@ -75,17 +75,38 @@ div(class="tab-content") |
- var currencyValue = new Decimal(result.getblock.totalFees); |
include ./value-display.pug |
tr |
td(class="properties-header") Average Fee |
td(class="monospace") |
- var currencyValue = new Decimal(result.getblock.totalFees).dividedBy(result.getblock.tx.length); |
include ./value-display.pug |
if (result.getblock.totalFees > 0) |
tr |
td(class="properties-header") Average Fee |
td(class="monospace") |
- var currencyValue = new Decimal(result.getblock.totalFees).dividedBy(result.getblock.tx.length); |
include ./value-display.pug |
- var coinbaseTxTotalOutputValue = new Decimal(0); |
each vout in result.getblock.coinbaseTx.vout |
- coinbaseTxTotalOutputValue = coinbaseTxTotalOutputValue.plus(new Decimal(vout.value)); |
- var blockRewardMax = coinConfig.blockRewardFunction(result.getblock.height); |
if (coinbaseTxTotalOutputValue < blockRewardMax) |
tr |
td(class="properties-header") Fees Destroyed |
td(class="text-danger") |
- var currencyValue = new Decimal(blockRewardMax).minus(coinbaseTxTotalOutputValue); |
include ./value-display.pug |
a(class="ml-2", data-toggle="tooltip", title="The miner of this block failed to collect this value. As a result, it is lost.") |
i(class="fas fa-info-circle") |
if (result.getblock.weight) |
tr |
td(class="properties-header") Weight |
td(class="monospace") |
span #{result.getblock.weight.toLocaleString()} wu |
span(style="") #{result.getblock.weight.toLocaleString()} wu |
- var radialProgressBarPercent = new Decimal(100 * result.getblock.weight / coinConfig.maxBlockWeight).toDecimalPlaces(2); |
include ./radial-progress-bar.pug |
span(class="text-muted") (#{new Decimal(100 * result.getblock.weight / coinConfig.maxBlockWeight).toDecimalPlaces(2)}% full) |
tr |