var express = require ( 'express' ) ;
var router = express . Router ( ) ;
var util = require ( 'util' ) ;
var moment = require ( 'moment' ) ;
var utils = require ( './../app/utils' ) ;
var env = require ( "./../app/env" ) ;
var bitcoinCore = require ( "bitcoin-core" ) ;
var rpcApi = require ( "./../app/rpcApi" ) ;
router . get ( "/" , function ( req , res ) {
if ( req . session . host == null || req . session . host . trim ( ) == "" ) {
if ( req . cookies [ 'rpc-host' ] ) {
res . locals . host = req . cookies [ 'rpc-host' ] ;
if ( req . cookies [ 'rpc-port' ] ) {
res . locals . port = req . cookies [ 'rpc-port' ] ;
if ( req . cookies [ 'rpc-username' ] ) {
res . locals . username = req . cookies [ 'rpc-username' ] ;
res . render ( "connect" ) ;
res . end ( ) ;
return ;
var client = global . client ;
rpcApi . getBlockchainInfo ( ) . then ( function ( getblockchaininfo ) {
res . locals . getblockchaininfo = getblockchaininfo ;
var blockHeights = [ ] ;
if ( getblockchaininfo . blocks ) {
for ( var i = 0 ; i < 10 ; i ++ ) {
blockHeights . push ( getblockchaininfo . blocks - i ) ;
rpcApi . getBlocksByHeight ( blockHeights ) . then ( function ( latestBlocks ) {
res . locals . latestBlocks = latestBlocks ;
res . render ( "index" ) ;
} ) ;
} ) . catch ( function ( err ) {
res . locals . userMessage = "Unable to connect to Bitcoin Node at " + env . bitcoind . host + ":" + env . bitcoind . port ;
res . render ( "index" ) ;
} ) ;
} ) ;
router . get ( "/node-details" , function ( req , res ) {
var client = global . client ;
rpcApi . getBlockchainInfo ( ) . then ( function ( getblockchaininfo ) {
res . locals . getblockchaininfo = getblockchaininfo ;
rpcApi . getNetworkInfo ( ) . then ( function ( getnetworkinfo ) {
res . locals . getnetworkinfo = getnetworkinfo ;
rpcApi . getUptimeSeconds ( ) . then ( function ( uptimeSeconds ) {
res . locals . uptimeSeconds = uptimeSeconds ;
rpcApi . getNetTotals ( ) . then ( function ( getnettotals ) {
res . locals . getnettotals = getnettotals ;
res . render ( "node-details" ) ;
} ) . catch ( function ( err ) {
res . locals . userMessage = "Unable to connect to Bitcoin Node at " + env . bitcoind . host + ":" + env . bitcoind . port ;
res . render ( "node-details" ) ;
} ) ;
} ) . catch ( function ( err ) {
res . locals . userMessage = "Unable to connect to Bitcoin Node at " + env . bitcoind . host + ":" + env . bitcoind . port ;
res . render ( "node-details" ) ;
} ) ;
} ) . catch ( function ( err ) {
res . locals . userMessage = "Unable to connect to Bitcoin Node at " + env . bitcoind . host + ":" + env . bitcoind . port ;
res . render ( "node-details" ) ;
} ) ;
} ) . catch ( function ( err ) {
res . locals . userMessage = "Unable to connect to Bitcoin Node at " + env . bitcoind . host + ":" + env . bitcoind . port ;
res . render ( "node-details" ) ;
} ) ;
} ) ;
router . get ( "/mempool-summary" , function ( req , res ) {
var client = global . client ;
rpcApi . getMempoolInfo ( ) . then ( function ( getmempoolinfo ) {
res . locals . getmempoolinfo = getmempoolinfo ;
rpcApi . getMempoolStats ( ) . then ( function ( mempoolstats ) {
res . locals . mempoolstats = mempoolstats ;
res . render ( "mempool-summary" ) ;
} ) ;
} ) . catch ( function ( err ) {
res . locals . userMessage = "Unable to connect to Bitcoin Node at " + env . bitcoind . host + ":" + env . bitcoind . port ;
res . render ( "mempool-summary" ) ;
} ) ;
} ) ;
router . post ( "/connect" , function ( req , res ) {
var host = req . body . host ;
var port = req . body . port ;
var username = req . body . username ;
var password = req . body . password ;
res . cookie ( 'rpc-host' , host ) ;
res . cookie ( 'rpc-port' , port ) ;
res . cookie ( 'rpc-username' , username ) ;
req . session . host = host ;
req . session . port = port ;
req . session . username = username ;
var client = new bitcoinCore ( {
host : host ,
port : port ,
username : username ,
password : password ,
timeout : 30000
} ) ;
console . log ( "created client: " + client ) ;
global . client = client ;
req . session . userMessage = "<strong>Connected via RPC</strong>: " + username + " @ " + host + ":" + port ;
req . session . userMessageType = "success" ;
res . redirect ( "/" ) ;
} ) ;
router . get ( "/disconnect" , function ( req , res ) {
res . cookie ( 'rpc-host' , "" ) ;
res . cookie ( 'rpc-port' , "" ) ;
res . cookie ( 'rpc-username' , "" ) ;
req . session . host = "" ;
req . session . port = "" ;
req . session . username = "" ;
console . log ( "destroyed client." ) ;
global . client = null ;
req . session . userMessage = "Disconnected from node." ;
req . session . userMessageType = "success" ;
res . redirect ( "/" ) ;
} ) ;
router . get ( "/changeSetting" , function ( req , res ) {
if ( req . query . name ) {
req . session [ req . query . name ] = req . query . value ;
res . cookie ( 'user-setting-' + req . query . name , req . query . value ) ;
res . redirect ( req . headers . referer ) ;
} ) ;
router . get ( "/blocks" , function ( req , res ) {
var limit = 20 ;
var offset = 0 ;
var sort = "desc" ;
if ( req . query . limit ) {
limit = parseInt ( req . query . limit ) ;
if ( req . query . offset ) {
offset = parseInt ( req . query . offset ) ;
if ( req . query . sort ) {
sort = req . query . sort ;
res . locals . limit = limit ;
res . locals . offset = offset ;
res . locals . sort = sort ;
res . locals . paginationBaseUrl = "/blocks" ;
rpcApi . getBlockchainInfo ( ) . then ( function ( getblockchaininfo ) {
res . locals . blockCount = getblockchaininfo . blocks ;
res . locals . blockOffset = offset ;
var blockHeights = [ ] ;
if ( sort == "desc" ) {
for ( var i = ( getblockchaininfo . blocks - offset ) ; i > ( getblockchaininfo . blocks - offset - limit ) ; i -- ) {
blockHeights . push ( i ) ;
} else {
for ( var i = offset ; i < ( offset + limit ) ; i ++ ) {
blockHeights . push ( i ) ;
rpcApi . getBlocksByHeight ( blockHeights ) . then ( function ( blocks ) {
res . locals . blocks = blocks ;
res . render ( "blocks" ) ;
} ) ;
} ) . catch ( function ( err ) {
res . locals . userMessage = "Unable to connect to Bitcoin Node at " + env . bitcoind . host + ":" + env . bitcoind . port ;
res . render ( "blocks" ) ;
} ) ;
} ) ;
router . post ( "/search" , function ( req , res ) {
if ( ! req . body . query ) {
req . session . userMessage = "Enter a block height, block hash, or transaction id." ;
res . redirect ( "/" ) ;
return ;
var query = req . body . query . toLowerCase ( ) . trim ( ) ;
req . session . query = req . body . query ;
if ( query . length == 64 ) {
rpcApi . getRawTransaction ( query ) . then ( function ( tx ) {
if ( tx ) {
res . redirect ( "/tx/" + query ) ;
return ;
rpcApi . getBlockByHash ( query ) . then ( function ( blockByHash ) {
if ( blockByHash ) {
res . redirect ( "/block/" + query ) ;
return ;
req . session . userMessage = "No results found for query: " + query ;
res . redirect ( "/" ) ;
} ) . catch ( function ( err ) {
req . session . userMessage = "No results found for query: " + query ;
res . redirect ( "/" ) ;
} ) ;
} ) . catch ( function ( err ) {
rpcApi . getBlockByHash ( query ) . then ( function ( blockByHash ) {
if ( blockByHash ) {
res . redirect ( "/block/" + query ) ;
return ;
req . session . userMessage = "No results found for query: " + query ;
res . redirect ( "/" ) ;
} ) . catch ( function ( err ) {
req . session . userMessage = "No results found for query: " + query ;
res . redirect ( "/" ) ;
} ) ;
} ) ;
} else if ( ! isNaN ( query ) ) {
rpcApi . getBlockByHeight ( parseInt ( query ) ) . then ( function ( blockByHeight ) {
if ( blockByHeight ) {
res . redirect ( "/block-height/" + query ) ;
return ;
req . session . userMessage = "No results found for query: " + query ;
res . redirect ( "/" ) ;
} ) ;
} else {
req . session . userMessage = "Invalid query: " + query ;
res . redirect ( "/" ) ;
return ;
} ) ;
router . get ( "/block-height/:blockHeight" , function ( req , res ) {
var client = global . client ;
var blockHeight = parseInt ( req . params . blockHeight ) ;
res . locals . blockHeight = blockHeight ;
res . locals . result = { } ;
var limit = 20 ;
var offset = 0 ;
if ( req . query . limit ) {
limit = parseInt ( req . query . limit ) ;
if ( req . query . offset ) {
offset = parseInt ( req . query . offset ) ;
res . locals . limit = limit ;
res . locals . offset = offset ;
res . locals . paginationBaseUrl = "/block-height/" + blockHeight ;
client . command ( 'getblockhash' , blockHeight , function ( err , result , resHeaders ) {
if ( err ) {
// TODO handle RPC error
return console . log ( err ) ;
res . locals . result . getblockhash = result ;
rpcApi . getBlockData ( client , result , limit , offset ) . then ( function ( result ) {
res . locals . result . getblock = result . getblock ;
res . locals . result . transactions = result . transactions ;
res . locals . result . txInputsByTransaction = result . txInputsByTransaction ;
res . render ( "block-height" ) ;
} ) ;
} ) ;
} ) ;
router . get ( "/block/:blockHash" , function ( req , res ) {
var blockHash = req . params . blockHash ;
res . locals . blockHash = blockHash ;
res . locals . result = { } ;
var limit = 20 ;
var offset = 0 ;
if ( req . query . limit ) {
limit = parseInt ( req . query . limit ) ;
if ( req . query . offset ) {
offset = parseInt ( req . query . offset ) ;
res . locals . limit = limit ;
res . locals . offset = offset ;
res . locals . paginationBaseUrl = "/block/" + blockHash ;
// TODO handle RPC error
rpcApi . getBlockData ( client , blockHash , limit , offset ) . then ( function ( result ) {
res . locals . result . getblock = result . getblock ;
res . locals . result . transactions = result . transactions ;
res . locals . result . txInputsByTransaction = result . txInputsByTransaction ;
res . render ( "block" ) ;
} ) ;
} ) ;
router . get ( "/tx/:transactionId" , function ( req , res ) {
var txid = req . params . transactionId ;
var output = - 1 ;
if ( req . query . output ) {
output = parseInt ( req . query . output ) ;
res . locals . txid = txid ;
res . locals . output = output ;
res . locals . result = { } ;
rpcApi . getRawTransaction ( txid ) . then ( function ( rawTxResult ) {
res . locals . result . getrawtransaction = rawTxResult ;
client . command ( 'getblock' , rawTxResult . blockhash , function ( err3 , result3 , resHeaders3 ) {
res . locals . result . getblock = result3 ;
var txids = [ ] ;
for ( var i = 0 ; i < rawTxResult . vin . length ; i ++ ) {
if ( ! rawTxResult . vin [ i ] . coinbase ) {
txids . push ( rawTxResult . vin [ i ] . txid ) ;
rpcApi . getRawTransactions ( txids ) . then ( function ( txInputs ) {
res . locals . result . txInputs = txInputs ;
res . render ( "transaction" ) ;
} ) ;
} ) ;
} ) . catch ( function ( err ) {
res . locals . userMessage = "Failed to load transaction with txid=" + txid + " (" + err + ")" ;
res . render ( "transaction" ) ;
} ) ;
} ) ;
router . get ( "/rpc-terminal" , function ( req , res ) {
if ( ! env . debug ) {
res . send ( "Debug mode is off." ) ;
return ;
res . render ( "terminal" ) ;
} ) ;
router . post ( "/rpc-terminal" , function ( req , res ) {
if ( ! env . debug ) {
res . send ( "Debug mode is off." ) ;
return ;
var params = req . body . cmd . split ( " " ) ;
var cmd = params . shift ( ) ;
var parsedParams = [ ] ;
params . forEach ( function ( param , i ) {
if ( ! isNaN ( param ) ) {
parsedParams . push ( parseInt ( param ) ) ;
} else {
parsedParams . push ( param ) ;
} ) ;
if ( env . rpcBlacklist . includes ( cmd ) ) {
res . write ( "Sorry, that RPC command is blacklisted. If this is your server, you may allow this command by removing it from the 'rpcBlacklist' setting in env.js." , function ( ) {
res . end ( ) ;
} ) ;
return ;
client . command ( [ { method : cmd , parameters : parsedParams } ] , function ( err , result , resHeaders ) {
console . log ( "Result[1]: " + JSON . stringify ( result , null , 4 ) ) ;
console . log ( "Error[2]: " + JSON . stringify ( err , null , 4 ) ) ;
console . log ( "Headers[3]: " + JSON . stringify ( resHeaders , null , 4 ) ) ;
if ( err ) {
console . log ( JSON . stringify ( err , null , 4 ) ) ;
res . write ( JSON . stringify ( err , null , 4 ) , function ( ) {
res . end ( ) ;
} ) ;
} else if ( result ) {
res . write ( JSON . stringify ( result , null , 4 ) , function ( ) {
res . end ( ) ;
} ) ;
} else {
res . write ( JSON . stringify ( { "Error" : "No response from node" } , null , 4 ) , function ( ) {
res . end ( ) ;
} ) ;
} ) ;
} ) ;
router . get ( "/rpc-browser" , function ( req , res ) {
if ( ! env . debug ) {
res . send ( "Debug mode is off." ) ;
return ;
rpcApi . getHelp ( ) . then ( function ( result ) {
res . locals . gethelp = result ;
if ( req . query . method ) {
res . locals . method = req . query . method ;
rpcApi . getRpcMethodHelp ( req . query . method . trim ( ) ) . then ( function ( result2 ) {
res . locals . methodhelp = result2 ;
if ( req . query . execute ) {
var argDetails = result2 . args ;
var argValues = [ ] ;
if ( req . query . args ) {
for ( var i = 0 ; i < req . query . args . length ; i ++ ) {
var argProperties = argDetails [ i ] . properties ;
for ( var j = 0 ; j < argProperties . length ; j ++ ) {
if ( argProperties [ j ] == "numeric" ) {
if ( req . query . args [ i ] == null || req . query . args [ i ] == "" ) {
argValues . push ( null ) ;
} else {
argValues . push ( parseInt ( req . query . args [ i ] ) ) ;
break ;
} else if ( argProperties [ j ] == "boolean" ) {
if ( req . query . args [ i ] ) {
argValues . push ( req . query . args [ i ] == "true" ) ;
break ;
} else if ( argProperties [ j ] == "string" ) {
if ( req . query . args [ i ] ) {
argValues . push ( req . query . args [ i ] ) ;
break ;
res . locals . argValues = argValues ;
if ( env . rpcBlacklist . includes ( req . query . method ) ) {
res . locals . methodResult = "Sorry, that RPC command is blacklisted. If this is your server, you may allow this command by removing it from the 'rpcBlacklist' setting in env.js." ;
res . render ( "browser" ) ;
return ;
console . log ( "Executing RPC '" + req . query . method + "' with params: [" + argValues + "]" ) ;
client . command ( [ { method : req . query . method , parameters : argValues } ] , function ( err3 , result3 , resHeaders3 ) {
console . log ( "RPC Response: err=" + err3 + ", result=" + result3 + ", headers=" + resHeaders3 ) ;
if ( err3 ) {
if ( result3 ) {
res . locals . methodResult = { error : ( "" + err3 ) , result : result3 } ;
} else {
res . locals . methodResult = { error : ( "" + err3 ) } ;
} else if ( result3 ) {
res . locals . methodResult = result3 ;
} else {
res . locals . methodResult = { "Error" : "No response from node." } ;
res . render ( "browser" ) ;
} ) ;
} else {
res . render ( "browser" ) ;
} ) . catch ( function ( err ) {
res . locals . userMessage = "Error loading help content for method " + req . query . method + ": " + err ;
res . render ( "browser" ) ;
} ) ;
} else {
res . render ( "browser" ) ;
} ) . catch ( function ( err ) {
res . locals . userMessage = "Error loading help content: " + err ;
res . render ( "browser" ) ;
} ) ;
} ) ;
router . get ( "/fun" , function ( req , res ) {
res . locals . historicalData = rpcApi . getHistoricalData ( ) ;
res . render ( "fun" ) ;
} ) ;
module . exports = router ;