extends layout block headContent title #{coinConfig.name} Fun block content h1(class="h2") #{coinConfig.name} Fun hr p Below is a list of fun/interesting things in the #{coinConfig.name} blockchain. Some are historical firsts, others are just fun or cool. table(class="table table-striped table-responsive-sm mt-4") thead tr th(class="data-header") Date th(class="data-header") Description th(class="data-header") Link th(class="data-header") Reference tbody each item, index in coinConfig.historicalData tr td(class="data-cell") #{item.date} td(class="data-cell") #{item.note} td(class="data-cell monospace") if (item.type == "tx") a(href=("/tx/" + item.txid)) Tx #{item.txid.substring(0, 23)}... else if (item.type == "block") a(href=("/block/" + item.blockHash)) Block #{item.blockHash.substring(0, 20)}... else if (item.type == "blockheight") a(href=("/block/" + item.blockHash)) Block ##{item.blockHeight} td(class="data-cell") if (item.referenceUrl && item.referenceUrl.trim().length > 0) - var matches = item.referenceUrl.match(/^https?\:\/\/([^\/:?#]+)(?:[\/:?#]|$)/i); - var domain = null; - var domain = matches && matches[1]; if (domain) a(href=item.referenceUrl, rel="nofollow") #{domain} i(class="fas fa-external-link-alt") else a(href=item.referenceUrl, rel="nofollow") Reference else span -