extends layout block headContent title Block Analysis block content h1.h3 Block Analysis hr div.card.shadow-sm.mb-huge div.card-body h6.mb-3 Search for a block by height or hash to see a summary analysis of the transactions within that block. div.mb-3 form.form.form-inline(method="get", action="/block-analysis") input(type="hidden", name="_csrf", value=csrfToken) div.input-group input.form-control(id="input-value", type="text", name="query", placeholder="block height/hash", value=(query), style="width: 400px;") div.input-group-append button.btn.btn-primary(type="submit") Go hr.my-4 h6 Selection of example blocks: - var heights = [0, 170, 100000, 210000, 420000, 481824]; ul.text-monospace each height in heights li a(href=`/block-analysis/${height}`) Block ##{height.toLocaleString()} block endOfBody script. $(document).ready(function() { $("form").submit(function() { window.location.href = `/block-analysis/${$("#input-value").val()}`; return false; }); });