var debug = require("debug"); var debugLog = debug("btcexp:core"); var LRU = require("lru-cache"); var fs = require('fs'); var utils = require("../utils.js"); var config = require("../config.js"); var coins = require("../coins.js"); var redisCache = require("../redisCache.js"); var Decimal = require("decimal.js"); // choose one of the below: RPC to a node, or mock data while testing var rpcApi = require("./rpcApi.js"); //var rpcApi = require("./mockApi.js"); function onCacheEvent(cacheType, hitOrMiss, cacheKey) { //debugLog(`cache.${cacheType}.${hitOrMiss}: ${cacheKey}`); } function createMemoryLruCache(cacheObj) { return { get:function(key) { return new Promise(function(resolve, reject) { var val = cacheObj.get(key); if (val != null) { onCacheEvent("memory", "hit", key); } else { onCacheEvent("memory", "miss", key); } resolve(cacheObj.get(key)); }); }, set:function(key, obj, maxAge) { cacheObj.set(key, obj, maxAge); } } } var noopCache = { get:function(key) { return new Promise(function(resolve, reject) { resolve(null); }); }, set:function(key, obj, maxAge) {} }; var miscCache = null; var blockCache = null; var txCache = null; if (config.noInmemoryRpcCache) { miscCache = noopCache; blockCache = noopCache; txCache = noopCache; } else { miscCache = createMemoryLruCache(new LRU(50)); blockCache = createMemoryLruCache(new LRU(50)); txCache = createMemoryLruCache(new LRU(200)); } if ( { miscCache = redisCache; blockCache = redisCache; txCache = redisCache; } function getGenesisBlockHash() { return coins[config.coin].genesisBlockHashesByNetwork[global.activeBlockchain]; } function getGenesisCoinbaseTransactionId() { return coins[config.coin].genesisCoinbaseTransactionIdsByNetwork[global.activeBlockchain]; } function tryCacheThenRpcApi(cache, cacheKey, cacheMaxAge, rpcApiFunction, cacheConditionFunction) { //debugLog("tryCache: " + cacheKey + ", " + cacheMaxAge); if (cacheConditionFunction == null) { cacheConditionFunction = function(obj) { return true; }; } return new Promise(function(resolve, reject) { var cacheResult = null; var finallyFunc = function() { if (cacheResult != null) { resolve(cacheResult); } else { rpcApiFunction().then(function(rpcResult) { if (rpcResult != null && cacheConditionFunction(rpcResult)) { cache.set(cacheKey, rpcResult, cacheMaxAge); } resolve(rpcResult); }).catch(function(err) { reject(err); }); } }; cache.get(cacheKey).then(function(result) { cacheResult = result; finallyFunc(); }).catch(function(err) { utils.logError("nds9fc2eg621tf3", err, {cacheKey:cacheKey}); finallyFunc(); }); }); } function shouldCacheTransaction(tx) { if (!tx.confirmations) { return false; } if (tx.confirmations < 1) { return false; } if ( != null && > 9) { return false; } return true; } function getBlockchainInfo() { return tryCacheThenRpcApi(miscCache, "getBlockchainInfo", 10 * 1000, rpcApi.getBlockchainInfo); } function getNetworkInfo() { return tryCacheThenRpcApi(miscCache, "getNetworkInfo", 10 * 1000, rpcApi.getNetworkInfo); } function getNetTotals() { return tryCacheThenRpcApi(miscCache, "getNetTotals", 10 * 1000, rpcApi.getNetTotals); } function getMempoolInfo() { return tryCacheThenRpcApi(miscCache, "getMempoolInfo", 1000, rpcApi.getMempoolInfo); } function getMiningInfo() { return tryCacheThenRpcApi(miscCache, "getMiningInfo", 30 * 1000, rpcApi.getMiningInfo); } function getUptimeSeconds() { return tryCacheThenRpcApi(miscCache, "getUptimeSeconds", 1000, rpcApi.getUptimeSeconds); } function getChainTxStats(blockCount) { return tryCacheThenRpcApi(miscCache, "getChainTxStats-" + blockCount, 20 * 60 * 1000, function() { return rpcApi.getChainTxStats(blockCount); }); } function getUtxoSetSummary() { return tryCacheThenRpcApi(miscCache, "getUtxoSetSummary", 15 * 60 * 1000, rpcApi.getUtxoSetSummary); } function getTxCountStats(dataPtCount, blockStart, blockEnd) { return new Promise(function(resolve, reject) { var dataPoints = dataPtCount; getBlockchainInfo().then(function(getblockchaininfo) { if (typeof blockStart === "string") { if (["genesis", "first", "zero"].includes(blockStart)) { blockStart = 0; } } if (typeof blockEnd === "string") { if (["latest", "tip", "newest"].includes(blockEnd)) { blockEnd = getblockchaininfo.blocks; } } if (blockStart > blockEnd) { reject(`Error 37rhw0e7ufdsgf: blockStart (${blockStart}) > blockEnd (${blockEnd})`); return; } if (blockStart < 0) { blockStart += getblockchaininfo.blocks; } if (blockEnd < 0) { blockEnd += getblockchaininfo.blocks; } var chainTxStatsIntervals = []; for (var i = 0; i < dataPoints; i++) { chainTxStatsIntervals.push(parseInt(Math.max(10, getblockchaininfo.blocks - blockStart - i * (blockEnd - blockStart) / (dataPoints - 1) - 1))); } var promises = []; for (var i = 0; i < chainTxStatsIntervals.length; i++) { promises.push(getChainTxStats(chainTxStatsIntervals[i])); } Promise.all(promises).then(function(results) { var txStats = { txCounts: [], txLabels: [], txRates: [] }; for (var i = results.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) { if (results[i].window_tx_count) { txStats.txCounts.push( {x:(getblockchaininfo.blocks - results[i].window_block_count), y: (results[i].txcount - results[i].window_tx_count)} ); txStats.txRates.push( {x:(getblockchaininfo.blocks - results[i].window_block_count), y: (results[i].txrate)} ); txStats.txLabels.push(i); } } resolve({txCountStats:txStats, getblockchaininfo:getblockchaininfo, totalTxCount:results[0].txcount}); }).catch(function(err) { reject(err); }); }).catch(function(err) { reject(err); }); }); } function getPeerSummary() { return new Promise(function(resolve, reject) { tryCacheThenRpcApi(miscCache, "getpeerinfo", 1000, rpcApi.getPeerInfo).then(function(getpeerinfo) { var result = {}; result.getpeerinfo = getpeerinfo; var versionSummaryMap = {}; for (var i = 0; i < getpeerinfo.length; i++) { var x = getpeerinfo[i]; if (versionSummaryMap[x.subver] == null) { versionSummaryMap[x.subver] = 0; } versionSummaryMap[x.subver]++; } var versionSummary = []; for (var prop in versionSummaryMap) { if (versionSummaryMap.hasOwnProperty(prop)) { versionSummary.push([prop, versionSummaryMap[prop]]); } } versionSummary.sort(function(a, b) { if (b[1] > a[1]) { return 1; } else if (b[1] < a[1]) { return -1; } else { return a[0].localeCompare(b[0]); } }); var servicesSummaryMap = {}; for (var i = 0; i < getpeerinfo.length; i++) { var x = getpeerinfo[i]; if (servicesSummaryMap[] == null) { servicesSummaryMap[] = 0; } servicesSummaryMap[]++; } var servicesSummary = []; for (var prop in servicesSummaryMap) { if (servicesSummaryMap.hasOwnProperty(prop)) { servicesSummary.push([prop, servicesSummaryMap[prop]]); } } servicesSummary.sort(function(a, b) { if (b[1] > a[1]) { return 1; } else if (b[1] < a[1]) { return -1; } else { return a[0].localeCompare(b[0]); } }); result.versionSummary = versionSummary; result.servicesSummary = servicesSummary; resolve(result); }).catch(function(err) { reject(err); }); }); } function getMempoolDetails(start, count) { return new Promise(function(resolve, reject) { tryCacheThenRpcApi(miscCache, "getMempoolTxids", 1000, rpcApi.getMempoolTxids).then(function(resultTxids) { var txids = []; for (var i = start; (i < resultTxids.length && i < (start + count)); i++) { txids.push(resultTxids[i]); } getRawTransactions(txids).then(function(transactions) { var maxInputsTracked =; var vinTxids = []; for (var i = 0; i < transactions.length; i++) { var transaction = transactions[i]; if (transaction && { for (var j = 0; j < Math.min(maxInputsTracked,; j++) { if ([j].txid) { vinTxids.push([j].txid); } } } } var txInputsByTransaction = {}; getRawTransactions(vinTxids).then(function(vinTransactions) { var vinTxById = {}; vinTransactions.forEach(function(tx) { vinTxById[tx.txid] = tx; }); transactions.forEach(function(tx) { txInputsByTransaction[tx.txid] = {}; if (tx && { for (var i = 0; i < Math.min(maxInputsTracked,; i++) { if (vinTxById[[i].txid]) { txInputsByTransaction[tx.txid][i] = vinTxById[[i].txid]; } } } }); resolve({ txCount:resultTxids.length, transactions:transactions, txInputsByTransaction:txInputsByTransaction }); }).catch(function(err) { reject(err); }); }).catch(function(err) { reject(err); }); }).catch(function(err) { reject(err); }); }); } function getMempoolStats() { return new Promise(function(resolve, reject) { tryCacheThenRpcApi(miscCache, "getRawMempool", 5000, rpcApi.getRawMempool).then(function(result) { var maxFee = 0; var maxFeePerByte = 0; var maxAge = 0; var maxSize = 0; var ages = []; var sizes = []; for (var txid in result) { var txMempoolInfo = result[txid]; var fee = txMempoolInfo.modifiedfee; var size = txMempoolInfo.vsize ? txMempoolInfo.vsize : txMempoolInfo.size; var feePerByte = txMempoolInfo.modifiedfee / size; var age = / 1000 - txMempoolInfo.time; if (fee > maxFee) { maxFee = txMempoolInfo.modifiedfee; } if (feePerByte > maxFeePerByte) { maxFeePerByte = txMempoolInfo.modifiedfee / size; } ages.push({age:age, txid:txid}); sizes.push({size:size, txid:txid}); if (age > maxAge) { maxAge = age; } if (size > maxSize) { maxSize = size; } } ages.sort(function(a, b) { if (a.age != b.age) { return b.age - a.age; } else { return a.txid.localeCompare(b.txid); } }); sizes.sort(function(a, b) { if (a.size != b.size) { return b.size - a.size; } else { return a.txid.localeCompare(b.txid); } }); maxSize = 2000; var satoshiPerByteBucketMaxima = coins[config.coin].feeSatoshiPerByteBucketMaxima; var bucketCount = satoshiPerByteBucketMaxima.length + 1; var satoshiPerByteBuckets = []; var satoshiPerByteBucketLabels = []; satoshiPerByteBucketLabels[0] = ("[0 - " + satoshiPerByteBucketMaxima[0] + ")"); for (var i = 0; i < bucketCount; i++) { satoshiPerByteBuckets[i] = {"count":0, "totalFees":0, "totalBytes":0}; if (i > 0 && i < bucketCount - 1) { satoshiPerByteBucketLabels[i] = ("[" + satoshiPerByteBucketMaxima[i - 1] + " - " + satoshiPerByteBucketMaxima[i] + ")"); } } var ageBucketCount = 100; var ageBucketTxCounts = []; var ageBucketLabels = []; var sizeBucketCount = 100; var sizeBucketTxCounts = []; var sizeBucketLabels = []; for (var i = 0; i < ageBucketCount; i++) { var rangeMin = i * maxAge / ageBucketCount; var rangeMax = (i + 1) * maxAge / ageBucketCount; ageBucketTxCounts.push(0); if (maxAge > 600) { var rangeMinutesMin = new Decimal(rangeMin / 60).toFixed(1); var rangeMinutesMax = new Decimal(rangeMax / 60).toFixed(1); ageBucketLabels.push(rangeMinutesMin + " - " + rangeMinutesMax + " min"); } else { ageBucketLabels.push(parseInt(rangeMin) + " - " + parseInt(rangeMax) + " sec"); } } for (var i = 0; i < sizeBucketCount; i++) { sizeBucketTxCounts.push(0); if (i == sizeBucketCount - 1) { sizeBucketLabels.push(parseInt(i * maxSize / sizeBucketCount) + "+"); } else { sizeBucketLabels.push(parseInt(i * maxSize / sizeBucketCount) + " - " + parseInt((i + 1) * maxSize / sizeBucketCount)); } } satoshiPerByteBucketLabels[bucketCount - 1] = (satoshiPerByteBucketMaxima[satoshiPerByteBucketMaxima.length - 1] + "+"); var summary = { "count":0, "totalFees":0, "totalBytes":0, "satoshiPerByteBuckets":satoshiPerByteBuckets, "satoshiPerByteBucketLabels":satoshiPerByteBucketLabels, "ageBucketTxCounts":ageBucketTxCounts, "ageBucketLabels":ageBucketLabels, "sizeBucketTxCounts":sizeBucketTxCounts, "sizeBucketLabels":sizeBucketLabels }; for (var txid in result) { var txMempoolInfo = result[txid]; var fee = txMempoolInfo.modifiedfee; var size = txMempoolInfo.vsize ? txMempoolInfo.vsize : txMempoolInfo.size; var feePerByte = txMempoolInfo.modifiedfee / size; var satoshiPerByte = feePerByte * 100000000; // TODO: magic number - replace with coinConfig.baseCurrencyUnit.multiplier var age = / 1000 - txMempoolInfo.time; var addedToBucket = false; for (var i = 0; i < satoshiPerByteBucketMaxima.length; i++) { if (satoshiPerByteBucketMaxima[i] > satoshiPerByte) { satoshiPerByteBuckets[i]["count"]++; satoshiPerByteBuckets[i]["totalFees"] += fee; satoshiPerByteBuckets[i]["totalBytes"] += size; addedToBucket = true; break; } } if (!addedToBucket) { satoshiPerByteBuckets[bucketCount - 1]["count"]++; satoshiPerByteBuckets[bucketCount - 1]["totalFees"] += fee; satoshiPerByteBuckets[bucketCount - 1]["totalBytes"] += size; } summary["count"]++; summary["totalFees"] += txMempoolInfo.modifiedfee; summary["totalBytes"] += size; var ageBucketIndex = Math.min(ageBucketCount - 1, parseInt(age / (maxAge / ageBucketCount))); var sizeBucketIndex = Math.min(sizeBucketCount - 1, parseInt(size / (maxSize / sizeBucketCount))); ageBucketTxCounts[ageBucketIndex]++; sizeBucketTxCounts[sizeBucketIndex]++; } summary["averageFee"] = summary["totalFees"] / summary["count"]; summary["averageFeePerByte"] = summary["totalFees"] / summary["totalBytes"]; summary["satoshiPerByteBucketMaxima"] = satoshiPerByteBucketMaxima; summary["satoshiPerByteBucketCounts"] = []; summary["satoshiPerByteBucketTotalFees"] = []; for (var i = 0; i < bucketCount; i++) { summary["satoshiPerByteBucketCounts"].push(summary["satoshiPerByteBuckets"][i]["count"]); summary["satoshiPerByteBucketTotalFees"].push(summary["satoshiPerByteBuckets"][i]["totalFees"]); } /*debugLog(JSON.stringify(ageBuckets)); debugLog(JSON.stringify(ageBucketLabels)); debugLog(JSON.stringify(sizeBuckets)); debugLog(JSON.stringify(sizeBucketLabels));*/ resolve(summary); }).catch(function(err) { reject(err); }); }); } function getBlockByHeight(blockHeight) { return tryCacheThenRpcApi(blockCache, "getBlockByHeight-" + blockHeight, 3600000, function() { return rpcApi.getBlockByHeight(blockHeight); }); } function getBlocksByHeight(blockHeights) { return new Promise(function(resolve, reject) { var promises = []; for (var i = 0; i < blockHeights.length; i++) { promises.push(getBlockByHeight(blockHeights[i])); } Promise.all(promises).then(function(results) { resolve(results); }).catch(function(err) { reject(err); }); }); } function getBlockByHash(blockHash) { return tryCacheThenRpcApi(blockCache, "getBlockByHash-" + blockHash, 3600000, function() { return rpcApi.getBlockByHash(blockHash); }); } function getBlocksByHash(blockHashes) { return new Promise(function(resolve, reject) { var promises = []; for (var i = 0; i < blockHashes.length; i++) { promises.push(getBlockByHash(blockHashes[i])); } Promise.all(promises).then(function(results) { var result = {}; results.forEach(function(item) { result[item.hash] = item; }); resolve(result); }).catch(function(err) { reject(err); }); }); } function getRawTransaction(txid) { var rpcApiFunction = function() { return rpcApi.getRawTransaction(txid); }; return tryCacheThenRpcApi(txCache, "getRawTransaction-" + txid, 3600000, rpcApiFunction, shouldCacheTransaction); } function getTxUtxos(tx) { return new Promise(function(resolve, reject) { var promises = []; for (var i = 0; i < tx.vout.length; i++) { promises.push(getUtxo(tx.txid, i)); } Promise.all(promises).then(function(results) { resolve(results); }).catch(function(err) { reject(err); }); }); } function getUtxo(txid, outputIndex) { return new Promise(function(resolve, reject) { tryCacheThenRpcApi(miscCache, "utxo-" + txid + "-" + outputIndex, 3600000, function() { return rpcApi.getUtxo(txid, outputIndex); }).then(function(result) { // to avoid cache misses, rpcApi.getUtxo returns "0" instead of null if (result == "0") { resolve(null); return; } resolve(result); }).catch(function(err) { reject(err); }); }); } function getMempoolTxDetails(txid) { return tryCacheThenRpcApi(miscCache, "mempoolTxDetails-" + txid, 3600000, function() { return rpcApi.getMempoolTxDetails(txid); }); } function getAddress(address) { return tryCacheThenRpcApi(miscCache, "getAddress-" + address, 3600000, function() { return rpcApi.getAddress(address); }); } function getRawTransactions(txids) { return new Promise(function(resolve, reject) { var promises = []; for (var i = 0; i < txids.length; i++) { promises.push(getRawTransaction(txids[i])); } Promise.all(promises).then(function(results) { resolve(results); }).catch(function(err) { reject(err); }); }); } function getRawTransactionsWithInputs(txids, maxInputs=-1) { return new Promise(function(resolve, reject) { getRawTransactions(txids).then(function(transactions) { var maxInputsTracked =; if (maxInputs <= 0) { maxInputsTracked = 1000000; } else if (maxInputs > 0) { maxInputsTracked = maxInputs; } var vinTxids = []; for (var i = 0; i < transactions.length; i++) { var transaction = transactions[i]; if (transaction && { for (var j = 0; j < Math.min(maxInputsTracked,; j++) { if ([j].txid) { vinTxids.push([j].txid); } } } } var txInputsByTransaction = {}; getRawTransactions(vinTxids).then(function(vinTransactions) { var vinTxById = {}; vinTransactions.forEach(function(tx) { vinTxById[tx.txid] = tx; }); transactions.forEach(function(tx) { txInputsByTransaction[tx.txid] = {}; if (tx && { for (var i = 0; i < Math.min(maxInputsTracked,; i++) { if (vinTxById[[i].txid]) { txInputsByTransaction[tx.txid][i] = vinTxById[[i].txid]; } } } }); resolve({ transactions:transactions, txInputsByTransaction:txInputsByTransaction }); }); }); }); } function getBlockByHashWithTransactions(blockHash, txLimit, txOffset) { return new Promise(function(resolve, reject) { getBlockByHash(blockHash).then(function(block) { var txids = []; if (txOffset > 0) { txids.push(block.tx[0]); } for (var i = txOffset; i < Math.min(txOffset + txLimit, block.tx.length); i++) { txids.push(block.tx[i]); } getRawTransactions(txids).then(function(transactions) { if (transactions.length == txids.length) { block.coinbaseTx = transactions[0]; block.totalFees = utils.getBlockTotalFeesFromCoinbaseTxAndBlockHeight(block.coinbaseTx, block.height); block.miner = utils.getMinerFromCoinbaseTx(block.coinbaseTx); } // if we're on page 2, we don't really want it anymore... if (txOffset > 0) { transactions.shift(); } var maxInputsTracked =; var vinTxids = []; for (var i = 0; i < transactions.length; i++) { var transaction = transactions[i]; if (transaction && { for (var j = 0; j < Math.min(maxInputsTracked,; j++) { if ([j].txid) { vinTxids.push([j].txid); } } } } var txInputsByTransaction = {}; getRawTransactions(vinTxids).then(function(vinTransactions) { var vinTxById = {}; vinTransactions.forEach(function(tx) { vinTxById[tx.txid] = tx; }); transactions.forEach(function(tx) { txInputsByTransaction[tx.txid] = {}; if (tx && { for (var i = 0; i < Math.min(maxInputsTracked,; i++) { if (vinTxById[[i].txid]) { txInputsByTransaction[tx.txid][i] = vinTxById[[i].txid]; } } } resolve({ getblock:block, transactions:transactions, txInputsByTransaction:txInputsByTransaction }); }); }); }); }); }); } function getHelp() { return new Promise(function(resolve, reject) { tryCacheThenRpcApi(miscCache, "getHelp", 3600000, rpcApi.getHelp).then(function(helpContent) { var lines = helpContent.split("\n"); var sections = []; lines.forEach(function(line) { if (line.startsWith("==")) { var sectionName = line.substring(2); sectionName = sectionName.substring(0, sectionName.length - 2).trim(); sections.push({name:sectionName, methods:[]}); } else if (line.trim().length > 0) { var methodName = line.trim(); if (methodName.includes(" ")) { methodName = methodName.substring(0, methodName.indexOf(" ")); } sections[sections.length - 1].methods.push({name:methodName, content:line.trim()}); } }); resolve(sections); }).catch(function(err) { reject(err); }); }); } function getRpcMethodHelp(methodName) { var rpcApiFunction = function() { return rpcApi.getRpcMethodHelp(methodName); }; return new Promise(function(resolve, reject) { tryCacheThenRpcApi(miscCache, "getHelp-" + methodName, 3600000, rpcApiFunction).then(function(helpContent) { var output = {}; output.string = helpContent; var str = helpContent; var lines = str.split("\n"); var argumentLines = []; var catchArgs = false; lines.forEach(function(line) { if (line.trim().length == 0) { catchArgs = false; } if (catchArgs) { argumentLines.push(line); } if (line.trim() == "Arguments:" || line.trim() == "Arguments") { catchArgs = true; } }); var args = []; var argX = null; // looking for line starting with "N. " where N is an integer (1-2 digits) argumentLines.forEach(function(line) { var regex = /^([0-9]+)\.\s*"?(\w+)"?\s*\(([^,)]*),?\s*([^,)]*),?\s*([^,)]*),?\s*([^,)]*)?\s*\)\s*(.+)?$/; var match = regex.exec(line); if (match) { argX = {}; = match[2]; argX.detailsLines = []; = []; if (match[3]) {[3]); } if (match[4]) {[4]); } if (match[5]) {[5]); } if (match[6]) {[6]); } if (match[7]) { argX.description = match[7]; } args.push(argX); } if (!match && argX) { argX.detailsLines.push(line); } }); output.args = args; resolve(output); }).catch(function(err) { reject(err); }); }); } function logCacheSizes() { var itemCounts = [ miscCache.itemCount, blockCache.itemCount, txCache.itemCount ]; var stream = fs.createWriteStream("memoryUsage.csv", {flags:'a'}); stream.write("itemCounts: " + JSON.stringify(itemCounts) + "\n"); stream.end(); } module.exports = { getGenesisBlockHash: getGenesisBlockHash, getGenesisCoinbaseTransactionId: getGenesisCoinbaseTransactionId, getBlockchainInfo: getBlockchainInfo, getNetworkInfo: getNetworkInfo, getNetTotals: getNetTotals, getMempoolInfo: getMempoolInfo, getMiningInfo: getMiningInfo, getBlockByHeight: getBlockByHeight, getBlocksByHeight: getBlocksByHeight, getBlockByHash: getBlockByHash, getBlocksByHash: getBlocksByHash, getBlockByHashWithTransactions: getBlockByHashWithTransactions, getRawTransaction: getRawTransaction, getRawTransactions: getRawTransactions, getRawTransactionsWithInputs: getRawTransactionsWithInputs, getTxUtxos: getTxUtxos, getMempoolTxDetails: getMempoolTxDetails, getMempoolStats: getMempoolStats, getUptimeSeconds: getUptimeSeconds, getHelp: getHelp, getRpcMethodHelp: getRpcMethodHelp, getAddress: getAddress, logCacheSizes: logCacheSizes, getPeerSummary: getPeerSummary, getChainTxStats: getChainTxStats, getMempoolDetails: getMempoolDetails, getTxCountStats: getTxCountStats, getUtxoSetSummary: getUtxoSetSummary, };