# The active coin: BTC/LTC

# Host/Port to bind to

# Bitcoin RPC Credentials (URI -OR- HOST/PORT/USER/PASS)

# Select optional "address API" to display address tx lists and balances
# Options: electrumx, blockchain.com, blockchair.com, blockcypher.com
# If electrumx set, the BTCEXP_ELECTRUMX_SERVERS variable must also be
# set.

# Optional ElectrumX Servers. See BTCEXP_ADDRESS_API. This value is only
# used if BTCEXP_ADDRESS_API=electrumx

# Optional InfluxDB Credentials (URI -OR- HOST/PORT/DBNAME/USER/PASS)

# Set number of concurrent RPC requests. Should be lower than your node's "rpcworkqueue" value.
# The default for this value is 10, aiming to be less than Bitcoin Core's default rpcworkqueue=16.

# Disable app's in-memory RPC caching to reduce memory usage

# Optional redis server for RPC caching


# Whether public-demo aspects of the site are active

# Privacy mode disables:
# Exchange-rate queries, IP-geolocation queries

# Don't request currency exchange rates

# Password protection for site via basic auth (enter any username, only the password is checked)

# Enable to allow access to all RPC methods

# Custom RPC method blacklist


# Optional value for "max_old_space_size", default: 1024

# Show tools list in a sub-nav at top of screen (default: true)