@ -7,211 +7,218 @@ block content |
h1(class="h3") #{coinConfig.siteTitle} |
h1(class="h3") #{coinConfig.siteTitle} |
hr |
hr |
if (config.demoSite && session.hideHomepageBanner != "true") |
if (getblockchaininfo == null) |
div(class="alert alert-primary alert-dismissible shadow-sm mb-4", role="alert") |
div(class="alert alert-warning") |
span |
p(class="font-weight-bold") Unable to get basic blockchain data |
strong #{coinConfig.siteTitle} |
ul |
span is |
li If you just started your node, it may still be initializing. |
a(href="https://github.com/janoside/btc-rpc-explorer", target="_blank") open-source |
li If your node is already initialized, check your RPC connection info. |
span and easy to set up. It can communicate with your |
else |
a(href=coinConfig.nodeUrl, target="_blank") #{coinConfig.name} Full Node |
span via RPC. See the |
if (config.demoSite && session.hideHomepageBanner != "true") |
a(href="https://github.com/janoside/btc-rpc-explorer", target="_blank") project description |
div(class="alert alert-primary alert-dismissible shadow-sm mb-4", role="alert") |
span for a list of features and instructions for running. |
span |
strong #{coinConfig.siteTitle} |
if (global.sourcecodeProjectMetadata) |
span is |
div(class="mt-2") |
a(href="https://github.com/janoside/btc-rpc-explorer", target="_blank") open-source |
a(href="https://github.com/janoside/btc-rpc-explorer", class="btn btn-primary mr-3 mb-1") |
span and easy to set up. It can communicate with your |
i(class="fas fa-star mr-2") |
a(href=coinConfig.nodeUrl, target="_blank") #{coinConfig.name} Full Node |
span(class="mr-2") Star |
span via RPC. See the |
span.font-weight-light #{global.sourcecodeProjectMetadata.stargazers_count} |
a(href="https://github.com/janoside/btc-rpc-explorer", target="_blank") project description |
span for a list of features and instructions for running. |
a(href="https://github.com/janoside/btc-rpc-explorer/fork", class="btn btn-primary mr-3 mb-1") |
i(class="fas fa-code-branch mr-2") |
if (global.sourcecodeProjectMetadata) |
span(class="mr-2") Fork |
div(class="mt-2") |
span.font-weight-light #{global.sourcecodeProjectMetadata.forks_count} |
a(href="https://github.com/janoside/btc-rpc-explorer", class="btn btn-primary mr-3 mb-1") |
i(class="fas fa-star mr-2") |
button.btn.btn-primary(type="button", class="btn btn-primary mb-1", data-toggle="modal", data-target="#exampleModalCenter") |
span(class="mr-2") Star |
i(class="fas fa-heart mr-2") |
span.font-weight-light #{global.sourcecodeProjectMetadata.stargazers_count} |
span Donate via |
span(class="font-weight-light") BTCPay |
a(href="https://github.com/janoside/btc-rpc-explorer/fork", class="btn btn-primary mr-3 mb-1") |
i(class="fas fa-code-branch mr-2") |
span(class="mr-2") Fork |
span.font-weight-light #{global.sourcecodeProjectMetadata.forks_count} |
a(href="/changeSetting?name=hideHomepageBanner&value=true", class="close", aria-label="Close", style="text-decoration: none;") |
span(aria-hidden="true") × |
button.btn.btn-primary(type="button", class="btn btn-primary mb-1", data-toggle="modal", data-target="#exampleModalCenter") |
i(class="fas fa-heart mr-2") |
span Donate via |
span(class="font-weight-light") BTCPay |
- var networkSummaryItemCount = 4; |
a(href="/changeSetting?name=hideHomepageBanner&value=true", class="close", aria-label="Close", style="text-decoration: none;") |
span(aria-hidden="true") × |
if (getblockchaininfo.size_on_disk) |
- networkSummaryItemCount++; |
if (global.exchangeRates) |
- var networkSummaryItemCount = 4; |
- networkSummaryItemCount++; |
if (txStats) |
if (getblockchaininfo.size_on_disk) |
- networkSummaryItemCount++; |
- networkSummaryItemCount++; |
- var networkSummaryColumnClass = "col-md-4"; |
if (global.exchangeRates) |
if (networkSummaryItemCount > 6) |
- networkSummaryItemCount++; |
- networkSummaryColumnClass = "col-md-3"; |
div(class="card mb-4 shadow-sm") |
div(class="card-header") |
h2(class="h6 mb-0") Network Summary |
div(class="card-body") |
div(class="row") |
div(class=networkSummaryColumnClass) |
div(class="float-left", style="height: 40px; width: 40px;") |
span |
i(class="fas fa-tachometer-alt fa-2x mr-2", style="margin-top: 6px;") |
- var hashrateData = utils.formatLargeNumber(miningInfo.networkhashps, 3); |
span(class="font-weight-bold") Hashrate |
p(class="lead") |
if (txStats) |
span #{hashrateData[0]} |
- networkSummaryItemCount++; |
span(title=(hashrateData[1].name + "-hash / x10^" + hashrateData[1].exponent), data-toggle="tooltip") #{hashrateData[1].abbreviation}H/s |
if (txStats) |
- var networkSummaryColumnClass = "col-md-4"; |
if (networkSummaryItemCount > 6) |
- networkSummaryColumnClass = "col-md-3"; |
div(class="card mb-4 shadow-sm") |
div(class="card-header") |
h2(class="h6 mb-0") Network Summary |
div(class="card-body") |
div(class="row") |
div(class=networkSummaryColumnClass) |
div(class=networkSummaryColumnClass) |
div(class="float-left", style="height: 40px; width: 40px;") |
div(class="float-left", style="height: 40px; width: 40px;") |
span |
span |
i(class="fas fa-sign-out-alt fa-2x mr-2", style="margin-top: 6px; margin-left: 3px;") |
i(class="fas fa-tachometer-alt fa-2x mr-2", style="margin-top: 6px;") |
- var hashrateData = utils.formatLargeNumber(miningInfo.networkhashps, 3); |
span(class="font-weight-bold") Hashrate |
span(class="font-weight-bold") Total Transactions |
p(class="lead") |
span #{hashrateData[0]} |
span(title=(hashrateData[1].name + "-hash / x10^" + hashrateData[1].exponent), data-toggle="tooltip") #{hashrateData[1].abbreviation}H/s |
p(class="lead") #{txStats.totalTxCount.toLocaleString()} |
if (txStats) |
div(class=networkSummaryColumnClass) |
div(class="float-left", style="height: 40px; width: 40px;") |
span |
i(class="fas fa-sign-out-alt fa-2x mr-2", style="margin-top: 6px; margin-left: 3px;") |
div(class=networkSummaryColumnClass) |
span(class="font-weight-bold") Total Transactions |
div(class="float-left", style="height: 40px; width: 40px;") |
span |
i(class="fas fa-unlock-alt fa-2x mr-2", style="margin-top: 6px; margin-left: 3px;") |
span(class="font-weight-bold") Unconfirmed Transactions |
p(class="lead") #{txStats.totalTxCount.toLocaleString()} |
p(class="lead") #{mempoolInfo.size.toLocaleString()} tx |
div(class=networkSummaryColumnClass) |
- var mempoolBytesData = utils.formatLargeNumber(mempoolInfo.usage, 2); |
div(class="float-left", style="height: 40px; width: 40px;") |
small(class="text-muted font-weight-light") (#{mempoolBytesData[0]} #{mempoolBytesData[1].abbreviation}B) |
span |
i(class="fas fa-unlock-alt fa-2x mr-2", style="margin-top: 6px; margin-left: 3px;") |
div(class=networkSummaryColumnClass) |
span(class="font-weight-bold") Unconfirmed Transactions |
div(class="float-left", style="height: 40px; width: 40px;") |
span |
p(class="lead") #{mempoolInfo.size.toLocaleString()} tx |
i(class="fas fa-bolt fa-2x mr-2", style="margin-top: 6px; margin-left: 6px;") |
- var mempoolBytesData = utils.formatLargeNumber(mempoolInfo.usage, 2); |
small(class="text-muted font-weight-light") (#{mempoolBytesData[0]} #{mempoolBytesData[1].abbreviation}B) |
- var chainworkData = utils.formatLargeNumber(parseInt("0x" + getblockchaininfo.chainwork), 2); |
span(class="font-weight-bold") Chainwork |
p(class="lead") |
span(data-toggle="tooltip", title=getblockchaininfo.chainwork.replace(/^0+/, '')) |
span #{chainworkData[0]} |
span x 10 |
sup #{chainworkData[1].exponent} |
span hashes |
div(class=networkSummaryColumnClass) |
div(class="float-left", style="height: 40px; width: 40px; font-size: 12px;") |
span |
i(class="fas fa-dumbbell fa-2x mr-2", style="margin-top: 6px;") |
- var difficultyData = utils.formatLargeNumber(getblockchaininfo.difficulty, 3); |
span(class="font-weight-bold") Difficulty |
p(class="lead") |
span(title=parseFloat(getblockchaininfo.difficulty).toLocaleString(), data-toggle="tooltip") |
span #{difficultyData[0]} |
span x 10 |
sup #{difficultyData[1].exponent} |
if (getblockchaininfo.size_on_disk) |
div(class=networkSummaryColumnClass) |
div(class=networkSummaryColumnClass) |
div(class="float-left", style="height: 40px; width: 40px;") |
div(class="float-left", style="height: 40px; width: 40px;") |
span |
span |
i(class="fas fa-database fa-2x mr-2", style="margin-top: 6px; margin-left: 3px;") |
i(class="fas fa-bolt fa-2x mr-2", style="margin-top: 6px; margin-left: 6px;") |
span(class="font-weight-bold") Blockchain Size |
- var sizeData = utils.formatLargeNumber(getblockchaininfo.size_on_disk, 2); |
- var chainworkData = utils.formatLargeNumber(parseInt("0x" + getblockchaininfo.chainwork), 2); |
p(class="lead") #{sizeData[0]} #{sizeData[1].abbreviation}B |
span(class="font-weight-bold") Chainwork |
if (global.exchangeRates) |
p(class="lead") |
span(data-toggle="tooltip", title=getblockchaininfo.chainwork.replace(/^0+/, '')) |
span #{chainworkData[0]} |
span x 10 |
sup #{chainworkData[1].exponent} |
span hashes |
div(class=networkSummaryColumnClass) |
div(class=networkSummaryColumnClass) |
div(class="float-left", style="height: 40px; width: 40px; font-size: 12px;") |
div(class="float-left", style="height: 40px; width: 40px; font-size: 12px;") |
span |
span |
i(class="fas fa-money-bill-wave-alt fa-2x mr-2", style="margin-top: 7px;") |
i(class="fas fa-dumbbell fa-2x mr-2", style="margin-top: 6px;") |
span(class="font-weight-bold") Exchange Rate |
- var difficultyData = utils.formatLargeNumber(getblockchaininfo.difficulty, 3); |
span(data-toggle="tooltip", title=("Exchange-rate data from: " + coinConfig.exchangeRateData.jsonUrl)) |
i(class="fas fa-info-circle") |
if (global.exchangeRates) |
span(class="font-weight-bold") Difficulty |
p(class="lead") #{utils.formatExchangedCurrency(1.0, "usd")} |
else |
p(class="lead") - |
p(class="lead") |
span(title=parseFloat(getblockchaininfo.difficulty).toLocaleString(), data-toggle="tooltip") |
span #{difficultyData[0]} |
span x 10 |
sup #{difficultyData[1].exponent} |
include includes/tools-card.pug |
if (getblockchaininfo.size_on_disk) |
div(class=networkSummaryColumnClass) |
if (latestBlocks) |
div(class="float-left", style="height: 40px; width: 40px;") |
div(class="card mb-4 shadow-sm") |
span |
div(class="card-header") |
i(class="fas fa-database fa-2x mr-2", style="margin-top: 6px; margin-left: 3px;") |
div(class="row") |
span(class="font-weight-bold") Blockchain Size |
div(class="col") |
h2(class="h6 mb-0") Latest Blocks |
if (getblockchaininfo.initialblockdownload) |
small (#{(getblockchaininfo.headers - getblockchaininfo.blocks).toLocaleString()} behind) |
div(class="col") |
- var sizeData = utils.formatLargeNumber(getblockchaininfo.size_on_disk, 2); |
span(style="float: right;") |
p(class="lead") #{sizeData[0]} #{sizeData[1].abbreviation}B |
a(href="/blocks") |
span Browse Blocks » |
div(class="card-body") |
if (global.exchangeRates) |
div(class=networkSummaryColumnClass) |
- var blocks = latestBlocks; |
div(class="float-left", style="height: 40px; width: 40px; font-size: 12px;") |
- var blockOffset = 0; |
span |
i(class="fas fa-money-bill-wave-alt fa-2x mr-2", style="margin-top: 7px;") |
include includes/blocks-list.pug |
span(class="font-weight-bold") Exchange Rate |
span(data-toggle="tooltip", title=("Exchange-rate data from: " + coinConfig.exchangeRateData.jsonUrl)) |
i(class="fas fa-info-circle") |
if (global.exchangeRates) |
p(class="lead") #{utils.formatExchangedCurrency(1.0, "usd")} |
else |
p(class="lead") - |
if (txStats) |
div(class="card mb-4 shadow-sm") |
div(class="card-header") |
div(class="row") |
div(class="col") |
h2(class="h6 mb-0") Transaction Stats Summary |
div(class="col") |
include includes/tools-card.pug |
span(style="float: right;") |
a(href="/tx-stats") |
span Transaction Stats » |
div(class="card-body") |
if (latestBlocks) |
if (true) |
div(class="card mb-4 shadow-sm") |
div(class="card-header") |
div(class="row") |
div(class="col") |
h2(class="h6 mb-0") Latest Blocks |
if (getblockchaininfo.initialblockdownload) |
small (#{(getblockchaininfo.headers - getblockchaininfo.blocks).toLocaleString()} behind) |
div(class="col") |
span(style="float: right;") |
a(href="/blocks") |
span Browse Blocks » |
div(class="card-body") |
- var blocks = latestBlocks; |
- var blockOffset = 0; |
include includes/blocks-list.pug |
if (txStats) |
div(class="card mb-4 shadow-sm") |
div(class="card-header") |
div(class="row") |
div(class="row") |
div(class="col-lg-6") |
div(class="col") |
div(class="table-responsive") |
h2(class="h6 mb-0") Transaction Stats Summary |
table(class="table text-right mb-4 mb-lg-0") |
thead |
div(class="col") |
tr |
span(style="float: right;") |
th Period |
a(href="/tx-stats") |
th Transactions |
span Transaction Stats » |
th Transactions Per Sec |
tbody |
div(class="card-body") |
each item, index in chainTxStats |
if (true) |
tr(class="monospace") |
div(class="row") |
td #{chainTxStatsLabels[index]} |
div(class="col-lg-6") |
td #{item.window_tx_count.toLocaleString()} |
div(class="table-responsive") |
td #{new Decimal(item.txrate).toDecimalPlaces(4)} |
table(class="table text-right mb-4 mb-lg-0") |
thead |
tr |
div(class="col-lg-6") |
th Period |
script var txRateDataDay = []; |
th Transactions |
each item, index in txStats.txCountStats.txRates |
th Transactions Per Sec |
script txRateDataDay.push({x:#{item.x}, y:#{item.y}}); |
tbody |
each item, index in chainTxStats |
- var graphData = {id:"graphRateDay", dataVar:"txRateDataDay", labels:txStats.txCountStats.txLabels, title:"Tx Rate, 24hr", xaxisTitle:"Block", xaxisStep:5, yaxisTitle:"Tx Per Sec"}; |
tr(class="monospace") |
include ./includes/line-graph.pug |
td #{chainTxStatsLabels[index]} |
td #{item.window_tx_count.toLocaleString()} |
td #{new Decimal(item.txrate).toDecimalPlaces(4)} |
div(class="col-lg-6") |
script var txRateDataDay = []; |
each item, index in txStats.txCountStats.txRates |
script txRateDataDay.push({x:#{item.x}, y:#{item.y}}); |
- var graphData = {id:"graphRateDay", dataVar:"txRateDataDay", labels:txStats.txCountStats.txLabels, title:"Tx Rate, 24hr", xaxisTitle:"Block", xaxisStep:5, yaxisTitle:"Tx Per Sec"}; |
include ./includes/line-graph.pug |