# https://www.playframework.com/documentation/latest/Configuration play.i18n.langs = ["en"] play.filters.hosts { allowed = ["localhost", "localhost:9000", ""] } play.http { errorHandler = "com.xsn.explorer.play.MyHttpErrorHandler" secret.key="changeme" secret.key=${?PLAY_APPLICATION_SECRET} } play.filters.enabled += "play.filters.cors.CORSFilter" play.filters.enabled += "com.xsn.explorer.play.LoggingFilter" play.filters.cors { allowedOrigins = [ "http://xsnexplorer.io", "https://xsnexplorer.io", "http://localhost:4200", "https://localhost:4200", "https://cloud.stakenet.io", "https://dev.stakenet.io" ] allowedHttpMethods = ["GET"] } rpc { host = "http://localhost:51473" username = "dummy" password = "replaceme" host = ${?XSN_RPC_HOST} username = ${?XSN_RPC_USERNAME} password = ${?XSN_RPC_PASSWORD} } synchronizer { enabled = true initialDelay = "10 seconds" interval = "1 minute" enabled = ${?XSN_SYNCHRONIZER_ENABLED} } play.modules.enabled += "com.xsn.explorer.modules.DataHandlerModule" play.modules.enabled += "com.xsn.explorer.modules.ConfigModule" play.modules.enabled += "com.xsn.explorer.modules.ExecutorsModule" play.modules.enabled += "com.xsn.explorer.modules.PollerSynchronizerModule" play.modules.enabled += "com.xsn.explorer.modules.XSNServiceModule" db.default { driver = "org.postgresql.Driver" host = "localhost:5432" database = "xsn_blockchain" username = "postgres" password = "" host = ${?XSN_PSQL_HOST} database = ${?XSN_PSQL_DATABASE} username = ${?XSN_PSQL_USERNAME} password = ${?XSN_PSQL_PASSWORD} url = "jdbc:postgresql://"${db.default.host}"/"${db.default.database} } play.evolutions { autoApply = true db.default { enabled = true autocommit = false } } # Number of database connections # See https://github.com/brettwooldridge/HikariCP/wiki/About-Pool-Sizing fixedConnectionPool = 9 play.db { prototype { hikaricp.minimumIdle = ${fixedConnectionPool} hikaricp.maximumPoolSize = ${fixedConnectionPool} } } # Job queue sized to HikariCP connection pool database.dispatcher { executor = "thread-pool-executor" throughput = 1 thread-pool-executor { fixed-pool-size = ${fixedConnectionPool} } } externalService.dispatcher { executor = "thread-pool-executor" throughput = 1 thread-pool-executor { fixed-pool-size = 50 } }