extends layout block headContent title Home block content h1 #{coinConfig.siteTitle} hr p(class="lead") strong #{coinConfig.siteTitle} span is a(href="https://github.com/janoside/btc-rpc-explorer") open-source span . If you run your own a(href=coinConfig.nodeUrl) #{coinConfig.name} Full Node span , strong #{coinConfig.siteTitle} span can easily run alongside it, communicating via RPC calls. See the a(href="https://github.com/janoside/btc-rpc-explorer") project description span for a list of features and instructions for running. if (latestBlocks) div(class="row mt-5") div(class="col") h3 Latest Blocks if (getblockchaininfo.initialblockdownload) small (#{(getblockchaininfo.headers - getblockchaininfo.blocks).toLocaleString()} behind) div(class="col") span(style="float: right;") a(href="/blocks", class="btn btn-primary") Browse Blocks » hr - var blocks = latestBlocks; - var blockOffset = 0; include includes/blocks-list.pug