Prefix keys with a data version (v0 currently) and a bitcoind node host:port indicator. This allows multiple btc-rpc-explorer instances (e.g. mainnet+testnet on same server) to share a single redis instance peacefully.
- RPC api now throws errors up to callers on RpcError results
- More consistent handling of errors from baseActionRouter
- Add some missing rejection handlers
- Tweak UI for display of errors
- Handle missing block data on /block pages (in UI) so that error info can be displayed cleanly (rather than the template error showing because data is missing)
- Fix colors for data-tags in dark theme
- Drop the "integrity" tag on /dark-touchups.css to avoid driving myself crazy
- Remove bottom margins on "pre" tags
- Mem stats above Cache stats on /admin
- Cache key prefixing only for redis keys - this data is persistent across app executions, thus the need for versioning, and limiting prefixes to here avoids wasting app memory for in-memory cache-key prefixes
- Tiered caching when both memory and redis caching is active (memory cache tried first, fall back to redis cache, fall back to RPC)
- Cleaner setup/configuration of caches
- coinbase txs
- different color for "coinbase" tags
- educational tooltip for coinbase tags
- show ascii data, with link to expand to show raw hex data
- drop "Newly minted coins" text from coinbase items
- op_return outputs: show ascii data with link to show raw hex
- new tool /difficulty-history: show graph of diff changes over time for fun
- new "Network Summary" item: Block time for current difficulty epoch, with estimate of difficulty change for next epoch
- more resilient layouts for tools card on homepage and /tools page
- remove some unused code
- major memory usage improvements for loading txs with inputs: appropriate input-vouts are now extracted from their source txs and summarized (asm/hex are dropped since they're never used), rather than keeping the whole of input-txs in memory; this dramatically improves memory usage (and avoids crashing due to OOMEs), particularly when loading txs with "heavy" inputs (i.e. many, large input txs); this is relevant for /tx/TXID pages, and particularly important for the new /block-analysis pages which necessarily load many, many txs
- cache-key prefixes for coreApi's caching functionality: to avoid loading old-format data from a persistent cache and barfing on it
- several important code-reuse fixes: there were almost-duplicate chunks of code that were essentially calls to getRawTransactionWithInputs - now just use that function
- new minor /admin page for showing memory usage
- on homepage Network Summary: show full tx count (non abbreviated)
- use new domain everywhere
- new /tools landing page for tools
- include subsidy and fees in volume value in blocks lists (homepage and /blocks), for consistency
- reorganize and cleanup changelog entry for 2.0
- misc minor frontend work
- for huge tx: shrink input/output index numbers and don't include thousands separator
- move JSON displays into cards for UI consistency
- tons of frontend code consistency cleanup
- updated bootstrap with thinner column gutters (to avoid the col-lg-left/col-lg-right business I was hacking)
- remove npm links from demo homepage banner