var fs = require ( 'fs' ) ;
var crypto = require ( 'crypto' ) ;
var url = require ( 'url' ) ;
var coins = require ( "./coins.js" ) ;
var credentials = require ( "./credentials.js" ) ;
var currentCoin = process . env . BTCEXP_COIN || "BTC" ;
var rpcCred = credentials . rpc ;
if ( rpcCred . cookie && ! rpcCred . username && ! rpcCred . password && fs . existsSync ( rpcCred . cookie ) ) {
console . log ( ` Loading RPC cookie file: ${ rpcCred . cookie } ` ) ;
[ rpcCred . username , rpcCred . password ] = fs . readFileSync ( rpcCred . cookie ) . toString ( ) . split ( ':' , 2 ) ;
if ( ! rpcCred . password ) {
throw new Error ( ` Cookie file ${ rpcCred . cookie } in unexpected format ` ) ;
var cookieSecret = process . env . BTCEXP_COOKIE_SECRET
|| ( rpcCred . password && crypto . createHmac ( 'sha256' , JSON . stringify ( rpcCred ) )
. update ( 'btc-rpc-explorer-cookie-secret' ) . digest ( 'hex' ) )
|| "0x000000000019d6689c085ae165831e934ff763ae46a2a6c172b3f1b60a8ce26f" ;
var electrumXServerUriStrings = ( process . env . BTCEXP_ELECTRUMX_SERVERS || "" ) . split ( ',' ) . filter ( Boolean ) ;
var electrumXServers = [ ] ;
for ( var i = 0 ; i < electrumXServerUriStrings . length ; i ++ ) {
var uri = url . parse ( electrumXServerUriStrings [ i ] ) ;
electrumXServers . push ( { protocol : uri . protocol . substring ( 0 , uri . protocol . length - 1 ) , host : uri . hostname , port : parseInt ( uri . port ) } ) ;
[ "BTCEXP_DEMO" , "BTCEXP_PRIVACY_MODE" , "BTCEXP_NO_INMEMORY_RPC_CACHE" ] . forEach ( function ( item ) {
if ( process . env [ item ] === undefined ) {
process . env [ item ] = "false" ;
} ) ;
if ( process . env [ item ] === undefined ) {
process . env [ item ] = "true" ;
} ) ;
module . exports = {
coin : currentCoin ,
cookieSecret : cookieSecret ,
privacyMode : ( process . env . BTCEXP_PRIVACY_MODE . toLowerCase ( ) == "true" ) ,
slowDeviceMode : ( process . env . BTCEXP_SLOW_DEVICE_MODE . toLowerCase ( ) == "true" ) ,
demoSite : ( process . env . BTCEXP_DEMO . toLowerCase ( ) == "true" ) ,
queryExchangeRates : ( process . env . BTCEXP_NO_RATES . toLowerCase ( ) != "true" ) ,
noInmemoryRpcCache : ( process . env . BTCEXP_NO_INMEMORY_RPC_CACHE . toLowerCase ( ) == "true" ) ,
rpcConcurrency : ( process . env . BTCEXP_RPC_CONCURRENCY || 10 ) ,
rpcBlacklist :
process . env . BTCEXP_RPC_ALLOWALL ? [ ]
: process . env . BTCEXP_RPC_BLACKLIST ? process . env . BTCEXP_RPC_BLACKLIST . split ( ',' ) . filter ( Boolean )
: [
"addnode" ,
"backupwallet" ,
"bumpfee" ,
"clearbanned" ,
"createmultisig" ,
"createwallet" ,
"disconnectnode" ,
"dumpprivkey" ,
"dumpwallet" ,
"encryptwallet" ,
"generate" ,
"generatetoaddress" ,
"getaccountaddrss" ,
"getaddressesbyaccount" ,
"getbalance" ,
"getnewaddress" ,
"getrawchangeaddress" ,
"getreceivedbyaccount" ,
"getreceivedbyaddress" ,
"gettransaction" ,
"getunconfirmedbalance" ,
"getwalletinfo" ,
"importaddress" ,
"importmulti" ,
"importprivkey" ,
"importprunedfunds" ,
"importpubkey" ,
"importwallet" ,
"invalidateblock" ,
"keypoolrefill" ,
"listaccounts" ,
"listaddressgroupings" ,
"listlockunspent" ,
"listreceivedbyaccount" ,
"listreceivedbyaddress" ,
"listsinceblock" ,
"listtransactions" ,
"listunspent" ,
"listwallets" ,
"lockunspent" ,
"logging" ,
"move" ,
"preciousblock" ,
"pruneblockchain" ,
"reconsiderblock" ,
"removeprunedfunds" ,
"rescanblockchain" ,
"savemempool" ,
"sendfrom" ,
"sendmany" ,
"sendtoaddress" ,
"sendrawtransaction" ,
"setaccount" ,
"setban" ,
"setmocktime" ,
"setnetworkactive" ,
"signmessage" ,
"signmessagewithprivatekey" ,
"signrawtransaction" ,
"signrawtransactionwithkey" ,
"stop" ,
"submitblock" ,
"syncwithvalidationinterfacequeue" ,
"verifychain" ,
"waitforblock" ,
"waitforblockheight" ,
"waitfornewblock" ,
"walletlock" ,
"walletpassphrase" ,
"walletpassphrasechange" ,
] ,
addressApi : process . env . BTCEXP_ADDRESS_API ,
electrumXServers : electrumXServers ,
redisUrl : process . env . BTCEXP_REDIS_URL ,
site : {
homepage : {
recentBlocksCount : 10
} ,
blockTxPageSize : 20 ,
addressTxPageSize : 10 ,
txMaxInput : 15 ,
browseBlocksPageSize : 50 ,
addressPage : {
txOutputMaxDefaultDisplay : 10
} ,
valueDisplayMaxLargeDigits : 4 ,
header : {
showToolsSubheader : ( process . env . BTCEXP_UI_SHOW_TOOLS_SUBHEADER == "true" ) ,
dropdowns : [
title : "Related Sites" ,
links : [
{ name : "Bitcoin Explorer" , url : "" , imgUrl : "/img/logo/btc.svg" } ,
{ name : "LND Admin" , url : "" , imgUrl : "/img/logo/lnd-admin.png" } ,
//{name: "Litecoin Explorer", url:"", imgUrl:"/img/logo/ltc.svg"},
//{name: "Lightning Explorer", url:"", imgUrl:"/img/logo/lightning.svg"},
} ,
subHeaderToolsList : [ 0 , 10 , 9 , 4 , 11 , 6 , 7 ] , // indexes in "siteTools" below that are shown in the site "sub menu" (visible on all pages except homepage)
prioritizedToolIdsList : [ 0 , 10 , 11 , 9 , 3 , 4 , 12 , 2 , 5 , 1 , 6 , 7 , 8 ] ,
} ,
credentials : credentials ,
siteTools : [
/* 0 */ { name : "Node Status" , url : "/node-status" , desc : "Summary of this node: version, network, uptime, etc." , fontawesome : "fas fa-broadcast-tower" } ,
/* 1 */ { name : "Peers" , url : "/peers" , desc : "Detailed info about the peers connected to this node." , fontawesome : "fas fa-sitemap" } ,
/* 2 */ { name : "Browse Blocks" , url : "/blocks" , desc : "Browse all blocks in the blockchain." , fontawesome : "fas fa-cubes" } ,
/* 3 */ { name : "Transaction Stats" , url : "/tx-stats" , desc : "See graphs of total transaction volume and transaction rates." , fontawesome : "fas fa-chart-bar" } ,
/* 4 */ { name : "Mempool Summary" , url : "/mempool-summary" , desc : "Detailed summary of the current mempool for this node." , fontawesome : "fas fa-receipt" } ,
/* 5 */ { name : "Browse Pending Tx" , url : "/unconfirmed-tx" , desc : "Browse unconfirmed/pending transactions." , fontawesome : "fas fa-unlock" } ,
/* 6 */ { name : "RPC Browser" , url : "/rpc-browser" , desc : "Browse the RPC functionality of this node. See docs and execute commands." , fontawesome : "fas fa-book" } ,
/* 7 */ { name : "RPC Terminal" , url : "/rpc-terminal" , desc : "Directly execute RPCs against this node." , fontawesome : "fas fa-terminal" } ,
/* 8 */ { name : ( coins [ currentCoin ] . name + " Fun" ) , url : "/fun" , desc : "See fun/interesting historical blockchain data." , fontawesome : "fas fa-certificate" } ,
/* 9 */ { name : "Mining Summary" , url : "/mining-summary" , desc : "Summary of recent data about miners." , fontawesome : "fas fa-chart-pie" } ,
/* 10 */ { name : "Block Stats" , url : "/block-stats" , desc : "Summary data for blocks in configurable range." , fontawesome : "fas fa-layer-group" } ,
/* 11 */ { name : "Block Analysis" , url : "/block-analysis" , desc : "Summary analysis for all transactions in a block." , fontawesome : "fas fa-angle-double-down" } ,
/* 12 */ { name : "Difficulty History" , url : "/difficulty-history" , desc : "Graph of difficulty changes over time." , fontawesome : "fas fa-chart-line" } ,
] ,
donations : {
addresses : {
coins : [ "BTC" ] ,
sites : { "BTC" : "" }
} ,
btcpayserver : {
host : "" ,
storeId : "26k74KRh7RYmJcMDqvmdKTb2h3991FMTZSM4GJHnX6st" ,
notifyEmail : "" ,
customAmountUrl : ""
} ;