package import com.alexitc.playsonify.core.FutureOr.Implicits.{FutureListOps, FutureOps, OrOps} import com.alexitc.playsonify.core.{FutureApplicationResult, FutureOr} import com.xsn.explorer.errors.{InvalidRawTransactionError, TransactionFormatError, TransactionNotFoundError, XSNWorkQueueDepthExceeded} import com.xsn.explorer.models.persisted.Transaction import com.xsn.explorer.models.rpc.TransactionVIN import com.xsn.explorer.models.{HexString, TransactionDetails, TransactionId, TransactionValue} import com.xsn.explorer.util.Extensions.FutureOrExt import javax.inject.Inject import org.scalactic.{Bad, Good, One, Or} import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory import play.api.libs.json.{JsObject, JsString, JsValue} import scala.concurrent.{ExecutionContext, Future} import scala.util.control.NonFatal class TransactionRPCService @Inject() ( xsnService: XSNService)( implicit ec: ExecutionContext) { private val logger = LoggerFactory.getLogger(this.getClass) def getRawTransaction(txidString: String): FutureApplicationResult[JsValue] = { val result = for { txid <- { val maybe = TransactionId.from(txidString) Or.from(maybe, One(TransactionFormatError)).toFutureOr } transaction <- xsnService.getRawTransaction(txid).toFutureOr } yield transaction result.toFuture } def getTransactionDetails(txidString: String): FutureApplicationResult[TransactionDetails] = { val result = for { txid <- { val maybe = TransactionId.from(txidString) Or.from(maybe, One(TransactionFormatError)).toFutureOr } transaction <- xsnService.getTransaction(txid).toFutureOr input <- transaction .vin .map(getTransactionValue) .toFutureOr } yield TransactionDetails.from(transaction, input) result.toFuture } def getTransaction(txid: TransactionId): FutureApplicationResult[Transaction] = { val result = for { tx <- xsnService.getTransaction(txid).toFutureOr transactionVIN <- getTransactionVIN( rpcTransaction = tx.copy(vin = transactionVIN) } yield Transaction.fromRPC(rpcTransaction) result.toFuture } private def getTransactionVIN(list: List[TransactionVIN]): FutureApplicationResult[List[TransactionVIN]] = { def getVIN(vin: TransactionVIN) = { getTransactionValue(vin) .map { case Good(transactionValue) => val newVIN = vin.copy(address = Some(transactionValue.address), value = Some(transactionValue.value)) Good(newVIN) case Bad(e) => Bad(e) } } def loadVINSequentially(pending: List[TransactionVIN]): FutureOr[List[TransactionVIN]] = pending match { case x :: xs => for { tx <- getVIN(x).toFutureOr next <- loadVINSequentially(xs) } yield tx :: next case _ => Future.successful(Good(List.empty)).toFutureOr } list .map(getVIN) .toFutureOr .toFuture .recoverWith { case NonFatal(ex) => logger.warn(s"Failed to load VIN, trying sequentially, error = ${ex.getMessage}") loadVINSequentially(list).toFuture } } def getTransactions(ids: List[TransactionId]): FutureApplicationResult[List[Transaction]] = { def loadTransactionsSlowly(pending: List[TransactionId]): FutureOr[List[Transaction]] = pending match { case x :: xs => for { tx <- getTransaction(x).toFutureOr next <- loadTransactionsSlowly(xs) } yield tx :: next case _ => Future.successful(Good(List.empty)).toFutureOr } ids .map(getTransaction) .toFutureOr .recoverWith(XSNWorkQueueDepthExceeded) { logger.warn("Unable to load transaction due to server overload, loading them slowly") loadTransactionsSlowly(ids) } .toFuture .recoverWith { case NonFatal(ex) => logger.warn(s"Unable to load transactions due to server error, loading them sequentially, error = ${ex.getMessage}") loadTransactionsSlowly(ids).toFuture } } def sendRawTransaction(hexString: String): FutureApplicationResult[JsValue] = { val result = for { hex <- Or.from(HexString.from(hexString), One(InvalidRawTransactionError)).toFutureOr _ <- xsnService.sendRawTransaction(hex).toFutureOr } yield JsObject.empty + ("hex" -> JsString(hex.string)) result.toFuture } private def getTransactionValue(vin: TransactionVIN): FutureApplicationResult[TransactionValue] = { val valueMaybe = for { value <- vin.value address <- vin.address } yield TransactionValue(address, value) valueMaybe .map(Good(_)) .map(Future.successful) .getOrElse { val txid = vin.txid val result = for { tx <- xsnService.getTransaction(txid).toFutureOr r <- { val maybe = tx .vout .find(_.n == vin.voutIndex) .flatMap(TransactionValue.from) Or.from(maybe, One(TransactionNotFoundError)).toFutureOr } } yield r result.toFuture } } }