- /block-analysis: new "top size tx" table and size distribution chart
- for huge tx: shrink input/output index numbers and don't include thousands separator
- move JSON displays into cards for UI consistency
- tons of frontend code consistency cleanup
- updated bootstrap with thinner column gutters (to avoid the col-lg-left/col-lg-right business I was hacking)
- remove npm links from demo homepage banner
alertBodyHtml:"This transaction is the first instance of the transfer of bitcoin from one person to another. It also has the added distinction of being (one of?) the only known transfers of bitcoin from Satoshi Nakamoto, in this case sending bitcoin to Hal Finney as a test."
alertBodyHtml:"This transaction represents the first ever transfer of bitcoin from one person to another. It also has the added distinction of being (one of?) the only known transfers of bitcoin from Satoshi Nakamoto, in this case sending bitcoin to Hal Finney as a test."
span this explorer is database-free, it doesn't natively support address balances and transaction histories. In order to provide this functionality, address balances and transaction history can be requested from a configurable set of ElectrumX servers. If multiple ElectrumX servers are configured, the results are cross-referenced and conflicts noted. For the transaction history displayed below, only the transaction identifiers from ElectrumX are used; the transaction details are requested via RPC from this app's primary node, as usual.
span this explorer is database-free, it doesn't natively support address balances and transaction histories. In order to provide this functionality, address balances and transaction history can be requested from a configurable set of ElectrumX servers. If multiple ElectrumX servers are configured, the results are cross-referenced and conflicts noted. For the transaction history displayed below, only the transaction identifiers from ElectrumX are used; the transaction details are requested via RPC from this app's primary node, as usual.
- var currencyValue = item.confirmed / coinConfig.baseCurrencyUnit.multiplier;
- var currencyValue = item.confirmed / coinConfig.baseCurrencyUnit.multiplier;
@ -198,17 +199,17 @@ block content
div.summary-split-table-label #{flagName}
div.summary-split-table-label #{flagName}
if (flags[index])
if (flags[index])
i(class="fas fa-check text-success")
i(class="fas fa-times text-warning")
if (false)
if (false)
div(class="card mb-3 shadow-sm")
span(class="h6") Flags
span.h6 Flags
table(class="table text-center")
th Is Valid?
th Is Valid?
@ -224,9 +225,9 @@ block content
each flag in flags
each flag in flags
if (flag)
if (flag)
i(class="fas fa-check text-success")
i(class="fas fa-times text-warning")
@ -248,21 +249,21 @@ block content
small.text-muted.border-dotted.ml-2(title=`The list of transaction IDs for this address was queried from ${config.addressApi}` data-toggle="tooltip") Trust Note
small.text-muted.border-dotted.ml-2(title=`The list of transaction IDs for this address was queried from ${config.addressApi}` data-toggle="tooltip") Trust Note
span The transaction history for this address was requested from mulitple ElectrumX servers and the results did not match. The results below were obtained only from
span The transaction history for this address was requested from mulitple ElectrumX servers and the results did not match. The results below were obtained only from
a(data-toggle="tooltip", title="Fewer than 6 confirmations is generally considered 'unsettled' for high-value transactions. The applicability of this guidance may vary.")
a(data-toggle="tooltip", title="Fewer than 6 confirmations is generally considered 'unsettled' for high-value transactions. The applicability of this guidance may vary.")
a(data-toggle="tooltip", title="6 confirmations is generally considered 'settled'. High-value transactions may require more; low-value transactions may require less.")
a(data-toggle="tooltip", title="6 confirmations is generally considered 'settled'. High-value transactions may require more; low-value transactions may require less.")
a(data-toggle="tooltip", title="Fewer than 6 confirmations is generally considered 'unsettled' for high-value transactions. The applicability of this guidance may vary.")
a(data-toggle="tooltip", title="Fewer than 6 confirmations is generally considered 'unsettled' for high-value transactions. The applicability of this guidance may vary.")
a(data-toggle="tooltip", title="6 confirmations is generally considered 'settled'. High-value transactions may require more; low-value transactions may require less.")
a(data-toggle="tooltip", title="6 confirmations is generally considered 'settled'. High-value transactions may require more; low-value transactions may require less.")
@ -367,7 +367,7 @@ div.tab-content
a.ml-2(href=`/block-analysis/${result.getblock.hash}`) See Transaction Analysis »
a.ml-2(href=`/block-analysis/${result.getblock.hash}`) See Transaction Analysis »
if (false || (!config.demoSite && !crawlerBot && txCount > 20))
if (false || (!config.demoSite && !crawlerBot && txCount > 20))
if (!config.demoSite && (!config.credentials.rpc || !config.credentials.rpc.rpc))
if (!config.demoSite && (!config.credentials.rpc || !config.credentials.rpc.rpc))
span(style="float: right;")
span(style="float: right;")
a(href="/disconnect", class="btn btn-secondary") Disconnect from node
a.btn.btn-secondary(href="/disconnect") Disconnect from node
Use this interactive terminal to send RPC commands to your node. Results will be shown inline. To browse all available RPC commands you can use the [RPC Browser](/rpc-browser).
Use this interactive terminal to send RPC commands to your node. Results will be shown inline. To browse all available RPC commands you can use the [RPC Browser](/rpc-browser).