extends layout block headContent title Difficulty History block content h1.h3 Difficulty History hr div.card.shadow-sm.mb-3 div.card-body h3.h6.mb-0 Explanation hr ul.mb-0 li Mining difficulty adjusts automatically every #{coinConfig.difficultyAdjustmentBlockCount.toLocaleString()} blocks. li The adjustment aims to maintain an average block-mining time of #{coinConfig.targetBlockTimeMinutes} minutes. li A growth in the difficulty indicates that the average block-mining time during the previous adjustment epoch was less than #{coinConfig.targetBlockTimeMinutes} minutes (due to more miners joining the network and searching for blocks). li A drop in difficulty indicates miners have left the network so finding each block is adjusted to be easier for the smaller number remaining. li The numeric Difficulty is a multiple of the difficulty of finding the easiest block (Block #0) - e.g. blocks in BTC mainnet epoch 308 are over 16 trillion times harder to mine than those in epoch 0. div#progress-wrapper.mb-huge div.card.shadow-sm.mb-3 div.card-body h4.h6 Loading data: span(id="progress-text") div.progress.mt-2(id="progress-bar", style="height: 7px;") div.progress-bar(id="data-progress", role="progressbar", aria-valuenow="0", aria-valuemin="0" ,aria-valuemax="100") div#main-content(style="display: none;") div.row div.col div.card.shadow-sm.mb-3 div.card-body h3.h6.mb-0 Difficulty History hr canvas(id="graph-diff-hist") div.row div.col div.card.shadow-sm.mb-3 div.card-body h3.h6.mb-0 Difficulty Change (clamped to ±100%) hr canvas(id="graph-diff-change") block endOfBody script(src="/js/chart.bundle.min.js", integrity="sha384-qgOtiGNaHh9fVWUnRjyHlV39rfbDcvPPkEzL1RHvsHKbuqUqM6uybNuVnghY2z4/") script(src='/js/decimal.js') script. var blockCount = !{blockCount}; var heights = []; var height = 0; while (height <= blockCount) { heights.push([height]); height += !{coinConfig.difficultyAdjustmentBlockCount}; } $(document).ready(function() { loadData(heights, 1, heights.length); }); function loadData(heightChunks, chunkSize, count) { var chunkStrs = []; for (var i = 0; i < heightChunks.length; i++) { var heightChunk = heightChunks[i]; var chunkStr = ""; for (var j = 0; j < heightChunk.length; j++) { if (j > 0) { chunkStr += ","; } chunkStr += heightChunk[j]; } chunkStrs.push(chunkStr); } //alert(JSON.stringify(chunks)); var results = []; var statusCallback = function(chunkIndexDone, chunkCount) { //console.log("Done: " + Math.min(((chunkIndexDone + 1) * chunkSize), count) + " of " + count); var wPercent = `${parseInt(100 * (chunkIndexDone + 1) / parseFloat(chunkCount))}%`; $("#data-progress").css("width", wPercent); $("#progress-text").text(`${Math.min(((chunkIndexDone + 1) * chunkSize), count).toLocaleString()} of ${count.toLocaleString()} (${wPercent})`); }; var finishedCallback = function() { var summary = summarizeData(results); createGraph("graph-diff-hist", [summary.graphData], "Difficulty"); createGraph("graph-diff-change", [summary.changeGraphData], "Difficulty Change %"); //createGraph("graph-diff-hist-2", summary.epochChunks, "Difficulty 2"); $("#main-content").show(); $("#progress-wrapper").hide(); }; getData(results, chunkStrs, 0, statusCallback, finishedCallback); } function createGraph(graphId, datas, yLabelStr) { var datasets = []; for (var i = 0; i < datas.length; i++) { datasets.push({ borderColor: '#007bff', borderWidth: 2, backgroundColor: 'rgba(0,0,0,0)', data: datas[i], pointRadius: 1 }); } var ctx = document.getElementById(graphId).getContext('2d'); var graph = new Chart(ctx, { type: 'line', data: { datasets: datasets }, options: { legend: { display: false }, scales: { xAxes: [{ type: 'linear', position: 'bottom', scaleLabel: { display: true, labelString: 'Difficulty Epoch' }, //ticks: { // stepSize: 100, //} }], yAxes: [{ scaleLabel: { display: true, labelString: yLabelStr } }] } } }); } function getData(results, chunks, chunkIndex, statusCallback, finishedCallback) { if (chunkIndex > chunks.length - 1) { finishedCallback(); return; } var url = `/api/block-headers-by-height/${chunks[chunkIndex]}`; //console.log(url); $.ajax({ url: url }).done(function(result) { for (var i = 0; i < result.length; i++) { results.push(result[i]); } statusCallback(chunkIndex, chunks.length); getData(results, chunks, chunkIndex + 1, statusCallback, finishedCallback); }); } function summarizeData(raw) { var summary = {}; summary.graphData = []; summary.changeGraphData = []; for (var i = 0; i < raw.length; i++) { summary.graphData.push({x:i, y:raw[i].difficulty}); if (i == 0) { summary.changeGraphData.push({x:i, y:raw[i].difficulty}); } else { var d1 = raw[i].difficulty; var d0 = raw[i - 1].difficulty var deltaPercent = 100 * (d1 / d0 - 1); /*if (d1 > d0) { // increase deltaPercent = } else { // decrease deltaPercent = -100 * (1 - d1 / d0); }*/ if (deltaPercent > 100) { deltaPercent = 100; } if (deltaPercent < -100) { deltaPercent = -100; } summary.changeGraphData.push({x:i, y:deltaPercent}); } } /* var epochChunkCount = 3; var epochChunkSize = Math.floor(summary.graphData.length / epochChunkCount); summary.epochChunks = []; for (var i = 0; i < epochChunkCount; i++) { summary.epochChunks.push([]); var scale = summary.graphData[i * epochChunkSize].y; for (var j = 0; j < 100; j++) { var data = summary.graphData[i * epochChunkSize + j]; summary.epochChunks[i].push({x:j, y:(data.y / scale)}); } }*/ return summary; }