div.table-responsive table.table.table-striped.mb-0 thead tr //th th th.data-header.text-right Height th.data-header.text-right Date small (utc) th.data-header.text-right Age th.data-header.text-right span.border-dotted(title="Time To Mine - The time it took to mine this block after the previous block. 'Fast' blocks (mined in < 5min) are shown in green; 'slow' blocks (mined in > 15min) are shown in red.", data-toggle="tooltip") T.T.M. th.data-header.text-right Miner th.data-header.text-right Transactions th.data-header.text-right Avg Fee small (sat/vB) th.data-header.text-right Total Fees //th.data-header.text-right Size (kB) if (blocks && blocks.length > 0 && blocks[0].weight) th.data-header.text-right Weight small (kWu) else th.data-header.text-right Size small (kB) tbody each block, blockIndex in blocks if (block && ((sort == "desc" && blockIndex < blocks.length - 1) || (sort == "asc" && (block.height == 0 || blockIndex > 0)))) tr td if (sort == "desc") small.text-muted #{(blockIndex + offset + 1).toLocaleString()} else small.text-muted #{(blockIndex + offset).toLocaleString()} td.data-cell.text-monospace.text-right if (global.specialBlocks && global.specialBlocks[block.hash]) a(data-toggle="tooltip", title=(coinConfig.name + " Fun! See block for details")) i.fas.fa-certificate.text-primary.mr-1 a(href=("/block-height/" + block.height)) #{block.height.toLocaleString()} - var timeAgoTime = moment.utc(new Date()).diff(moment.utc(new Date(parseInt(block.time) * 1000))); - var timeAgo = moment.duration(timeAgoTime); - var timeDiff = null; if (sort == "asc") if (blockIndex > 0) - var timeDiff = moment.duration(moment.utc(new Date(parseInt(block.time) * 1000)).diff(moment.utc(new Date(parseInt(blocks[blockIndex - 1].time) * 1000)))); else if (blockIndex < blocks.length - 1) - var timeDiff = moment.duration(moment.utc(new Date(parseInt(block.time) * 1000)).diff(moment.utc(new Date(parseInt(blocks[blockIndex + 1].time) * 1000)))); td.data-cell.text-monospace.text-right - var timestampHuman = block.time; include timestamp-human.pug td.data-cell.text-monospace.text-right if (sort != "asc" && blockIndex == 0 && offset == 0 && timeAgoTime > (15 * 60 * 1000)) span.text-danger.border-dotted(title="It's been > 15 min since this latest block.", data-toggle="tooltip") #{utils.shortenTimeDiff(timeAgo.format())} else span #{utils.shortenTimeDiff(timeAgo.format())} td.data-cell.text-monospace.text-right if (timeDiff) - var colorClass = "text-muted"; if (timeDiff < 300000) - var colorClass = "text-success"; if (timeDiff > 900000) - var colorClass = "text-danger"; span.font-weight-light(class=colorClass) #{utils.shortenTimeDiff(timeDiff.format())} else if (block.height == 0) small.border-dotted.text-muted(title="Not applicable: genesis block has no previous block to compare to.", data-toggle="tooltip") N/A (genesis) else span.font-weight-light.text-muted - td.data-cell.text-monospace.text-right if (block.miner && block.miner.name) small.rounded.bg-primary.text-white.px-2.py-1(data-toggle="tooltip", title=("Identified by: " + block.miner.identifiedBy)) #{utils.ellipsize(block.miner.name, 10)} else span ? td.data-cell.text-monospace.text-right #{block.tx.length.toLocaleString()} td.data-cell.text-monospace.text-right - var currencyValue = new Decimal(block.totalFees).dividedBy(block.strippedsize).times(coinConfig.baseCurrencyUnit.multiplier).toDecimalPlaces(1); span #{currencyValue} // idea: show typical tx fee, maybe also optimized fee if not segwit if (false) - var feeEstimateVal = currencyValue.times(166).dividedBy(coinConfig.baseCurrencyUnit.multiplier); span.border-dotted(title=`Value: ${feeEstimateVal}`, data-toggle="tooltip") #{currencyValue} td.data-cell.text-monospace.text-right - var currencyValue = new Decimal(block.totalFees); - var currencyValueDecimals = 3; include ./value-display.pug if (false) td.data-cell.text-monospace.text-right - var bSizeK = parseInt(block.size / 1000); span #{bSizeK.toLocaleString()} if (blocks && blocks.length > 0 && blocks[0].weight) td.data-cell.text-monospace.text-right - var bWeightK = parseInt(block.weight / 1000); - var fullPercent = new Decimal(100 * block.weight / coinConfig.maxBlockWeight).toDecimalPlaces(1); span #{bWeightK.toLocaleString()} small.font-weight-light.text-muted (#{fullPercent}%) - var bSizeK = parseInt(block.size / 1000); span.ml-1(data-toggle="tooltip", title=`Size: ${bSizeK.toLocaleString()} kB`) i.fas.fa-ellipsis-h.text-muted div(class="progress", style="height: 4px;") div(class="progress-bar", role="progressbar", style=("width: " + fullPercent + "%;"), aria-valuenow=parseInt(100 * block.weight / coinConfig.maxBlockWeight), aria-valuemin="0" ,aria-valuemax="100") else td.data-cell.text-monospace.text-right - var bSizeK = parseInt(block.size / 1000); - var fullPercent = new Decimal(100 * block.size / coinConfig.maxBlockSize).toDecimalPlaces(1); span #{bSizeK.toLocaleString()} small.font-weight-light.text-muted (#{fullPercent}%) div(class="progress", style="height: 4px;") div(class="progress-bar", role="progressbar", style=("width: " + fullPercent + "%;"), aria-valuenow=parseInt(100 * block.size / coinConfig.maxBlockSize), aria-valuemin="0" ,aria-valuemax="100") - var lastBlock = block;