7 changed files with 187 additions and 15 deletions
@ -0,0 +1,104 @@ |
extends layout |
block headContent |
title Address #{address} |
block content |
if (result && result.validateaddress) |
if (!result.validateaddress.isvalid) |
h1(class="h2 text-danger") Invalid Address |
br |
small(class="monospace") #{address} |
else |
h1(class="h2") Address |
br |
small(class="monospace") #{address} |
hr |
if (false) |
pre |
code #{JSON.stringify(addressObj, null, 4)} |
ul(class='nav nav-tabs mb-3') |
li(class="nav-item") |
a(data-toggle="tab", href="#tab-summary", class="nav-link active", role="tab") Summary |
li(class="nav-item") |
a(data-toggle="tab", href="#tab-raw", class="nav-link", role="tab") Raw |
div(class="tab-content") |
div(id="tab-summary", class="tab-pane active", role="tabpanel") |
table(class="table") |
if (addressObj.hash) |
tr |
th(class="table-active properties-header") Hash 160 |
td(class="monospace") #{addressObj.hash.toString("hex")} |
if (result.validateaddress.scriptPubKey) |
tr |
th(class="table-active properties-header") Script Public Key |
td(class="monospace") #{result.validateaddress.scriptPubKey} |
if (addressObj.hasOwnProperty("version")) |
tr |
th(class="table-active properties-header") Version |
td(class="monospace") #{addressObj.version} |
if (result.validateaddress.hasOwnProperty("witness_version")) |
tr |
th(class="table-active properties-header") Witness Version |
td(class="monospace") #{result.validateaddress.witness_version} |
if (result.validateaddress.witness_program) |
tr |
th(class="table-active properties-header") Witness Program |
td(class="monospace") #{result.validateaddress.witness_program} |
tr |
th(class="table-active properties-header") QR Code |
td(class="monospace") |
img(src=addressQrCodeUrl, alt=address) |
div(class="card mb-3") |
div(class="card-header") |
span(class="h6") Flags |
div(class="card-body") |
table(class="table text-center") |
thead |
tr |
th Is Valid? |
th Is Script? |
th Is Witness? |
th Is Mine? |
th Is Watch-Only? |
tbody |
tr |
- var x = result.validateaddress; |
- var flags = [x.isvalid, x.isscript, x.iswitness, x.ismine, x.iswatchonly]; |
each flag in flags |
td |
if (flag) |
i(class="fas fa-check text-success") |
else |
i(class="fas fa-times text-danger") |
div(class="card") |
div(class="card-header") |
span(class="h6") Transactions |
div(class="card-body") |
table(class="table") |
strong |
p(class="text-warning") This is a work-in-progress |
p Since this app is database-free, displaying a list of transactions involving the current address is tricky. I'm actively researching the best way to implement this. |
a(href="https://github.com/janoside/btc-rpc-explorer/issues/8") Suggestions and/or pull requests are welcome! |
div(id="tab-raw", class="tab-pane", role="tabpanel") |
div(class="highlight") |
pre |
code(class="language-json", data-lang="json") #{JSON.stringify(result.validateaddress, null, 4)} |
Reference in new issue