package com.xsn.explorer.cache import java.util.concurrent.TimeUnit import com.alexitc.playsonify.core.FutureApplicationResult import com.alexitc.playsonify.core.FutureOr.Implicits.FutureOps import com.alexitc.playsonify.models.ordering.OrderingCondition import com.alexitc.playsonify.models.pagination.Limit import com.github.benmanes.caffeine.cache.{Cache, Caffeine} import com.xsn.explorer.models.WrappedResult import com.xsn.explorer.models.persisted.BlockHeader import com.xsn.explorer.models.values.Blockhash import org.scalactic.Good import play.api.libs.json.{JsValue, Json, Writes} import scala.concurrent.{ExecutionContext, Future} /** * This cache aims to provide fast access to the block headers data used for syncing the light wallet. * * The ideal strategy is to cache an entry and never expire it because most headers are unlikely to change. * * In order to handle chain reorganizations, the last entry must not be cached (TODO). * * Currently, the entries are expired after some minutes just to keep the last entry updated. * * Also, it is faster to cache the JSON data that is sent in a response instead of being encoding it on each request. */ class BlockHeaderCache(cache: Cache[BlockHeaderCache.Key, BlockHeaderCache.EncodedValue]) { import BlockHeaderCache._ def getOrSet( key: Key, entrySize: Int)( f: => FutureApplicationResult[Value])( implicit ec: ExecutionContext, writes: Writes[Value]): FutureApplicationResult[EncodedValue] = { if (isCacheable(key, entrySize)) { get(key) .map(v => Future.successful(Good(v))) .getOrElse { val result = for { r <- f.toFutureOr } yield (, Json.toJson(r)) // set cache only if the response is complete val _ = { case (size, json) => if (size == { cache.put(key, json) } } } } else { val result = for { r <- f.toFutureOr } yield Json.toJson(r) result.toFuture } } /** * A block header list is cacheable if all the following meet: * - The ordering is from oldest to newest * - The limit matches the expected entry size * - The entry is not the last one (TODO) */ def isCacheable(key: Key, entrySize: Int): Boolean = { key.orderingCondition == OrderingCondition.AscendingOrder && == entrySize } def get(key: Key): Option[EncodedValue] = { Option(cache.getIfPresent(key)) } } object BlockHeaderCache { case class Key(limit: Limit, orderingCondition: OrderingCondition, lastSeenHash: Option[Blockhash]) type Value = WrappedResult[List[BlockHeader]] type EncodedValue = JsValue def default: BlockHeaderCache = { val cache = Caffeine.newBuilder() .expireAfterWrite(30, TimeUnit.MINUTES) .build[Key, EncodedValue] new BlockHeaderCache(cache) } }