package import import com.xsn.explorer.errors.{PreviousBlockMissingError, RepeatedBlockHeightError} import com.xsn.explorer.helpers.Converters._ import com.xsn.explorer.helpers.DataHandlerObjects._ import com.xsn.explorer.helpers.LedgerHelper._ import org.scalactic.{Bad, Good} import org.scalatest.BeforeAndAfter class LedgerPostgresDataHandlerSpec extends PostgresDataHandlerSpec with BeforeAndAfter { lazy val dataHandler = createLedgerDataHandler(database) before { clearDatabase() } "push" should { "store the blocks linearly" in { blockList.foreach { block => val transactions = getTransactions(block) dataHandler.push(block.withTransactions(transactions)) mustEqual Good(()) } } "fail to store the first block if it is not the genesis one" in { blockList.drop(1).foreach { block => val transactions = getTransactions(block) dataHandler.push(block.withTransactions(transactions)) mustEqual Bad(PreviousBlockMissingError).accumulating } } "succeed storing a repeated block by hash" in { val genesis = blockList(0) dataHandler.push(genesis.withTransactions(getTransactions(genesis))) mustEqual Good(()) dataHandler.push(genesis.withTransactions(getTransactions(genesis))) mustEqual Good(()) } "fail to store a repeated block by height" in { val genesis = blockList(0) dataHandler.push(genesis.withTransactions(getTransactions(genesis))) mustEqual Good(()) val block = blockList(1).copy(previousBlockhash = None, height = genesis.height) dataHandler.push(block.withTransactions(getTransactions(block))) mustEqual Bad(RepeatedBlockHeightError).accumulating } } "pop" should { "fail on an empty ledger" in { try { dataHandler.pop() fail() } catch { case _: Throwable => () } } "pop the blocks in order" in { blockList.foreach { block => val transactions = getTransactions(block) dataHandler.push(block.withTransactions(transactions)) mustEqual Good(()) } blockList.reverse.foreach { block => dataHandler.pop().get.hash mustEqual block.hash } } } }