# Deploy the rpc server (xsnd) The following steps are for setting up the rpc server that runs on system startup. ## Requisites - set up aws, see [aws-setup.md](/infra/misc/setup-aws.md) ## Set up a new user - create the user: `sudo adduser --system rpc` - switch to the new user: `sudo su -s /bin/bash - rpc` - create the folder for xsn data: `mkdir /home/rpc/.xsncore` - set the xsn config (see [xsn.conf](/infra/misc/xsn.conf)): `vim /home/rpc/.xsncore/xsn.conf` ## Install the rpc server (use the new user) - switch to the new user: `sudo su -s /bin/bash - rpc` - download the client (ensure it is the latest version): `wget https://github.com/X9Developers/XSN/releases/download/v1.0.9/xsncore-1.0.9-linux64.tar.gz -O xsn.tar.gz` - unpack the file: `tar -zxvf xsn.tar.gz` - create a folder for the executables: `mkdir /home/rpc/xsn` - move the executables: `mv xsncore-1.0.9/bin/xsn* xsn/` ## Add the systemd service (as super user) - create the service file (see [xsn-rpc.service](/infra/systemd-services/xsn-rpc.service)): `sudo cp xsn-rpc.service /etc/systemd/system/xsn-rpc.service` - reload services: `sudo systemctl daemon-reload` - check that the service is recognized: `sudo service xsn-rpc status` - start the service: `sudo service xsn-rpc start` - verify it is working: `sudo service xsn-rpc status` - run the service on system startup: `sudo systemctl enable xsn-rpc` ## Test the rpc service - switch to the new user: `sudo su -s /bin/bash - rpc` - test the service: `./xsn/xsn-cli getinfo`