# XSN Block Explorer - Server ## Run 1. We need the xsn rpc server running, download the latest one from [xsn releases](https://github.com/X9Developers/XSN/releases), then, start the rpc server with: `bin/xsnd -txindex -addressindex -spentindex -rpcport=51473 -rpcuser=dummy -rpcpassword=replaceme` 2. In case you modified the parameters to start the xsn rpc server, edit the [application.conf](server/conf/application.conf). 3. Add this `play.filters.enabled += "play.filters.cors.CORSFilter"` to the [application.conf](server/conf/application.conf). 4. Run the application with: `sbt run` ## Test Run the `sbt test` command to execute the tests. ## Deploy This assumes that you have the following: - A linux-based virtual machine prepared with Java 8 and a systemd service called `xsn-backend`. - A system level user called `play` which belogs to the group `nogroup`. ### Client side - Package the application: `sbt dist` - Upload the application: `scp target/universal/xsn-block-explorer-0.1.0-SNAPSHOT.zip $SERVER_IP:~/` - Login into the server: `ssh $SERVER_IP`. ### Server side - Unpack the application: `sudo unzip ~/xsn-block-explorer-0.1.0-SNAPSHOT.zip -d /home/play/server` - Update configuration: `sudo vim /home/play/server/xsn-block-explorer-0.1.0-SNAPSHOT/conf/application.conf` - Give permissions: `sudo chown -R play:nogroup /home/play/server` - Restart the service: `sudo service xsn-backend restart`