@ -3,23 +3,23 @@ package com.xsn.explorer.services |
import com.xsn.explorer.config.{ExplorerConfig, RPCConfig} |
import com.xsn.explorer.errors._ |
import com.xsn.explorer.helpers.{BlockLoader, DataHelper, Executors, TransactionLoader} |
import com.xsn.explorer.models._ |
import com.xsn.explorer.models.rpc.Masternode |
import com.xsn.explorer.models.values._ |
import org.mockito.ArgumentMatchers._ |
import org.mockito.Mockito._ |
import org.mockito.Mockito.{mock => _, _} |
import org.scalactic.{Bad, Good} |
import org.scalatest.MustMatchers._ |
import org.scalatest.WordSpec |
import org.scalatest.concurrent.PatienceConfiguration.Timeout |
import org.scalatest.concurrent.ScalaFutures |
import org.scalatest.mockito.MockitoSugar |
import org.scalatest.concurrent.ScalaFutures._ |
import org.scalatest.mockito.MockitoSugar._ |
import org.scalatest.time.{Seconds, Span} |
import org.scalatest.{MustMatchers, OptionValues, WordSpec} |
import play.api.libs.json.{JsNull, JsString, JsValue, Json} |
import play.api.libs.ws.{WSClient, WSRequest, WSResponse} |
import scala.concurrent.Future |
class XSNServiceRPCImplSpec extends WordSpec with MustMatchers with ScalaFutures with MockitoSugar with OptionValues { |
class XSNServiceRPCImplSpec extends WordSpec { |
import DataHelper._ |
@ -601,11 +601,39 @@ class XSNServiceRPCImplSpec extends WordSpec with MustMatchers with ScalaFutures |
} |
} |
"isTPoSContract" should { |
"return true when the contract is valid" in { |
val txid = createTransactionId("b02f99d87194c9400ab147c070bf621770684906dedfbbe9ba5f3a35c26b8d01") |
val content = "Contract is valid" |
val responseBody = createRPCSuccessfulResponse(JsString(content)) |
val json = Json.parse(responseBody) |
mockRequest(request, response)(200, json) |
whenReady(service.isTPoSContract(txid)) { result => |
result mustEqual Good(true) |
} |
} |
"return false when the contract is not valid" in { |
val txid = createTransactionId("b02f99d87194c9400ab147c070bf621770684906dedfbbe9ba5f3a35c26b8d01") |
val content = "Contract invalid, error: Signature invalid" |
val responseBody = createRPCSuccessfulResponse(JsString(content)) |
val json = Json.parse(responseBody) |
mockRequest(request, response)(200, json) |
whenReady(service.isTPoSContract(txid)) { result => |
result mustEqual Good(false) |
} |
} |
} |
private def mockRequest(request: WSRequest, response: WSResponse)(status: Int, body: JsValue) = { |
when(response.status).thenReturn(status) |
when(response.json).thenReturn(body) |
when(response.body).thenReturn(body.toString()) |
when(request.post[String](anyString())(any())).thenReturn(Future.successful(response)) |
when(request.post[AnyRef](any())(any())).thenReturn(Future.successful(response)) |
} |
private def mockRequestString(request: WSRequest, response: WSResponse)(status: Int, body: String) = { |