You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

38 lines
1.1 KiB

extends layout
block headContent
title Blocks
block content
h1.h3 Blocks
if (blocks)
nav(aria-label="Page navigation")
ul(class="pagination justify-content-center")
li(class="page-item", class=(sort == "desc" ? "active" : false))
a(class="page-link", href=(sort == "desc" ? "javascript:void(0)" : "/blocks?limit=" + limit + "&offset=0" + "&sort=desc"))
span(aria-hidden="true") Newest blocks first
li(class="page-item", class=(sort == "asc" ? "active" : false))
a(class="page-link", href=(sort == "asc" ? "javascript:void(0)" : "/blocks?limit=" + limit + "&offset=0" + "&sort=asc"))
span(aria-hidden="true") Oldest blocks first
include includes/blocks-list.pug
if (blockCount > limit)
- var pageNumber = offset / limit + 1;
- var pageCount = Math.floor(blockCount / limit);
- if (pageCount * limit < blockCount) {
- pageCount++;
- }
- var paginationUrlFunction = function(x) {
- return paginationBaseUrl + "?limit=" + limit + "&offset=" + ((x - 1) * limit + "&sort=" + sort);
- }
include includes/pagination.pug
p No blocks found