var debug = require("debug"); var debugLog = debug("btcexp:router"); var express = require('express'); var csurf = require('csurf'); var router = express.Router(); var util = require('util'); var moment = require('moment'); var bitcoinCore = require("bitcoin-core"); var qrcode = require('qrcode'); var bitcoinjs = require('bitcoinjs-lib'); var sha256 = require("crypto-js/sha256"); var hexEnc = require("crypto-js/enc-hex"); var Decimal = require("decimal.js"); var utils = require('./../app/utils.js'); var coins = require("./../app/coins.js"); var config = require("./../app/config.js"); var coreApi = require("./../app/api/coreApi.js"); var addressApi = require("./../app/api/addressApi.js"); const forceCsrf = csurf({ ignoreMethods: [] }); router.get("/", function(req, res, next) { if ( == null || == "") { if (req.cookies['rpc-host']) { = req.cookies['rpc-host']; } if (req.cookies['rpc-port']) { res.locals.port = req.cookies['rpc-port']; } if (req.cookies['rpc-username']) { res.locals.username = req.cookies['rpc-username']; } res.render("connect"); res.end(); return; } res.locals.homepage = true; var promises = []; promises.push(coreApi.getMempoolInfo()); promises.push(coreApi.getMiningInfo()); coreApi.getBlockchainInfo().then(function(getblockchaininfo) { res.locals.getblockchaininfo = getblockchaininfo; if (getblockchaininfo.chain !== 'regtest') { var targetBlocksPerDay = 24 * 60 * 60 / global.coinConfig.targetBlockTimeSeconds; promises.push(coreApi.getTxCountStats(targetBlocksPerDay / 4, -targetBlocksPerDay, "latest")); var chainTxStatsIntervals = [ targetBlocksPerDay, targetBlocksPerDay * 7, targetBlocksPerDay * 30, targetBlocksPerDay * 365 ] .filter(numBlocks => numBlocks <= getblockchaininfo.blocks); res.locals.chainTxStatsLabels = [ "24 hours", "1 week", "1 month", "1 year" ] .slice(0, chainTxStatsIntervals.length) .concat("All time"); for (var i = 0; i < chainTxStatsIntervals.length; i++) { promises.push(coreApi.getChainTxStats(chainTxStatsIntervals[i])); } } var blockHeights = []; if (getblockchaininfo.blocks) { for (var i = 0; i < 10; i++) { blockHeights.push(getblockchaininfo.blocks - i); } } if (getblockchaininfo.chain !== 'regtest') { promises.push(coreApi.getChainTxStats(getblockchaininfo.blocks - 1)); } coreApi.getBlocksByHeight(blockHeights).then(function(latestBlocks) { res.locals.latestBlocks = latestBlocks; Promise.all(promises).then(function(promiseResults) { res.locals.mempoolInfo = promiseResults[0]; res.locals.miningInfo = promiseResults[1]; if (getblockchaininfo.chain !== 'regtest') { res.locals.txStats = promiseResults[2]; var chainTxStats = []; for (var i = 0; i < res.locals.chainTxStatsLabels.length; i++) { chainTxStats.push(promiseResults[i + 3]); } res.locals.chainTxStats = chainTxStats; } res.render("index"); next(); }); }); }).catch(function(err) { res.locals.userMessage = "Error loading recent blocks: " + err; res.render("index"); next(); }); }); router.get("/node-status", function(req, res, next) { coreApi.getBlockchainInfo().then(function(getblockchaininfo) { res.locals.getblockchaininfo = getblockchaininfo; coreApi.getNetworkInfo().then(function(getnetworkinfo) { res.locals.getnetworkinfo = getnetworkinfo; coreApi.getUptimeSeconds().then(function(uptimeSeconds) { res.locals.uptimeSeconds = uptimeSeconds; coreApi.getNetTotals().then(function(getnettotals) { res.locals.getnettotals = getnettotals; res.render("node-status"); next(); }).catch(function(err) { res.locals.userMessage = "Error getting node status: (id=0), err=" + err; res.render("node-status"); next(); }); }).catch(function(err) { res.locals.userMessage = "Error getting node status: (id=1), err=" + err; res.render("node-status"); next(); }); }).catch(function(err) { res.locals.userMessage = "Error getting node status: (id=2), err=" + err; res.render("node-status"); next(); }); }).catch(function(err) { res.locals.userMessage = "Error getting node status: (id=3), err=" + err; res.render("node-status"); next(); }); }); router.get("/mempool-summary", function(req, res, next) { coreApi.getMempoolInfo().then(function(getmempoolinfo) { res.locals.getmempoolinfo = getmempoolinfo; coreApi.getMempoolStats().then(function(mempoolstats) { res.locals.mempoolstats = mempoolstats; res.render("mempool-summary"); next(); }); }).catch(function(err) { res.locals.userMessage = "Error: " + err; res.render("mempool-summary"); next(); }); }); router.get("/peers", function(req, res, next) { coreApi.getPeerSummary().then(function(peerSummary) { res.locals.peerSummary = peerSummary; var peerIps = []; for (var i = 0; i < peerSummary.getpeerinfo.length; i++) { var ipWithPort = peerSummary.getpeerinfo[i].addr; if (ipWithPort.lastIndexOf(":") >= 0) { var ip = ipWithPort.substring(0, ipWithPort.lastIndexOf(":")); if (ip.trim().length > 0) { peerIps.push(ip.trim()); } } } if (peerIps.length > 0) { utils.geoLocateIpAddresses(peerIps).then(function(results) { res.locals.peerIpSummary = results; res.render("peers"); next(); }); } else { res.render("peers"); next(); } }).catch(function(err) { res.locals.userMessage = "Error: " + err; res.render("peers"); next(); }); });"/connect", function(req, res, next) { var host =; var port = req.body.port; var username = req.body.username; var password = req.body.password; res.cookie('rpc-host', host); res.cookie('rpc-port', port); res.cookie('rpc-username', username); = host; req.session.port = port; req.session.username = username; var client = new bitcoinCore({ host: host, port: port, username: username, password: password, timeout: 30000 }); debugLog("created client: " + client); global.client = client; req.session.userMessage = "<strong>Connected via RPC</strong>: " + username + " @ " + host + ":" + port; req.session.userMessageType = "success"; res.redirect("/"); }); router.get("/disconnect", function(req, res, next) { res.cookie('rpc-host', ""); res.cookie('rpc-port', ""); res.cookie('rpc-username', ""); = ""; req.session.port = ""; req.session.username = ""; debugLog("destroyed client."); global.client = null; req.session.userMessage = "Disconnected from node."; req.session.userMessageType = "success"; res.redirect("/"); }); router.get("/changeSetting", function(req, res, next) { if ( { req.session[] = req.query.value; res.cookie('user-setting-' +, req.query.value); } res.redirect(req.headers.referer); }); router.get("/blocks", function(req, res, next) { var limit =; var offset = 0; var sort = "desc"; if (req.query.limit) { limit = parseInt(req.query.limit); } if (req.query.offset) { offset = parseInt(req.query.offset); } if (req.query.sort) { sort = req.query.sort; } res.locals.limit = limit; res.locals.offset = offset; res.locals.sort = sort; res.locals.paginationBaseUrl = "/blocks"; coreApi.getBlockchainInfo().then(function(getblockchaininfo) { res.locals.blockCount = getblockchaininfo.blocks; res.locals.blockOffset = offset; var blockHeights = []; if (sort == "desc") { for (var i = (getblockchaininfo.blocks - offset); i > (getblockchaininfo.blocks - offset - limit); i--) { if (i >= 0) { blockHeights.push(i); } } } else { for (var i = offset; i < (offset + limit); i++) { if (i >= 0) { blockHeights.push(i); } } } coreApi.getBlocksByHeight(blockHeights).then(function(blocks) { res.locals.blocks = blocks; res.render("blocks"); next(); }); }).catch(function(err) { res.locals.userMessage = "Error: " + err; res.render("blocks"); next(); }); }); router.get("/search", function(req, res, next) { if (!req.body.query) { req.session.userMessage = "Enter a block height, block hash, or transaction id."; req.session.userMessageType = "primary"; res.render("search"); next(); } });"/search", function(req, res, next) { if (!req.body.query) { req.session.userMessage = "Enter a block height, block hash, or transaction id."; res.redirect("/"); return; } var query = req.body.query.toLowerCase().trim(); var rawCaseQuery = req.body.query.trim(); req.session.query = req.body.query; if (query.length == 64) { coreApi.getRawTransaction(query).then(function(tx) { if (tx) { res.redirect("/tx/" + query); return; } coreApi.getBlockByHash(query).then(function(blockByHash) { if (blockByHash) { res.redirect("/block/" + query); return; } coreApi.getAddress(rawCaseQuery).then(function(validateaddress) { if (validateaddress && validateaddress.isvalid) { res.redirect("/address/" + rawCaseQuery); return; } }); req.session.userMessage = "No results found for query: " + query; res.redirect("/"); }).catch(function(err) { req.session.userMessage = "No results found for query: " + query; res.redirect("/"); }); }).catch(function(err) { coreApi.getBlockByHash(query).then(function(blockByHash) { if (blockByHash) { res.redirect("/block/" + query); return; } req.session.userMessage = "No results found for query: " + query; res.redirect("/"); }).catch(function(err) { req.session.userMessage = "No results found for query: " + query; res.redirect("/"); }); }); } else if (!isNaN(query)) { coreApi.getBlockByHeight(parseInt(query)).then(function(blockByHeight) { if (blockByHeight) { res.redirect("/block-height/" + query); return; } req.session.userMessage = "No results found for query: " + query; res.redirect("/"); }); } else { coreApi.getAddress(rawCaseQuery).then(function(validateaddress) { if (validateaddress && validateaddress.isvalid) { res.redirect("/address/" + rawCaseQuery); return; } req.session.userMessage = "No results found for query: " + rawCaseQuery; res.redirect("/"); }); } }); router.get("/block-height/:blockHeight", function(req, res, next) { var blockHeight = parseInt(req.params.blockHeight); res.locals.blockHeight = blockHeight; res.locals.result = {}; var limit =; var offset = 0; if (req.query.limit) { limit = parseInt(req.query.limit); // for demo sites, limit page sizes if (config.demoSite && limit > { limit =; res.locals.userMessage = "Transaction page size limited to " + + ". If this is your site, you can change or disable this limit in the site config."; } } if (req.query.offset) { offset = parseInt(req.query.offset); } res.locals.limit = limit; res.locals.offset = offset; res.locals.paginationBaseUrl = "/block-height/" + blockHeight; coreApi.getBlockByHeight(blockHeight).then(function(result) { res.locals.result.getblockbyheight = result; coreApi.getBlockByHashWithTransactions(result.hash, limit, offset).then(function(result) { res.locals.result.getblock = result.getblock; res.locals.result.transactions = result.transactions; res.locals.result.txInputsByTransaction = result.txInputsByTransaction; res.render("block"); next(); }); }); }); router.get("/block/:blockHash", function(req, res, next) { var blockHash = req.params.blockHash; res.locals.blockHash = blockHash; res.locals.result = {}; var limit =; var offset = 0; if (req.query.limit) { limit = parseInt(req.query.limit); // for demo sites, limit page sizes if (config.demoSite && limit > { limit =; res.locals.userMessage = "Transaction page size limited to " + + ". If this is your site, you can change or disable this limit in the site config."; } } if (req.query.offset) { offset = parseInt(req.query.offset); } res.locals.limit = limit; res.locals.offset = offset; res.locals.paginationBaseUrl = "/block/" + blockHash; coreApi.getBlockByHashWithTransactions(blockHash, limit, offset).then(function(result) { res.locals.result.getblock = result.getblock; res.locals.result.transactions = result.transactions; res.locals.result.txInputsByTransaction = result.txInputsByTransaction; res.render("block"); next(); }).catch(function(err) { res.locals.userMessage = "Error getting block data"; res.render("block"); next(); }); }); router.get("/tx/:transactionId", function(req, res, next) { var txid = req.params.transactionId; var output = -1; if (req.query.output) { output = parseInt(req.query.output); } res.locals.txid = txid; res.locals.output = output; res.locals.result = {}; coreApi.getRawTransaction(txid).then(function(rawTxResult) { res.locals.result.getrawtransaction = rawTxResult; client.command('getblock', rawTxResult.blockhash, function(err3, result3, resHeaders3) { res.locals.result.getblock = result3; var txids = []; for (var i = 0; i <; i++) { if (![i].coinbase) { txids.push([i].txid); } } coreApi.getRawTransactions(txids).then(function(txInputs) { res.locals.result.txInputs = txInputs; res.render("transaction"); next(); }); }); }).catch(function(err) { res.locals.userMessage = "Failed to load transaction with txid=" + txid + ": " + err; res.render("transaction"); next(); }); }); router.get("/address/:address", function(req, res, next) { var limit =; var offset = 0; var sort = "desc"; if (req.query.limit) { limit = parseInt(req.query.limit); // for demo sites, limit page sizes if (config.demoSite && limit > { limit =; res.locals.userMessage = "Transaction page size limited to " + + ". If this is your site, you can change or disable this limit in the site config."; } } if (req.query.offset) { offset = parseInt(req.query.offset); } if (req.query.sort) { sort = req.query.sort; } var address = req.params.address; res.locals.address = address; res.locals.limit = limit; res.locals.offset = offset; res.locals.sort = sort; res.locals.paginationBaseUrl = `/address/${address}?sort=${sort}`; res.locals.transactions = []; res.locals.addressApiSupport = addressApi.getCurrentAddressApiFeatureSupport(); res.locals.result = {}; try { res.locals.addressObj = bitcoinjs.address.fromBase58Check(address); } catch (err) { res.locals.pageErrors.push(utils.logError("u3gr02gwef", err)); try { res.locals.addressObj = bitcoinjs.address.fromBech32(address); } catch (err2) { res.locals.pageErrors.push(utils.logError("u02qg02yqge", err)); } } if (global.miningPoolsConfigs) { for (var i = 0; i < global.miningPoolsConfigs.length; i++) { if (global.miningPoolsConfigs[i].payout_addresses[address]) { res.locals.payoutAddressForMiner = global.miningPoolsConfigs[i].payout_addresses[address]; } } } coreApi.getAddress(address).then(function(validateaddressResult) { res.locals.result.validateaddress = validateaddressResult; var promises = []; if (!res.locals.crawlerBot) { var addrScripthash = hexEnc.stringify(sha256(hexEnc.parse(validateaddressResult.scriptPubKey))); addrScripthash = addrScripthash.match(/.{2}/g).reverse().join(""); res.locals.electrumScripthash = addrScripthash; promises.push(new Promise(function(resolve, reject) { addressApi.getAddressDetails(address, validateaddressResult.scriptPubKey, sort, limit, offset).then(function(addressDetailsResult) { var addressDetails = addressDetailsResult.addressDetails; if (addressDetailsResult.errors) { res.locals.addressDetailsErrors = addressDetailsResult.errors; } if (addressDetails) { res.locals.addressDetails = addressDetails; if (addressDetails.balanceSat == 0) { // make sure zero balances pass the falsey check in the UI addressDetails.balanceSat = "0"; } if (addressDetails.txCount == 0) { // make sure txCount=0 pass the falsey check in the UI addressDetails.txCount = "0"; } if (addressDetails.txids) { var txids = addressDetails.txids; // if the active addressApi gives us blockHeightsByTxid, it saves us work, so try to use it var blockHeightsByTxid = {}; if (addressDetails.blockHeightsByTxid) { blockHeightsByTxid = addressDetails.blockHeightsByTxid; } res.locals.txids = txids; coreApi.getRawTransactionsWithInputs(txids).then(function(rawTxResult) { res.locals.transactions = rawTxResult.transactions; res.locals.txInputsByTransaction = rawTxResult.txInputsByTransaction; // for coinbase txs, we need the block height in order to calculate subsidy to display var coinbaseTxs = []; for (var i = 0; i < rawTxResult.transactions.length; i++) { var tx = rawTxResult.transactions[i]; for (var j = 0; j <; j++) { if ([j].coinbase) { // addressApi sometimes has blockHeightByTxid already available, otherwise we need to query for it if (!blockHeightsByTxid[tx.txid]) { coinbaseTxs.push(tx); } } } } var coinbaseTxBlockHashes = []; var blockHashesByTxid = {}; coinbaseTxs.forEach(function(tx) { coinbaseTxBlockHashes.push(tx.blockhash); blockHashesByTxid[tx.txid] = tx.blockhash; }); var blockHeightsPromises = []; if (coinbaseTxs.length > 0) { // we need to query some blockHeights by hash for some coinbase txs blockHeightsPromises.push(new Promise(function(resolve2, reject2) { coreApi.getBlocksByHash(coinbaseTxBlockHashes).then(function(blocksByHashResult) { for (var txid in blockHashesByTxid) { if (blockHashesByTxid.hasOwnProperty(txid)) { blockHeightsByTxid[txid] = blocksByHashResult[blockHashesByTxid[txid]].height; } } resolve2(); }).catch(function(err) { res.locals.pageErrors.push(utils.logError("78ewrgwetg3", err)); reject2(err); }); })); } Promise.all(blockHeightsPromises).then(function() { var addrGainsByTx = {}; var addrLossesByTx = {}; res.locals.addrGainsByTx = addrGainsByTx; res.locals.addrLossesByTx = addrLossesByTx; for (var i = 0; i < rawTxResult.transactions.length; i++) { var tx = rawTxResult.transactions[i]; var txInputs = rawTxResult.txInputsByTransaction[tx.txid]; for (var j = 0; j < tx.vout.length; j++) { if (tx.vout[j].value > 0 && tx.vout[j].scriptPubKey && tx.vout[j].scriptPubKey.addresses && tx.vout[j].scriptPubKey.addresses.includes(address)) { if (addrGainsByTx[tx.txid] == null) { addrGainsByTx[tx.txid] = new Decimal(0); } addrGainsByTx[tx.txid] = addrGainsByTx[tx.txid].plus(new Decimal(tx.vout[j].value)); } } for (var j = 0; j <; j++) { var txInput = txInputs[j]; var vinJ =[j]; if (txInput != null) { if (txInput.vout[vinJ.vout] && txInput.vout[vinJ.vout].scriptPubKey && txInput.vout[vinJ.vout].scriptPubKey.addresses && txInput.vout[vinJ.vout].scriptPubKey.addresses.includes(address)) { if (addrLossesByTx[tx.txid] == null) { addrLossesByTx[tx.txid] = new Decimal(0); } addrLossesByTx[tx.txid] = addrLossesByTx[tx.txid].plus(new Decimal(txInput.vout[vinJ.vout].value)); } } } //debugLog("tx: " + JSON.stringify(tx)); //debugLog("txInputs: " + JSON.stringify(txInputs)); } res.locals.blockHeightsByTxid = blockHeightsByTxid; resolve(); }).catch(function(err) { res.locals.pageErrors.push(utils.logError("230wefrhg0egt3", err)); reject(err); }); }).catch(function(err) { res.locals.pageErrors.push(utils.logError("asdgf07uh23", err)); reject(err); }); } else { // no addressDetails.txids available resolve(); } } else { // no addressDetails available resolve(); } }).catch(function(err) { res.locals.pageErrors.push(utils.logError("23t07ug2wghefud", err)); res.locals.addressApiError = err; reject(err); }); })); promises.push(new Promise(function(resolve, reject) { coreApi.getBlockchainInfo().then(function(getblockchaininfo) { res.locals.getblockchaininfo = getblockchaininfo; resolve(); }).catch(function(err) { res.locals.pageErrors.push(utils.logError("132r80h32rh", err)); reject(err); }); })); } promises.push(new Promise(function(resolve, reject) { qrcode.toDataURL(address, function(err, url) { if (err) { res.locals.pageErrors.push(utils.logError("93ygfew0ygf2gf2", err)); } res.locals.addressQrCodeUrl = url; resolve(); }); })); Promise.all( { res.render("address"); next(); }).catch(function(err) { res.locals.pageErrors.push(utils.logError("32197rgh327g2", err)); res.render("address"); next(); }); }).catch(function(err) { res.locals.pageErrors.push(utils.logError("2108hs0gsdfe", err, {address:address})); res.locals.userMessage = "Failed to load address " + address + " (" + err + ")"; res.render("address"); next(); }); }); router.get("/rpc-terminal", function(req, res, next) { if (!config.demoSite && !req.authenticated) { res.send("RPC Terminal / Browser may not be accessed without logging-in. This restriction can be modified in your config.js file."); return; } res.render("terminal"); next(); });"/rpc-terminal", function(req, res, next) { if (!config.demoSite && !req.authenticated) { res.send("RPC Terminal / Browser may not be accessed without logging-in. This restriction can be modified in your config.js file."); next(); return; } var params = req.body.cmd.trim().split(/\s+/); var cmd = params.shift(); var parsedParams = []; params.forEach(function(param, i) { if (!isNaN(param)) { parsedParams.push(parseInt(param)); } else { parsedParams.push(param); } }); if (config.rpcBlacklist.includes(cmd.toLowerCase())) { res.write("Sorry, that RPC command is blacklisted. If this is your server, you may allow this command by removing it from the 'rpcBlacklist' setting in config.js.", function() { res.end(); }); next(); return; } client.command([{method:cmd, parameters:parsedParams}], function(err, result, resHeaders) { debugLog("Result[1]: " + JSON.stringify(result, null, 4)); debugLog("Error[2]: " + JSON.stringify(err, null, 4)); debugLog("Headers[3]: " + JSON.stringify(resHeaders, null, 4)); if (err) { debugLog(JSON.stringify(err, null, 4)); res.write(JSON.stringify(err, null, 4), function() { res.end(); }); next(); } else if (result) { res.write(JSON.stringify(result, null, 4), function() { res.end(); }); next(); } else { res.write(JSON.stringify({"Error":"No response from node"}, null, 4), function() { res.end(); }); next(); } }); }); router.get("/rpc-browser", function(req, res, next) { if (!config.demoSite && !req.authenticated) { res.send("RPC Terminal / Browser may not be accessed without logging-in. This restriction can be modified in your config.js file."); return; } coreApi.getHelp().then(function(result) { res.locals.gethelp = result; if (req.query.method) { res.locals.method = req.query.method; coreApi.getRpcMethodHelp(req.query.method.trim()).then(function(result2) { res.locals.methodhelp = result2; if (req.query.execute) { var argDetails = result2.args; var argValues = []; if (req.query.args) { for (var i = 0; i < req.query.args.length; i++) { var argProperties = argDetails[i].properties; for (var j = 0; j < argProperties.length; j++) { if (argProperties[j] === "numeric") { if (req.query.args[i] == null || req.query.args[i] == "") { argValues.push(null); } else { argValues.push(parseInt(req.query.args[i])); } break; } else if (argProperties[j] === "boolean") { if (req.query.args[i]) { argValues.push(req.query.args[i] == "true"); } break; } else if (argProperties[j] === "string" || argProperties[j] === "numeric or string" || argProperties[j] === "string or numeric") { if (req.query.args[i]) { argValues.push(req.query.args[i]); } break; } else if (argProperties[j] === "array") { if (req.query.args[i]) { argValues.push(JSON.parse(req.query.args[i])); } break; } else { debugLog(`Unknown argument property: ${argProperties[j]}`); } } } } res.locals.argValues = argValues; if (config.rpcBlacklist.includes(req.query.method.toLowerCase())) { res.locals.methodResult = "Sorry, that RPC command is blacklisted. If this is your server, you may allow this command by removing it from the 'rpcBlacklist' setting in config.js."; res.render("browser"); next(); return; } forceCsrf(req, res, err => { if (err) { return next(err); } debugLog("Executing RPC '" + req.query.method + "' with params: [" + argValues + "]"); client.command([{method:req.query.method, parameters:argValues}], function(err3, result3, resHeaders3) { debugLog("RPC Response: err=" + err3 + ", result=" + result3 + ", headers=" + resHeaders3); if (err3) { res.locals.pageErrors.push(utils.logError("23roewuhfdghe", err3, {method:req.query.method, params:argValues, result:result3, headers:resHeaders3})); if (result3) { res.locals.methodResult = {error:("" + err3), result:result3}; } else { res.locals.methodResult = {error:("" + err3)}; } } else if (result3) { res.locals.methodResult = result3; } else { res.locals.methodResult = {"Error":"No response from node."}; } res.render("browser"); next(); }); }); } else { res.render("browser"); next(); } }).catch(function(err) { res.locals.userMessage = "Error loading help content for method " + req.query.method + ": " + err; res.render("browser"); next(); }); } else { res.render("browser"); next(); } }).catch(function(err) { res.locals.userMessage = "Error loading help content: " + err; res.render("browser"); next(); }); }); router.get("/unconfirmed-tx", function(req, res, next) { var limit =; var offset = 0; var sort = "desc"; if (req.query.limit) { limit = parseInt(req.query.limit); } if (req.query.offset) { offset = parseInt(req.query.offset); } if (req.query.sort) { sort = req.query.sort; } res.locals.limit = limit; res.locals.offset = offset; res.locals.sort = sort; res.locals.paginationBaseUrl = "/unconfirmed-tx"; coreApi.getMempoolDetails(offset, limit).then(function(mempoolDetails) { res.locals.mempoolDetails = mempoolDetails; res.render("unconfirmed-transactions"); next(); }).catch(function(err) { res.locals.userMessage = "Error: " + err; res.render("unconfirmed-transactions"); next(); }); }); router.get("/tx-stats", function(req, res, next) { var dataPoints = 100; if (req.query.dataPoints) { dataPoints = req.query.dataPoints; } if (dataPoints > 250) { dataPoints = 250; } var targetBlocksPerDay = 24 * 60 * 60 / global.coinConfig.targetBlockTimeSeconds; coreApi.getTxCountStats(dataPoints, 0, "latest").then(function(result) { res.locals.getblockchaininfo = result.getblockchaininfo; res.locals.txStats = result.txCountStats; coreApi.getTxCountStats(targetBlocksPerDay / 4, -144, "latest").then(function(result2) { res.locals.txStatsDay = result2.txCountStats; coreApi.getTxCountStats(targetBlocksPerDay / 4, -144 * 7, "latest").then(function(result3) { res.locals.txStatsWeek = result3.txCountStats; coreApi.getTxCountStats(targetBlocksPerDay / 4, -144 * 30, "latest").then(function(result4) { res.locals.txStatsMonth = result4.txCountStats; res.render("tx-stats"); next(); }); }); }); }); }); router.get("/about", function(req, res, next) { res.render("about"); next(); }); router.get("/fun", function(req, res, next) { var sortedList = coins[config.coin].historicalData; sortedList.sort(function(a, b){ return (( > ? 1 : -1); }); res.locals.historicalData = sortedList; res.render("fun"); next(); }); module.exports = router;