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package com.xsn.explorer.helpers
import com.alexitc.playsonify.core.FutureApplicationResult
import com.xsn.explorer.errors.{BlockNotFoundError, TransactionNotFoundError}
import com.xsn.explorer.models.{Blockhash, TransactionId}
import com.xsn.explorer.models.rpc.{Block, Transaction}
import org.scalactic.{Good, One, Or}
import scala.concurrent.Future
class FileBasedXSNService extends DummyXSNService {
private lazy val blockMap = BlockLoader.all().map { block => block.hash -> block }.toMap
private lazy val transactionMap = TransactionLoader.all().map { tx => -> tx }.toMap
override def getBlock(blockhash: Blockhash): FutureApplicationResult[Block] = {
val maybe = blockMap.get(blockhash)
val result = Or.from(maybe, One(BlockNotFoundError))
override def getLatestBlock(): FutureApplicationResult[Block] = {
val block = blockMap.values.maxBy(
override def getTransaction(txid: TransactionId): FutureApplicationResult[Transaction] = {
val maybe = transactionMap.get(txid)
val result = Or.from(maybe, One(TransactionNotFoundError))