package import com.alexitc.playsonify.models._ import{BlockPostgresDAO, TransactionPostgresDAO} import import{BlockPostgresDataHandler, TransactionPostgresDataHandler} import import com.xsn.explorer.errors.{BlockNotFoundError, TransactionNotFoundError} import com.xsn.explorer.helpers.DataHelper._ import com.xsn.explorer.models._ import com.xsn.explorer.models.fields.TransactionField import com.xsn.explorer.models.rpc.Block import org.scalactic.{Bad, Good, One, Or} import org.scalatest.BeforeAndAfter class TransactionPostgresDataHandlerSpec extends PostgresDataHandlerSpec with BeforeAndAfter { lazy val dataHandler = new TransactionPostgresDataHandler(database, new TransactionPostgresDAO(new FieldOrderingSQLInterpreter)) lazy val blockDataHandler = new BlockPostgresDataHandler(database, new BlockPostgresDAO) val defaultOrdering = FieldOrdering(TransactionField.Time, OrderingCondition.DescendingOrder) val block = Block( hash = createBlockhash("ad92f0dcea2fdaa357aac6eab00695cf07b487e34113598909f625c24629c981"), previousBlockhash = None, nextBlockhash = None, merkleRoot = createBlockhash("ad9320dcea2fdaa357aac6eab00695cf07b487e34113598909f625c24629c981"), transactions = List.empty, confirmations = Confirmations(0), size = Size(10), height = Height(0), version = 0, time = 0, medianTime = 0, nonce = 0, bits = "abcdef", chainwork = "abcdef", difficulty = 12.2, tposContract = None ) val dummyTransaction = Transaction( createTransactionId("ad9320dcea2fdaa357aac6eab00695cf07b487e34113598909f625c24629c981"), block.hash, 12312312L, Size(1000), List.empty, List( Transaction.Output(0, 1000, createAddress("Xbh5pJdBNm8J9PxnEmwVcuQKRmZZ7Dkpss"), HexString.from("00").get, None, None) ) ) val inputs = List( Transaction.Input(, 0, 1, BigDecimal(100), createAddress("XxQ7j37LfuXgsLd5DZAwFKhT3s2ZMkW85F")) ) val outputs = List( Transaction.Output(0, BigDecimal(50), createAddress("XxQ7j37LfuXgsLd5DZAwFKhT3s2ZMkW85F"), HexString.from("00").get, None, None), Transaction.Output( 1, BigDecimal(150), createAddress("Xbh5pJdBNm8J9PxnEmwVcuQKRmZZ7DkpcF"), HexString.from("00").get, Some(createAddress("XfAATXtkRgCdMTrj2fxHvLsKLLmqAjhEAt")), Some(createAddress("XjfNeGJhLgW3egmsZqdbpCNGfysPs7jTNm"))) ) val transaction = Transaction( createTransactionId("99c51e4fe89466faa734d6207a7ef6115fa1dd33f7156b006fafc6bb85a79eb8"), block.hash, 12312312L, Size(1000), inputs, outputs) private def prepareBlock(block: Block) = { val dao = new BlockPostgresDAO try { database.withConnection { implicit conn => val maybe = dao.insert(block) Or.from(maybe, One(BlockNotFoundError)) } } catch { case _ => () } } private def prepareTransaction(transaction: Transaction) = { try { upsertTransaction(transaction) } catch { case _ => () } } private def upsertTransaction(transaction: Transaction) = { val dao = new TransactionPostgresDAO(new FieldOrderingSQLInterpreter) database.withConnection { implicit conn => val maybe = dao.upsert(transaction) Or.from(maybe, One(TransactionNotFoundError)) } } private def delete(txid: TransactionId) = { val dao = new TransactionPostgresDAO(new FieldOrderingSQLInterpreter) database.withConnection { implicit conn => val maybe = dao.delete(txid) Or.from(maybe, One(TransactionNotFoundError)) } } private def deleteBy(blockhash: Blockhash) = { val dao = new TransactionPostgresDAO(new FieldOrderingSQLInterpreter) database.withConnection { implicit conn => val result = dao.deleteBy(blockhash) Good(result) } } before { clearDatabase() prepareBlock(block) prepareTransaction(dummyTransaction) } "upsert" should { "add a new transaction" in { val result = upsertTransaction(transaction) result mustEqual Good(transaction) } "update an existing transaction" in { val newTransaction = transaction.copy( time = 2313121L, size = Size(2000)) upsertTransaction(transaction).isGood mustEqual true val result = upsertTransaction(newTransaction) result mustEqual Good(newTransaction) } } "delete" should { "delete a transaction" in { upsertTransaction(transaction).isGood mustEqual true val result = delete( result mustEqual Good(transaction) } "fail to delete a non-existent transaction" in { delete( val result = delete( result mustEqual Bad(TransactionNotFoundError).accumulating } } "deleteBy blockhash" should { "delete the transactions related to a block" in { upsertTransaction(transaction).isGood mustEqual true val result = deleteBy(transaction.blockhash) result.isGood mustEqual true result.get.contains(transaction) mustEqual true } } "getBy address" should { val address = createAddress("XxQ7j37LfuXgsLd5DZAwFKhT3s2ZMkW86F") val inputs = List( Transaction.Input(, 0, 1, 100, address), Transaction.Input(, 0, 2, 200, createAddress("XxQ7j37LfuXgsLD5DZAwFKhT3s2ZMkW86F")) ) val outputs = List( Transaction.Output(0, BigDecimal(50), address, HexString.from("00").get, None, None), Transaction.Output( 1, BigDecimal(250), createAddress("Xbh5pJdBNm8J9PxnEmwVcuQKRmZZ7DkpcF"), HexString.from("00").get, None, None) ) val transaction = Transaction( createTransactionId("92c51e4fe89466faa734d6207a7ef6115fa1dd33f7156b006fafc6bb85a79eb8"), block.hash, 12312312L, Size(1000), inputs, outputs) val query = PaginatedQuery(Offset(0), Limit(10)) "find no results" in { val expected = PaginatedResult(query.offset, query.limit, Count(0), List.empty) val result = dataHandler.getBy(address, query, defaultOrdering) result mustEqual Good(expected) } "find the right values" in { val transactionWithValues = TransactionWithValues(, transaction.blockhash, transaction.time, transaction.size, sent = 100, received = 50) val expected = PaginatedResult(query.offset, query.limit, Count(1), List(transactionWithValues)) upsertTransaction(transaction).isGood mustEqual true val result = dataHandler.getBy(address, query, defaultOrdering) result mustEqual Good(expected) } } }