn.conf |
owner={{ xsn_user }} |
group={{ xsn_group }} |
- name: Set the application files permissions |
become: yes |
file: |
dest={{ xsn_home }} |
owner={{ xsn_user }} |
group={{ xsn_group }} |
recurse=yes |
- name: Add the systemd service |
become: yes |
copy: |
src: systemd-services/xsn-rpc.service |
dest: /etc/systemd/system/ |
owner: root |
group: root |
- name: Pick up systemd changes |
become: yes |
systemd: |
daemon_reload: yes |
- name: Restart the application |
become: yes |
systemd: |
name: xsn-rpc |
state: restarted |
- name: Enable the application to run on system startup |
become: yes |
systemd: |
name: xsn-rpc |
enabled: yes |
Reference in new issue