Dan Janosik
/mining-summary tool
5 years ago
Dan Janosik
Updated frontend dependencies:
bootstrap: v4.3.1 -> v4.4.1
jquery: v3.3.1 -> v3.4.1
popper: v1.14.6 -> 1.16.0
5 years ago
Dan Janosik
ditch ipstack.com for free ip-api.com; formalize concept of privacyMode; env-var-use cleanup; /peers improvements;
6 years ago
Dan Janosik
tx-rate graph on homepage; more graphs on /tx-stats; misc minor stuff
- pull in chart.js and add integrity attribute
- move common tx-stats code to utils
- use bootstrap progress bars for block fullness in blocks-lists (moving away from radial progress which includes too much css and can be finicky)
- clean / reorg frontend code for graphs and homepage network summary
6 years ago
Dan Janosik
bootstrap: v4.1.3 -> v4.3.1
6 years ago
Dan Janosik
include sentry js (v4.5.3) and add integrity attribute
6 years ago
Dan Janosik
More work on #101 - pulling in frontend resources, WIP...
- FontAwesome: v5.7.1
- Popper.js: v1.14.6
6 years ago
Dan Janosik
Bootstrap downgrade: v4.2.1 -> v4.1.3
shouldn't have upgraded when pulling into project...
6 years ago
Dan Janosik
Work on #101 - pulling in frontend resources, WIP
- Bootstrap v4.2.1
- Highlight.js v9.14.2
- jQuery v3.3.1
6 years ago