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318 lines
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package controllers
import com.alexitc.playsonify.core.ApplicationResult
import com.alexitc.playsonify.models.ordering.FieldOrdering
import com.alexitc.playsonify.models.pagination.{Count, PaginatedQuery, PaginatedResult}
import com.xsn.explorer.helpers._
import com.xsn.explorer.models._
import com.xsn.explorer.models.fields.TransactionField
import com.xsn.explorer.models.rpc.{Block, TransactionVIN}
import com.xsn.explorer.models.values.{Blockhash, Confirmations, Height, Size}
import controllers.common.MyAPISpec
import org.scalactic.Good
import play.api.inject.bind
import play.api.libs.json.JsValue
import play.api.test.Helpers._
class BlocksControllerSpec extends MyAPISpec {
// PoS block
val posBlock = BlockLoader.getRPC("1ca318b7a26ed67ca7c8c9b5069d653ba224bf86989125d1dfbb0973b7d6a5e0")
val customXSNService = new FileBasedXSNService
val transactionDataHandler = new TransactionDummyDataHandler {
// TODO: Handle ordering
override def getByBlockhash(blockhash: Blockhash, paginatedQuery: PaginatedQuery, ordering: FieldOrdering[TransactionField]): ApplicationResult[PaginatedResult[TransactionWithValues]] = {
val transactions = BlockLoader
.map { tx =>
id =,
blockhash = blockhash,
time = tx.time,
size = tx.size,
sent = { case x: TransactionVIN.HasValues => x }.map(_.value).sum,
received =
val page = PaginatedResult(
override val application = guiceApplicationBuilder
"GET /blocks/:query" should {
def url(query: String) = s"/blocks/$query"
"retrieve a PoS block" in {
val block = posBlock
val response = GET(url(block.hash.string))
status(response) mustEqual OK
val json = contentAsJson(response)
val jsonBlock = (json \ "block").as[JsValue]
val jsonRewards = (json \ "rewards").as[JsValue]
matchBlock(block, jsonBlock)
val jsonCoinstake = (jsonRewards \ "coinstake").as[JsValue]
(jsonCoinstake \ "address").as[String] mustEqual "XiHW7SR56UPHeXKwcpeVsE4nUfkHv5RqE3"
(jsonCoinstake \ "value").as[BigDecimal] mustEqual BigDecimal("22.49999999")
val jsonMasternode = (jsonRewards \ "masternode").as[JsValue]
(jsonMasternode \ "address").as[String] mustEqual "XjUDDq221NwqRtp85wfvoDrMaaxvUCDRrY"
(jsonMasternode \ "value").as[BigDecimal] mustEqual BigDecimal("22.5")
"retrieve a PoS block having a rounding error" in {
val posBlockRoundingError = BlockLoader.getRPC("25762bf01143f7fe34912c926e0b95528b082c6323de35516de0fc321f5d8058")
val block = posBlockRoundingError
val response = GET(url(block.hash.string))
status(response) mustEqual OK
val json = contentAsJson(response)
val jsonBlock = (json \ "block").as[JsValue]
val jsonRewards = (json \ "rewards").as[JsValue]
matchBlock(block, jsonBlock)
val jsonCoinstake = (jsonRewards \ "coinstake").as[JsValue]
(jsonCoinstake \ "address").as[String] mustEqual "XgEGH3y7RfeKEdn2hkYEvBnrnmGBr7zvjL"
(jsonCoinstake \ "value").as[BigDecimal] mustEqual BigDecimal("0")
val jsonMasternode = (jsonRewards \ "masternode").asOpt[JsValue]
jsonMasternode.isEmpty mustEqual true
"retrieve a PoW block" in {
val powBlock = BlockLoader.getRPC("000004645e2717b556682e3c642a4c6e473bf25c653ff8e8c114a3006040ffb8")
val block = powBlock
val response = GET(url(block.hash.string))
status(response) mustEqual OK
val json = contentAsJson(response)
val jsonBlock = (json \ "block").as[JsValue]
val jsonRewards = (json \ "rewards").as[JsValue]
matchBlock(block, jsonBlock)
val jsonReward = (jsonRewards \ "reward").as[JsValue]
(jsonReward \ "address").as[String] mustEqual "XdJnCKYNwzCz8ATv8Eu75gonaHyfr9qXg9"
(jsonReward \ "value").as[BigDecimal] mustEqual BigDecimal("76500000")
"retrieve TPoS block" in {
val tposBlock = BlockLoader.getRPC("19f320185015d146237efe757852b21c5e08b88b2f4de9d3fa9517d8463e472b")
val block = tposBlock
val response = GET(url(block.hash.string))
status(response) mustEqual OK
val json = contentAsJson(response)
val jsonBlock = (json \ "block").as[JsValue]
val jsonRewards = (json \ "rewards").as[JsValue]
matchBlock(block, jsonBlock)
val jsonOwner = (jsonRewards \ "owner").as[JsValue]
(jsonOwner \ "address").as[String] mustEqual "Xi3sQfMQsy2CzMZTrnKW6HFGp1VqFThdLw"
(jsonOwner \ "value").as[BigDecimal] mustEqual BigDecimal("22.275")
val jsonMerchant = (jsonRewards \ "merchant").as[JsValue]
(jsonMerchant \ "address").as[String] mustEqual "XyJC8xnfFrHNcMinh6gxuPRYY9HCaY9DAo"
(jsonMerchant \ "value").as[BigDecimal] mustEqual BigDecimal("0.225")
val jsonMasternode = (jsonRewards \ "masternode").as[JsValue]
(jsonMasternode \ "address").as[String] mustEqual "XydZnssXHCxxRtB4rk7evfKT9XP7GqyA9N"
(jsonMasternode \ "value").as[BigDecimal] mustEqual BigDecimal("22.5")
"retrieve TPoS block with coinsplit" in {
val tposBlock2 = BlockLoader.getRPC("a3a9fb111a3f85c3d920c2dc58ce14d541a65763834247ef958aa3b4d665ef9c")
val block = tposBlock2
val response = GET(url(block.hash.string))
status(response) mustEqual OK
val json = contentAsJson(response)
val jsonBlock = (json \ "block").as[JsValue]
val jsonRewards = (json \ "rewards").as[JsValue]
matchBlock(block, jsonBlock)
val jsonOwner = (jsonRewards \ "owner").as[JsValue]
(jsonOwner \ "address").as[String] mustEqual "Xu5UkgRL8YRqoW6uEW8SxMLDkJwbjFVfge"
(jsonOwner \ "value").as[BigDecimal] mustEqual BigDecimal("22.275")
val jsonMerchant = (jsonRewards \ "merchant").as[JsValue]
(jsonMerchant \ "address").as[String] mustEqual "XbGFpsuhv6AH3gp3dx5eQrAexP5kESh9bY"
(jsonMerchant \ "value").as[BigDecimal] mustEqual BigDecimal("0.225")
val jsonMasternode = (jsonRewards \ "masternode").as[JsValue]
(jsonMasternode \ "address").as[String] mustEqual "Xc3bKuGzy9grJZxC2ieTgQjjgyTMKSLqSM"
(jsonMasternode \ "value").as[BigDecimal] mustEqual BigDecimal("22.5")
"retrieve the genesis block" in {
val block = BlockLoader.getRPC("00000c822abdbb23e28f79a49d29b41429737c6c7e15df40d1b1f1b35907ae34")
val response = GET(url(block.hash.string))
status(response) mustEqual OK
val json = contentAsJson(response)
val jsonBlock = (json \ "block").as[JsValue]
matchBlock(block, jsonBlock)
"retrieve a block by height" in {
val block = posBlock
val response = GET(url(block.height.toString))
status(response) mustEqual OK
val json = contentAsJson(response)
val jsonBlock = (json \ "block").as[JsValue]
val jsonRewards = (json \ "rewards").as[JsValue]
matchBlock(block, jsonBlock)
val jsonCoinstake = (jsonRewards \ "coinstake").as[JsValue]
(jsonCoinstake \ "address").as[String] mustEqual "XiHW7SR56UPHeXKwcpeVsE4nUfkHv5RqE3"
(jsonCoinstake \ "value").as[BigDecimal] mustEqual BigDecimal("22.49999999")
val jsonMasternode = (jsonRewards \ "masternode").as[JsValue]
(jsonMasternode \ "address").as[String] mustEqual "XjUDDq221NwqRtp85wfvoDrMaaxvUCDRrY"
(jsonMasternode \ "value").as[BigDecimal] mustEqual BigDecimal("22.5")
"fail on the wrong blockhash format" in {
val response = GET(url("000125c06cedf38b07bff174bdb61027935dbcb34831d28cff40bedb519d5"))
status(response) mustEqual BAD_REQUEST
val json = contentAsJson(response)
val errorList = (json \ "errors").as[List[JsValue]]
errorList.size mustEqual 1
val error = errorList.head
(error \ "type").as[String] mustEqual PublicErrorRenderer.FieldValidationErrorType
(error \ "field").as[String] mustEqual "blockhash"
(error \ "message").as[String].nonEmpty mustEqual true
"fail on unknown block height" in {
val response = GET(url("-1"))
status(response) mustEqual BAD_REQUEST
val json = contentAsJson(response)
val errorList = (json \ "errors").as[List[JsValue]]
errorList.size mustEqual 1
val error = errorList.head
(error \ "type").as[String] mustEqual PublicErrorRenderer.FieldValidationErrorType
(error \ "field").as[String] mustEqual "blockhash"
(error \ "message").as[String].nonEmpty mustEqual true
"fail on an unknown block" in {
val response = GET(url("000003dc4c2fc449dededaaad6efc33ce1b64b88a060652dc47edc63d6d6b524"))
status(response) mustEqual BAD_REQUEST
val json = contentAsJson(response)
val errorList = (json \ "errors").as[List[JsValue]]
errorList.size mustEqual 1
val error = errorList.head
(error \ "type").as[String] mustEqual PublicErrorRenderer.FieldValidationErrorType
(error \ "field").as[String] mustEqual "blockhash"
(error \ "message").as[String].nonEmpty mustEqual true
"GET /blocks/:query/raw" should {
def url(query: String) = s"/blocks/$query/raw"
"retrieve a block by blockhash" in {
val block = posBlock
val response = GET(url(block.hash.string))
status(response) mustEqual OK
val json = contentAsJson(response)
json mustEqual BlockLoader.json(block.hash.string)
"retrieve a block by height" in {
val block = posBlock
val response = GET(url(block.height.toString))
status(response) mustEqual OK
val json = contentAsJson(response)
json mustEqual BlockLoader.json(block.hash.string)
"GET /blocks/:blockhash/transactions" should {
"return the transactions for the given block" in {
val blockhash = "000003fb382f6892ae96594b81aa916a8923c70701de4e7054aac556c7271ef7"
val response = GET(s"/blocks/$blockhash/transactions?offset=0&limit=5&orderBy=time:desc")
status(response) mustEqual OK
val json = contentAsJson(response)
(json \ "total").as[Int] mustEqual 1
(json \ "offset").as[Int] mustEqual 0
(json \ "limit").as[Int] mustEqual 5
val data = (json \ "data").as[List[JsValue]]
data.size mustEqual 1
private def matchBlock(expected: Block, actual: JsValue) = {
val jsonBlock = actual
val block = expected
(jsonBlock \ "hash").as[Blockhash] mustEqual block.hash
(jsonBlock \ "size").as[Size] mustEqual block.size
(jsonBlock \ "bits").as[String] mustEqual block.bits
(jsonBlock \ "chainwork").as[String] mustEqual block.chainwork
(jsonBlock \ "difficulty").as[BigDecimal] mustEqual block.difficulty
(jsonBlock \ "confirmations").as[Confirmations] mustEqual block.confirmations
(jsonBlock \ "height").as[Height] mustEqual block.height
(jsonBlock \ "medianTime").as[Long] mustEqual block.medianTime
(jsonBlock \ "time").as[Long] mustEqual block.time
(jsonBlock \ "merkleRoot").as[Blockhash] mustEqual block.merkleRoot
(jsonBlock \ "version").as[Long] mustEqual block.version
(jsonBlock \ "nonce").as[Int] mustEqual block.nonce
(jsonBlock \ "previousBlockhash").asOpt[Blockhash] mustEqual block.previousBlockhash
(jsonBlock \ "nextBlockhash").asOpt[Blockhash] mustEqual block.nextBlockhash