var request = require("request");
var utils = require("./../utils.js");

function getAddressDetails(address, scriptPubkey, sort, limit, offset) {
	return new Promise(function(resolve, reject) {
		if (address.startsWith("bc1")) {
			reject({userText:" API does not support bc1 (native Segwit) addresses"});


		var limitOffset = limit + offset;
		var mainnetUrl = `${address}?limit=${limitOffset}`;
		var testnetUrl = `${address}?limit=${limitOffset}`;
		var url = (global.activeBlockchain == "main") ? mainnetUrl : ((global.activeBlockchain == "test") ? testnetUrl : mainnetUrl);

		var options = {
			url: url,
			headers: {
				'User-Agent': 'request'

		request(options, function(error, response, body) {
			if (error == null && response && response.statusCode && response.statusCode == 200) {
				var blockcypherJson = JSON.parse(body);

				var response = {};

				response.txids = [];
				response.blockHeightsByTxid = {};

				// blockcypher doesn't support offset for paging, so simulate up to the hard cap of 2,000
				for (var i = offset; i < Math.min(blockcypherJson.txrefs.length, limitOffset); i++) {
					var tx = blockcypherJson.txrefs[i];

					response.blockHeightsByTxid[tx.tx_hash] = tx.block_height;

				response.txCount = blockcypherJson.n_tx;
				response.totalReceivedSat = blockcypherJson.total_received;
				response.totalSentSat = blockcypherJson.total_sent;
				response.balanceSat = blockcypherJson.final_balance;
				response.source = "";


			} else {
				var fullError = {error:error, response:response, body:body};

				utils.logError("097wef0adsgadgs", fullError);


module.exports = {
	getAddressDetails: getAddressDetails