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package com.xsn.explorer.models
case class Transaction(
id: TransactionId,
blockhash: Blockhash,
time: Long,
size: Size,
inputs: List[Transaction.Input],
outputs: List[Transaction.Output])
object Transaction {
case class Input(
index: Int,
value: Option[BigDecimal],
address: Option[Address])
case class Output(
index: Int,
value: BigDecimal,
address: Address,
tposOwnerAddress: Option[Address],
tposMerchantAddress: Option[Address])
* Please note that the inputs might not be accurate.
* If the rpc transaction might not be complete, get the input value and address using
* the utxo index or the getTransaction method from the TransactionService..
def fromRPC(tx: rpc.Transaction): Transaction = {
val inputs = { case (vin, index) =>
Transaction.Input(index, vin.value, vin.address)
val outputs = tx.vout.flatMap { vout =>
val tposAddresses = vout.scriptPubKey.flatMap(_.getTPoSAddresses)
for {
address <- vout.address
} yield Transaction.Output(vout.n, vout.value, address,,
id =,
blockhash = tx.blockhash,
time = tx.time,
size = tx.size,
inputs = inputs,
outputs = outputs