var utils = require("./utils.js"); var config = require("./config.js"); var coins = require("./coins.js"); function getGenesisBlockHash() { return coins[config.coin].genesisBlockHash; } function getGenesisCoinbaseTransactionId() { return coins[config.coin].genesisCoinbaseTransactionId; } function getRpcData(cmd) { return new Promise(function(resolve, reject) { client.command(cmd, function(err, result, resHeaders) { if (err) { console.log("Error for RPC command '" + cmd + "': " + err); reject(err); return; } resolve(result); }); }); } function getRpcDataWithParams(cmd, params) { return new Promise(function(resolve, reject) { client.command(cmd, params, function(err, result, resHeaders) { if (err) { console.log("Error for RPC command '" + cmd + "': " + err); reject(err); return; } resolve(result); }); }); } function getBlockchainInfo() { return getRpcData("getblockchaininfo"); } function getNetworkInfo() { return getRpcData("getnetworkinfo"); } function getNetTotals() { return getRpcData("getnettotals"); } function getMempoolInfo() { return getRpcData("getmempoolinfo"); } function getUptimeSeconds() { return getRpcData("uptime"); } function getMempoolStats() { return new Promise(function(resolve, reject) { client.command('getrawmempool', true, function(err, result, resHeaders) { if (err) { console.log("Error 428thwre0ufg: " + err); reject(err); return; } var maxFee = 0; var maxFeePerByte = 0; for (var txid in result) { var txMempoolInfo = result[txid]; var fee = txMempoolInfo.modifiedfee; var feePerByte = txMempoolInfo.modifiedfee / txMempoolInfo.size; if (fee > maxFee) { maxFee = txMempoolInfo.modifiedfee; } if (feePerByte > maxFeePerByte) { maxFeePerByte = txMempoolInfo.modifiedfee / txMempoolInfo.size; } } var satoshiPerByteBucketMaxima = coins[config.coin].feeSatoshiPerByteBucketMaxima; var bucketCount = satoshiPerByteBucketMaxima.length + 1; var satoshiPerByteBuckets = []; var satoshiPerByteBucketLabels = []; satoshiPerByteBucketLabels[0] = ("[0 - " + satoshiPerByteBucketMaxima[0] + ")"); for (var i = 0; i < bucketCount; i++) { satoshiPerByteBuckets[i] = {"count":0, "totalFees":0, "totalBytes":0}; if (i > 0 && i < bucketCount - 1) { satoshiPerByteBucketLabels[i] = ("[" + satoshiPerByteBucketMaxima[i - 1] + " - " + satoshiPerByteBucketMaxima[i] + ")"); } } satoshiPerByteBucketLabels[bucketCount - 1] = (satoshiPerByteBucketMaxima[satoshiPerByteBucketMaxima.length - 1] + "+"); var summary = { "count":0, "totalFees":0, "totalBytes":0, "satoshiPerByteBuckets":satoshiPerByteBuckets, "satoshiPerByteBucketLabels":satoshiPerByteBucketLabels }; for (var txid in result) { var txMempoolInfo = result[txid]; var fee = txMempoolInfo.modifiedfee; var feePerByte = txMempoolInfo.modifiedfee / txMempoolInfo.size; var satoshiPerByte = feePerByte * 100000000; var addedToBucket = false; for (var i = 0; i < satoshiPerByteBucketMaxima.length; i++) { if (satoshiPerByteBucketMaxima[i] > satoshiPerByte) { satoshiPerByteBuckets[i]["count"]++; satoshiPerByteBuckets[i]["totalFees"] += fee; satoshiPerByteBuckets[i]["totalBytes"] += txMempoolInfo.size; addedToBucket = true; break; } } if (!addedToBucket) { satoshiPerByteBuckets[bucketCount - 1]["count"]++; satoshiPerByteBuckets[bucketCount - 1]["totalFees"] += fee; satoshiPerByteBuckets[bucketCount - 1]["totalBytes"] += txMempoolInfo.size; } summary["count"]++; summary["totalFees"] += txMempoolInfo.modifiedfee; summary["totalBytes"] += txMempoolInfo.size; } summary["averageFee"] = summary["totalFees"] / summary["count"]; summary["averageFeePerByte"] = summary["totalFees"] / summary["totalBytes"]; summary["satoshiPerByteBucketMaxima"] = satoshiPerByteBucketMaxima; summary["satoshiPerByteBucketCounts"] = []; summary["satoshiPerByteBucketTotalFees"] = []; for (var i = 0; i < bucketCount; i++) { summary["satoshiPerByteBucketCounts"].push(summary["satoshiPerByteBuckets"][i]["count"]); summary["satoshiPerByteBucketTotalFees"].push(summary["satoshiPerByteBuckets"][i]["totalFees"]); } resolve(summary); }); }); } function getBlockByHeight(blockHeight) { console.log("getBlockByHeight: " + blockHeight); return new Promise(function(resolve, reject) { var client = global.client; client.command('getblockhash', blockHeight, function(err, result, resHeaders) { if (err) { console.log("Error 0928317yr3w: " + err); reject(err); return; } client.command('getblock', result, function(err2, result2, resHeaders2) { if (err2) { console.log("Error 320fh7e0hg: " + err2); reject(err2); return; } resolve({ success:true, getblockhash:result, getblock:result2 }); }); }); }); } function getBlocksByHeight(blockHeights) { console.log("getBlocksByHeight: " + blockHeights); return new Promise(function(resolve, reject) { var batch = []; for (var i = 0; i < blockHeights.length; i++) { batch.push({ method: 'getblockhash', parameters: [ blockHeights[i] ] }); } var blockHashes = []; client.command(batch).then((responses) => { responses.forEach((item) => { blockHashes.push(item); }); if (blockHashes.length == batch.length) { var batch2 = []; for (var i = 0; i < blockHashes.length; i++) { batch2.push({ method: 'getblock', parameters: [ blockHashes[i] ] }); } var blocks = []; client.command(batch2).then((responses2) => { //console.log(responses2); if (false) { console.log("Error 138ryweufdf: " + err2); } else { responses2.forEach((item) => { blocks.push(item); }); resolve(blocks); } }); } }); }); } function getBlockByHash(blockHash) { return getRpcDataWithParams("getblock", blockHash); } function getTransactionInputs(transaction, inputLimit=0) { console.log("getTransactionInputs: " + transaction.txid); return new Promise(function(resolve, reject) { var txids = []; for (var i = 0; i <; i++) { if (i < inputLimit || inputLimit == 0) { txids.push([i].txid); } } getRawTransactions(txids).then(function(inputTransactions) { resolve({ txid:transaction.txid, inputTransactions:inputTransactions }); }); }); } function getRawTransaction(txid) { return new Promise(function(resolve, reject) { if (txid == coins[config.coin].genesisCoinbaseTransactionId) { getBlockByHeight(0).then(function(blockZeroResult) { var result = coins[config.coin].genesisCoinbaseTransaction; result.confirmations = blockZeroResult.getblock.confirmations; resolve(result); }); return; } client.command('getrawtransaction', txid, 1, function(err, result, resHeaders) { if (err) { console.log("Error 329813yre823: " + err); reject(err); return; } resolve(result); }); }); } function getAddress(address) { return getRpcDataWithParams("validateaddress", address); } function getRawTransactions(txids) { console.log("getRawTransactions: " + txids); return new Promise(function(resolve, reject) { if (!txids || txids.length == 0) { resolve([]); return; } if (coins[config.coin].genesisCoinbaseTransactionId) { if (txids.length == 1 && txids[0] == coins[config.coin].genesisCoinbaseTransactionId) { // copy the "confirmations" field from genesis block to the genesis-coinbase tx getBlockByHeight(0).then(function(blockZeroResult) { var result = coins[config.coin].genesisCoinbaseTransaction; result.confirmations = blockZeroResult.getblock.confirmations; resolve([result]); }).catch(function(err) { reject(err); return; }); return; } } var requests = []; for (var i = 0; i < txids.length; i++) { var txid = txids[i]; if (txid) { requests.push({ method: 'getrawtransaction', parameters: [ txid, 1 ] }); } } var requestBatches = utils.splitArrayIntoChunks(requests, 100); executeBatchesSequentially(requestBatches, function(results) { resolve(results); }); }); } function executeBatchesSequentially(batches, resultFunc) { var batchId = utils.getRandomString(20, 'aA#'); console.log("Starting " + batches.length + "-item batch " + batchId + "..."); executeBatchesSequentiallyInternal(batchId, batches, 0, [], resultFunc); } function executeBatchesSequentiallyInternal(batchId, batches, currentIndex, accumulatedResults, resultFunc) { if (currentIndex == batches.length) { console.log("Finishing batch " + batchId + "..."); resultFunc(accumulatedResults); return; } console.log("Executing item #" + (currentIndex + 1) + " (of " + batches.length + ") for batch " + batchId); var count = batches[currentIndex].length; client.command(batches[currentIndex]).then(function(results) { results.forEach((item) => { accumulatedResults.push(item); count--; }); if (count == 0) { executeBatchesSequentiallyInternal(batchId, batches, currentIndex + 1, accumulatedResults, resultFunc); } }); } function getBlockData(blockHash, txLimit, txOffset) { console.log("getBlockData: " + blockHash); return new Promise(function(resolve, reject) { client.command('getblock', blockHash, function(err2, result2, resHeaders2) { if (err2) { console.log("Error 3017hfwe0f: " + err2); reject(err2); return; } var txids = []; for (var i = txOffset; i < Math.min(txOffset + txLimit, result2.tx.length); i++) { txids.push(result2.tx[i]); } var maxInputsTracked = 10; getRawTransactions(txids).then(function(transactions) { var txInputsByTransaction = {}; var vinTxids = []; var promises = []; for (var i = 0; i < transactions.length; i++) { var transaction = transactions[i]; if (transaction) { //console.log("xyz: " + JSON.stringify(; for (var j = 0; j < Math.min(maxInputsTracked,; j++) { if ([j].txid) { vinTxids.push([j].txid); } } } } getRawTransactions(vinTxids).then(function(vinTransactions) { var vinTxById = {}; vinTransactions.forEach(function(tx) { vinTxById[tx.txid] = tx; }); transactions.forEach(function(tx) { txInputsByTransaction[tx.txid] = []; for (var i = 0; i < Math.min(maxInputsTracked,; i++) { if (vinTxById[[i].txid]) { txInputsByTransaction[tx.txid].push(vinTxById[[i].txid]); } } resolve({ getblock:result2, transactions:transactions, txInputsByTransaction:txInputsByTransaction }); }); }); }); }); }); } function getHelp() { return new Promise(function(resolve, reject) { client.command('help', function(err, result, resHeaders) { if (err) { console.log("Error 32907th429ghf: " + err); reject(err); return; } var lines = result.split("\n"); var sections = []; lines.forEach(function(line) { if (line.startsWith("==")) { var sectionName = line.substring(2); sectionName = sectionName.substring(0, sectionName.length - 2).trim(); sections.push({name:sectionName, methods:[]}); } else if (line.trim().length > 0) { var methodName = line.trim(); if (methodName.includes(" ")) { methodName = methodName.substring(0, methodName.indexOf(" ")); } sections[sections.length - 1].methods.push({name:methodName, content:line.trim()}); } }); resolve(sections); }); }); } function getRpcMethodHelp(methodName) { return new Promise(function(resolve, reject) { client.command('help', methodName, function(err, result, resHeaders) { if (err) { console.log("Error 237hwerf07wehg: " + err); reject(err); return; } var output = {}; output.string = result; var str = result; var lines = str.split("\n"); var argumentLines = []; var catchArgs = false; lines.forEach(function(line) { if (line.trim().length == 0) { catchArgs = false; } if (catchArgs) { argumentLines.push(line); } if (line.trim() == "Arguments:" || line.trim() == "Arguments") { catchArgs = true; } }); var args = []; var argX = null; // looking for line starting with "N. " where N is an integer (1-2 digits) argumentLines.forEach(function(line) { var regex = /^([0-9]+)\.\s*"?(\w+)"?\s*\(([^,)]*),?\s*([^,)]*),?\s*([^,)]*),?\s*([^,)]*)?\s*\)\s*(.+)?$/; var match = regex.exec(line); if (match) { argX = {}; = match[2]; argX.detailsLines = []; = []; if (match[3]) {[3]); } if (match[4]) {[4]); } if (match[5]) {[5]); } if (match[6]) {[6]); } if (match[7]) { argX.description = match[7]; } args.push(argX); } if (!match && argX) { argX.detailsLines.push(line); } }); output.args = args; resolve(output); }); }); } function getHistoricalData() { var sortedList = coins[config.coin].historicalData; sortedList.sort(function(a, b){ return (( > ? 1 : -1); }); return sortedList; } module.exports = { getGenesisBlockHash: getGenesisBlockHash, getGenesisCoinbaseTransactionId: getGenesisCoinbaseTransactionId, getBlockchainInfo: getBlockchainInfo, getNetworkInfo: getNetworkInfo, getNetTotals: getNetTotals, getMempoolInfo: getMempoolInfo, getBlockByHeight: getBlockByHeight, getBlocksByHeight: getBlocksByHeight, getBlockByHash: getBlockByHash, getTransactionInputs: getTransactionInputs, getBlockData: getBlockData, getRawTransaction: getRawTransaction, getRawTransactions: getRawTransactions, getMempoolStats: getMempoolStats, getUptimeSeconds: getUptimeSeconds, getHelp: getHelp, getRpcMethodHelp: getRpcMethodHelp, getHistoricalData: getHistoricalData, getAddress: getAddress };