package import com.alexitc.playsonify.core.FutureApplicationResult import com.alexitc.playsonify.validators.PaginatedQueryValidator import com.xsn.explorer.cache.BlockHeaderCache import{BlockFutureDataHandler, LedgerFutureDataHandler, TransactionFutureDataHandler} import import com.xsn.explorer.errors.BlockNotFoundError import com.xsn.explorer.helpers.DataHandlerObjects._ import com.xsn.explorer.helpers.LedgerHelper._ import com.xsn.explorer.helpers._ import com.xsn.explorer.models.rpc.Block import com.xsn.explorer.models.values.{Blockhash, Height} import com.xsn.explorer.parsers.{OrderingConditionParser, TransactionOrderingParser} import{BlockLogic, TransactionLogic} import{AddressValidator, BlockhashValidator} import org.scalactic.{Bad, Good, One, Or} import org.scalatest.BeforeAndAfter import org.scalatest.concurrent.ScalaFutures import scala.concurrent.Future class LedgerSynchronizerServiceSpec extends PostgresDataHandlerSpec with BeforeAndAfter with ScalaFutures { lazy val dataHandler = createLedgerDataHandler(database) lazy val transactionDataHandler = createTransactionDataHandler(database) lazy val blockDataHandler = createBlockDataHandler(database) val genesis = blockList(0) before { clearDatabase() } "synchronize" should { "add the genensis block to the empty ledger" in { val synchronizer = ledgerSynchronizerService(genesis) whenReady(synchronizer.synchronize(genesis.hash)) { result => result mustEqual Good(()) verifyLedger(genesis) } } "add the old missing blocks blocks while adding block N to the empty ledger" in { val block = blockList.last val synchronizer = ledgerSynchronizerService(blockList: _*) whenReady(synchronizer.synchronize(block.hash)) { result => result mustEqual Good(()) verifyLedger(blockList: _*) } } "append a block to the latest block" in { val synchronizer = ledgerSynchronizerService(blockList: _*) whenReady(synchronizer.synchronize(genesis.hash)) { _ mustEqual Good(()) } blockList.drop(1).foreach { block => whenReady(synchronizer.synchronize(block.hash)) { _ mustEqual Good(()) } } verifyLedger(blockList: _*) } "ignore a duplicated block" in { val synchronizer = ledgerSynchronizerService(blockList: _*) createBlocks(synchronizer, blockList: _*) val block = blockList(3) whenReady(synchronizer.synchronize(block.hash)) { _ mustEqual Good(()) } verifyLedger(blockList: _*) } "add the old missing blocks blocks while adding block N to a ledger with some blocks" in { val initialBlocks = blockList.take(3) val synchronizer = ledgerSynchronizerService(blockList: _*) createBlocks(synchronizer, initialBlocks: _*) val block = blockList.last whenReady(synchronizer.synchronize(block.hash)) { result => result mustEqual Good(()) verifyLedger(blockList: _*) } } "handle reorganization, ledger has 3 blocks, a rechain occurs from block 2 while adding new block 3" in { val block1 = blockList(1) val block2 = blockList(2) val block3 = blockList(3) val newBlock2 = blockList(4).copy(previousBlockhash = block2.previousBlockhash, height = block2.height) val newBlock3 = blockList(5).copy(previousBlockhash = Some(newBlock2.hash), height = Height(3)) val initialBlocks = List(genesis, block1, block2, block3) createBlocks(ledgerSynchronizerService(initialBlocks: _*), initialBlocks: _*) val finalBlocks = List( genesis, block1.copy(nextBlockhash = Some(newBlock2.hash)), newBlock2.copy(nextBlockhash = Some(newBlock3.hash)), newBlock3) val synchronizer = ledgerSynchronizerService(finalBlocks: _*) whenReady(synchronizer.synchronize(newBlock3.hash)) { result => result mustEqual Good(()) verifyLedger(finalBlocks: _*) } } "handle reorganization, ledger has 3 blocks, a rechain occurs from block 2 while adding new block 4" in { val block1 = blockList(1) val block2 = blockList(2) val block3 = blockList(3) val newBlock2 = blockList(4).copy(previousBlockhash = block2.previousBlockhash, height = block2.height) val newBlock3 = blockList(5).copy(previousBlockhash = Some(newBlock2.hash), height = Height(3)) val newBlock4 = blockList(6).copy(previousBlockhash = Some(newBlock3.hash), height = Height(4)) val initialBlocks = List(genesis, block1, block2, block3) createBlocks(ledgerSynchronizerService(initialBlocks: _*), initialBlocks: _*) val finalBlocks = List( genesis, block1.copy(nextBlockhash = Some(newBlock2.hash)), newBlock2.copy(nextBlockhash = Some(newBlock3.hash)), newBlock3.copy(nextBlockhash = Some(newBlock4.hash)), newBlock4) val synchronizer = ledgerSynchronizerService(finalBlocks: _*) whenReady(synchronizer.synchronize(newBlock4.hash)) { result => result mustEqual Good(()) verifyLedger(finalBlocks: _*) } } "handle reorganization, ledger has 6 blocks, a rechain occurs from block 2 while adding new block 2" in { val initialBlocks = blockList.take(6) createBlocks(ledgerSynchronizerService(initialBlocks: _*), initialBlocks: _*) val block1 = blockList(1) val newBlock2 = blockList.drop(6).head.copy(previousBlockhash = Some(block1.hash), height = Height(2)) val finalBlocks = List( genesis, block1.copy(nextBlockhash = Some(newBlock2.hash)), newBlock2 ) val synchronizer = ledgerSynchronizerService(finalBlocks: _*) whenReady(synchronizer.synchronize(newBlock2.hash)) { result => result mustEqual Good(()) verifyLedger(finalBlocks: _*) } } } private def verifyLedger(blocks: Block*) = { countBlocks() mustEqual blocks.size blocks.foreach { block => val dbBlock = blockDataHandler.getBy(block.hash).get dbBlock.height mustEqual block.height dbBlock.previousBlockhash mustEqual block.previousBlockhash if (block == blocks.last) { dbBlock.nextBlockhash.isEmpty mustEqual true } else { dbBlock.nextBlockhash mustEqual block.nextBlockhash } } } private def countBlocks() = { database.withConnection { implicit conn => _root_.anorm.SQL("""SELECT COUNT(*) FROM blocks""").as(_root_.anorm.SqlParser.scalar[Int].single) } } private def createBlocks(synchronizer: LedgerSynchronizerService, blocks: Block*) = { blocks .foreach { block => whenReady(synchronizer.synchronize(block.hash)) { result => result.isGood mustEqual true } } } private def ledgerSynchronizerService(blocks: Block*): LedgerSynchronizerService = { val xsnService = new FileBasedXSNService { override def getBlock(blockhash: Blockhash): FutureApplicationResult[Block] = { blocks .find(_.hash == blockhash) .map { block => Future.successful(Good(cleanGenesisBlock(block))) } .getOrElse { Future.successful(Bad(BlockNotFoundError).accumulating) } } override def getLatestBlock(): FutureApplicationResult[Block] = { val block = cleanGenesisBlock(blocks.maxBy( Future.successful(Good(block)) } override def getBlockhash(height: Height): FutureApplicationResult[Blockhash] = { val maybe = blocks.find(_.height == height).map(_.hash) val result = Or.from(maybe, One(BlockNotFoundError)) Future.successful(result) } } ledgerSynchronizerService(xsnService) } private def ledgerSynchronizerService(xsnService: XSNService): LedgerSynchronizerService = { val transactionService = new TransactionService( new PaginatedQueryValidator, new OrderingConditionParser, new TransactionOrderingParser, new AddressValidator, new TransactionFutureDataHandler(transactionDataHandler)(Executors.databaseEC)) val blockService = new BlockService( xsnService, new BlockFutureDataHandler(blockDataHandler)(Executors.databaseEC), new PaginatedQueryValidator, new BlockhashValidator, new BlockLogic, new TransactionLogic, new OrderingConditionParser, BlockHeaderCache.default ) val transactionRPCService = new TransactionRPCService(xsnService) new LedgerSynchronizerService( xsnService, transactionService, transactionRPCService, blockService, new LedgerFutureDataHandler(dataHandler)(Executors.databaseEC), new BlockFutureDataHandler(blockDataHandler)(Executors.databaseEC)) } }