var LRU = require("lru-cache");
var fs = require('fs');
var utils = require("../utils.js");
var config = require("../config.js");
var coins = require("../coins.js");
// choose one of the below: RPC to a node, or mock data while testing
var rpcApi = require("./rpcApi.js");
//var rpcApi = require("./mockApi.js");
var miscCache = LRU(50);
var blockCache = LRU(50);
var txCache = LRU(200);
function getGenesisBlockHash() {
return coins[config.coin].genesisBlockHash;
function getGenesisCoinbaseTransactionId() {
return coins[config.coin].genesisCoinbaseTransactionId;
function tryCacheThenRpcApi(cache, cacheKey, cacheMaxAge, rpcApiFunction, cacheConditionFunction) {
//console.log("tryCache: " + cacheKey + ", " + cacheMaxAge);
if (cacheConditionFunction == null) {
cacheConditionFunction = function(obj) {
return true;
return new Promise(function(resolve, reject) {
var result = cache.get(cacheKey);
if (result) {
} else {
rpcApiFunction().then(function(result) {
if (result != null && cacheConditionFunction(result)) {
cache.set(cacheKey, result, cacheMaxAge);
function shouldCacheTransaction(tx) {
return (tx.confirmations > 0);
function getBlockchainInfo() {
return tryCacheThenRpcApi(miscCache, "getBlockchainInfo", 10000, rpcApi.getBlockchainInfo);
function getNetworkInfo() {
return tryCacheThenRpcApi(miscCache, "getNetworkInfo", 10000, rpcApi.getNetworkInfo);
function getNetTotals() {
return tryCacheThenRpcApi(miscCache, "getNetTotals", 10000, rpcApi.getNetTotals);
function getMempoolInfo() {
return tryCacheThenRpcApi(miscCache, "getMempoolInfo", 1000, rpcApi.getMempoolInfo);
function getMiningInfo() {
return tryCacheThenRpcApi(miscCache, "getMiningInfo", 1000, rpcApi.getMiningInfo);
function getUptimeSeconds() {
return tryCacheThenRpcApi(miscCache, "getUptimeSeconds", 1000, rpcApi.getUptimeSeconds);
function getChainTxStats(blockCount) {
return tryCacheThenRpcApi(miscCache, "getChainTxStats-" + blockCount, 120000, function() {
return rpcApi.getChainTxStats(blockCount);
function getPeerSummary() {
return new Promise(function(resolve, reject) {
tryCacheThenRpcApi(miscCache, "getpeerinfo", 1000, rpcApi.getPeerInfo).then(function(getpeerinfo) {
var result = {};
result.getpeerinfo = getpeerinfo;
var versionSummaryMap = {};
for (var i = 0; i < getpeerinfo.length; i++) {
var x = getpeerinfo[i];
if (versionSummaryMap[x.subver] == null) {
versionSummaryMap[x.subver] = 0;
var versionSummary = [];
for (var prop in versionSummaryMap) {
if (versionSummaryMap.hasOwnProperty(prop)) {
versionSummary.push([prop, versionSummaryMap[prop]]);
versionSummary.sort(function(a, b) {
if (b[1] > a[1]) {
return 1;
} else if (b[1] < a[1]) {
return -1;
} else {
return a[0].localeCompare(b[0]);
var servicesSummaryMap = {};
for (var i = 0; i < getpeerinfo.length; i++) {
var x = getpeerinfo[i];
if (servicesSummaryMap[x.services] == null) {
servicesSummaryMap[x.services] = 0;
var servicesSummary = [];
for (var prop in servicesSummaryMap) {
if (servicesSummaryMap.hasOwnProperty(prop)) {
servicesSummary.push([prop, servicesSummaryMap[prop]]);
servicesSummary.sort(function(a, b) {
if (b[1] > a[1]) {
return 1;
} else if (b[1] < a[1]) {
return -1;
} else {
return a[0].localeCompare(b[0]);
result.versionSummary = versionSummary;
result.servicesSummary = servicesSummary;
function getMempoolDetails(start, count) {
return new Promise(function(resolve, reject) {
tryCacheThenRpcApi(miscCache, "getRawMempool", 1000, rpcApi.getRawMempool).then(function(result) {
var txids = [];
var txidIndex = 0;
for (var txid in result) {
if (txidIndex >= start && (txidIndex < (start + count))) {
getRawTransactions(txids).then(function(transactions) {
var maxInputsTracked = config.site.txMaxInput;
var vinTxids = [];
for (var i = 0; i < transactions.length; i++) {
var transaction = transactions[i];
if (transaction && transaction.vin) {
for (var j = 0; j < Math.min(maxInputsTracked, transaction.vin.length); j++) {
if (transaction.vin[j].txid) {
var txInputsByTransaction = {};
getRawTransactions(vinTxids).then(function(vinTransactions) {
var vinTxById = {};
vinTransactions.forEach(function(tx) {
vinTxById[tx.txid] = tx;
transactions.forEach(function(tx) {
txInputsByTransaction[tx.txid] = {};
if (tx && tx.vin) {
for (var i = 0; i < Math.min(maxInputsTracked, tx.vin.length); i++) {
if (vinTxById[tx.vin[i].txid]) {
txInputsByTransaction[tx.txid][i] = vinTxById[tx.vin[i].txid];
resolve({ txCount:txidIndex, transactions:transactions, txInputsByTransaction:txInputsByTransaction });
function getMempoolStats() {
return new Promise(function(resolve, reject) {
tryCacheThenRpcApi(miscCache, "getRawMempool", 5000, rpcApi.getRawMempool).then(function(result) {
var maxFee = 0;
var maxFeePerByte = 0;
var maxAge = 0;
var maxSize = 0;
var ages = [];
var sizes = [];
for (var txid in result) {
var txMempoolInfo = result[txid];
var fee = txMempoolInfo.modifiedfee;
var feePerByte = txMempoolInfo.modifiedfee / txMempoolInfo.size;
var age = Date.now() / 1000 - txMempoolInfo.time;
var size = txMempoolInfo.size;
if (fee > maxFee) {
maxFee = txMempoolInfo.modifiedfee;
if (feePerByte > maxFeePerByte) {
maxFeePerByte = txMempoolInfo.modifiedfee / txMempoolInfo.size;
ages.push({age:age, txid:txid});
sizes.push({size:size, txid:txid});
if (age > maxAge) {
maxAge = age;
if (size > maxSize) {
maxSize = size;
ages.sort(function(a, b) {
if (a.age != b.age) {
return b.age - a.age;
} else {
return a.txid.localeCompare(b.txid);
sizes.sort(function(a, b) {
if (a.size != b.size) {
return b.size - a.size;
} else {
return a.txid.localeCompare(b.txid);
maxSize = 2000;
var satoshiPerByteBucketMaxima = coins[config.coin].feeSatoshiPerByteBucketMaxima;
var bucketCount = satoshiPerByteBucketMaxima.length + 1;
var satoshiPerByteBuckets = [];
var satoshiPerByteBucketLabels = [];
satoshiPerByteBucketLabels[0] = ("[0 - " + satoshiPerByteBucketMaxima[0] + ")");
for (var i = 0; i < bucketCount; i++) {
satoshiPerByteBuckets[i] = {"count":0, "totalFees":0, "totalBytes":0};
if (i > 0 && i < bucketCount - 1) {
satoshiPerByteBucketLabels[i] = ("[" + satoshiPerByteBucketMaxima[i - 1] + " - " + satoshiPerByteBucketMaxima[i] + ")");
var ageBucketCount = 100;
var ageBucketTxCounts = [];
var ageBucketLabels = [];
var sizeBucketCount = 100;
var sizeBucketTxCounts = [];
var sizeBucketLabels = [];
for (var i = 0; i < ageBucketCount; i++) {
ageBucketLabels.push(parseInt(i * maxAge / ageBucketCount) + " - " + parseInt((i + 1) * maxAge / ageBucketCount));
for (var i = 0; i < sizeBucketCount; i++) {
if (i == sizeBucketCount - 1) {
sizeBucketLabels.push(parseInt(i * maxSize / sizeBucketCount) + "+");
} else {
sizeBucketLabels.push(parseInt(i * maxSize / sizeBucketCount) + " - " + parseInt((i + 1) * maxSize / sizeBucketCount));
satoshiPerByteBucketLabels[bucketCount - 1] = (satoshiPerByteBucketMaxima[satoshiPerByteBucketMaxima.length - 1] + "+");
var summary = {
for (var txid in result) {
var txMempoolInfo = result[txid];
var fee = txMempoolInfo.modifiedfee;
var feePerByte = txMempoolInfo.modifiedfee / txMempoolInfo.size;
var satoshiPerByte = feePerByte * 100000000;
var age = Date.now() / 1000 - txMempoolInfo.time;
var size = txMempoolInfo.size;
var addedToBucket = false;
for (var i = 0; i < satoshiPerByteBucketMaxima.length; i++) {
if (satoshiPerByteBucketMaxima[i] > satoshiPerByte) {
satoshiPerByteBuckets[i]["totalFees"] += fee;
satoshiPerByteBuckets[i]["totalBytes"] += txMempoolInfo.size;
addedToBucket = true;
if (!addedToBucket) {
satoshiPerByteBuckets[bucketCount - 1]["count"]++;
satoshiPerByteBuckets[bucketCount - 1]["totalFees"] += fee;
satoshiPerByteBuckets[bucketCount - 1]["totalBytes"] += txMempoolInfo.size;
summary["totalFees"] += txMempoolInfo.modifiedfee;
summary["totalBytes"] += txMempoolInfo.size;
var ageBucketIndex = Math.min(ageBucketCount - 1, parseInt(age / (maxAge / ageBucketCount)));
var sizeBucketIndex = Math.min(sizeBucketCount - 1, parseInt(size / (maxSize / sizeBucketCount)));
summary["averageFee"] = summary["totalFees"] / summary["count"];
summary["averageFeePerByte"] = summary["totalFees"] / summary["totalBytes"];
summary["satoshiPerByteBucketMaxima"] = satoshiPerByteBucketMaxima;
summary["satoshiPerByteBucketCounts"] = [];
summary["satoshiPerByteBucketTotalFees"] = [];
for (var i = 0; i < bucketCount; i++) {
function getBlockByHeight(blockHeight) {
return tryCacheThenRpcApi(blockCache, "getBlockByHeight-" + blockHeight, 3600000, function() {
return rpcApi.getBlockByHeight(blockHeight);
function getBlocksByHeight(blockHeights) {
var blockHeightsNotInCache = [];
var blocksByIndex = {};
for (var i = 0; i < blockHeights.length; i++) {
var blockI = blockCache.get("getBlockByHeight-" + blockHeights[i]);
if (blockI == null) {
} else {
blocksByIndex[i] = blockI;
return new Promise(function(resolve, reject) {
var combinedBlocks = [];
if (blockHeightsNotInCache.length > 0) {
rpcApi.getBlocksByHeight(blockHeightsNotInCache).then(function(queriedBlocks) {
var queriedBlocksCurrentIndex = 0;
for (var i = 0; i < blockHeights.length; i++) {
if (blocksByIndex.hasOwnProperty(i)) {
} else {
var queriedBlock = queriedBlocks[queriedBlocksCurrentIndex];
blockCache.set("getBlockByHeight-" + queriedBlock.height, queriedBlock, 3600000);
}).catch(function(err) {
console.log("Error 39g2rfyewgf: " + err);
} else {
for (var i = 0; i < blockHeights.length; i++) {
function getBlockByHash(blockHash) {
return tryCacheThenRpcApi(blockCache, "getBlockByHash-" + blockHash, 3600000, function() {
return rpcApi.getBlockByHash(blockHash);
function getBlocksByHash(blockHashes) {
var blockHashesNotInCache = [];
var blocksByIndex = {};
for (var i = 0; i < blockHashes.length; i++) {
var blockI = blockCache.get("getBlockByHash-" + blockHashes[i]);
if (blockI == null) {
} else {
blocksByIndex[i] = blockI;
return new Promise(function(resolve, reject) {
var combinedBlocks = [];
if (blockHashesNotInCache.length > 0) {
rpcApi.getBlocksByHash(blockHashesNotInCache).then(function(queriedBlocks) {
var queriedBlocksCurrentIndex = 0;
for (var i = 0; i < blockHashes.length; i++) {
if (blocksByIndex.hasOwnProperty(i)) {
} else {
var queriedBlock = queriedBlocks[queriedBlocksCurrentIndex];
blockCache.set("getBlockByHash-" + queriedBlock.hash, queriedBlock, 3600000);
} else {
for (var i = 0; i < blockHeights.length; i++) {
function getRawTransaction(txid) {
var rpcApiFunction = function() {
return rpcApi.getRawTransaction(txid);
return tryCacheThenRpcApi(txCache, "getRawTransaction-" + txid, 3600000, rpcApiFunction, shouldCacheTransaction);
function getAddress(address) {
return tryCacheThenRpcApi(miscCache, "getAddress-" + address, 3600000, function() {
return rpcApi.getAddress(address);
function getRawTransactions(txids) {
var txidsNotInCache = [];
var txsByIndex = {};
for (var i = 0; i < txids.length; i++) {
var txI = txCache.get("getRawTransaction-" + txids[i]);
if (txI == null) {
} else {
txsByIndex[i] = txI;
return new Promise(function(resolve, reject) {
var combinedTxs = [];
if (txidsNotInCache.length > 0) {
rpcApi.getRawTransactions(txidsNotInCache).then(function(queriedTxs) {
var queriedTxsCurrentIndex = 0;
for (var i = 0; i < txids.length; i++) {
if (txsByIndex.hasOwnProperty(i)) {
} else {
var queriedTx = queriedTxs[queriedTxsCurrentIndex];
if (queriedTx != null) {
if (shouldCacheTransaction(queriedTx)) {
txCache.set("getRawTransaction-" + queriedTx.txid, queriedTx, 3600000);
} else {
for (var i = 0; i < txids.length; i++) {
function getRawTransactionsWithInputs(txids) {
return new Promise(function(resolve, reject) {
getRawTransactions(txids).then(function(transactions) {
var maxInputsTracked = config.site.txMaxInput;
var vinTxids = [];
for (var i = 0; i < transactions.length; i++) {
var transaction = transactions[i];
if (transaction && transaction.vin) {
for (var j = 0; j < Math.min(maxInputsTracked, transaction.vin.length); j++) {
if (transaction.vin[j].txid) {
var txInputsByTransaction = {};
getRawTransactions(vinTxids).then(function(vinTransactions) {
var vinTxById = {};
vinTransactions.forEach(function(tx) {
vinTxById[tx.txid] = tx;
transactions.forEach(function(tx) {
txInputsByTransaction[tx.txid] = {};
if (tx && tx.vin) {
for (var i = 0; i < Math.min(maxInputsTracked, tx.vin.length); i++) {
if (vinTxById[tx.vin[i].txid]) {
txInputsByTransaction[tx.txid][i] = vinTxById[tx.vin[i].txid];
resolve({ transactions:transactions, txInputsByTransaction:txInputsByTransaction });
function getBlockByHashWithTransactions(blockHash, txLimit, txOffset) {
return new Promise(function(resolve, reject) {
getBlockByHash(blockHash).then(function(block) {
var txids = [];
if (txOffset > 0) {
for (var i = txOffset; i < (txOffset + txLimit); i++) {
getRawTransactions(txids).then(function(transactions) {
if (transactions.length == txids.length) {
block.coinbaseTx = transactions[0];
block.totalFees = utils.getBlockTotalFeesFromCoinbaseTxAndBlockHeight(block.coinbaseTx, block.height);
block.miner = utils.getMinerFromCoinbaseTx(block.coinbaseTx);
// if we're on page 2, we don't really want it anymore...
if (txOffset > 0) {
var maxInputsTracked = config.site.txMaxInput;
var vinTxids = [];
for (var i = 0; i < transactions.length; i++) {
var transaction = transactions[i];
if (transaction && transaction.vin) {
for (var j = 0; j < Math.min(maxInputsTracked, transaction.vin.length); j++) {
if (transaction.vin[j].txid) {
var txInputsByTransaction = {};
getRawTransactions(vinTxids).then(function(vinTransactions) {
var vinTxById = {};
vinTransactions.forEach(function(tx) {
vinTxById[tx.txid] = tx;
transactions.forEach(function(tx) {
txInputsByTransaction[tx.txid] = {};
if (tx && tx.vin) {
for (var i = 0; i < Math.min(maxInputsTracked, tx.vin.length); i++) {
if (vinTxById[tx.vin[i].txid]) {
txInputsByTransaction[tx.txid][i] = vinTxById[tx.vin[i].txid];
resolve({ getblock:block, transactions:transactions, txInputsByTransaction:txInputsByTransaction });
function getHelp() {
return tryCacheThenRpcApi(miscCache, "getHelp", 3600000, function() {
return rpcApi.getHelp();
function getRpcMethodHelp(methodName) {
return tryCacheThenRpcApi(miscCache, "getHelp-" + methodName, 3600000, function() {
return rpcApi.getRpcMethodHelp(methodName);
function logCacheSizes() {
var itemCounts = [ miscCache.itemCount, blockCache.itemCount, txCache.itemCount ];
var stream = fs.createWriteStream("memoryUsage.csv", {flags:'a'});
stream.write("itemCounts: " + JSON.stringify(itemCounts) + "\n");
module.exports = {
getGenesisBlockHash: getGenesisBlockHash,
getGenesisCoinbaseTransactionId: getGenesisCoinbaseTransactionId,
getBlockchainInfo: getBlockchainInfo,
getNetworkInfo: getNetworkInfo,
getNetTotals: getNetTotals,
getMempoolInfo: getMempoolInfo,
getMiningInfo: getMiningInfo,
getBlockByHeight: getBlockByHeight,
getBlocksByHeight: getBlocksByHeight,
getBlockByHash: getBlockByHash,
getBlockByHashWithTransactions: getBlockByHashWithTransactions,
getRawTransaction: getRawTransaction,
getRawTransactions: getRawTransactions,
getRawTransactionsWithInputs: getRawTransactionsWithInputs,
getMempoolStats: getMempoolStats,
getUptimeSeconds: getUptimeSeconds,
getHelp: getHelp,
getRpcMethodHelp: getRpcMethodHelp,
getAddress: getAddress,
logCacheSizes: logCacheSizes,
getPeerSummary: getPeerSummary,
getChainTxStats: getChainTxStats,
getMempoolDetails: getMempoolDetails