if (false) div.card.mb-4.shadow-sm div.card-header h2.h6.mb-0 Tools div.card-body div.row each item, index in [[0, 1, 2], [4, 3, 5], [6, 7, 8]] div.col-md-4 ul.pl-0(style="list-style-type: none;") each toolIndex, toolIndexIndex in item - var siteTool = config.siteTools[toolIndex]; li div.float-left(style="height: 50px; width: 40px; margin-right: 10px;") span i(class=siteTool.fontawesome, class="fa-2x mr-2", style="margin-top: 6px;") a(href=siteTool.url) #{siteTool.name} br p #{siteTool.desc} if (false) div.row each list, listIndex in [[0, 1], [2, 3], [4, 9], [5, 6], [7, 8]] div.col ul.list-unstyled each listItem in list - var siteTool = config.siteTools[listItem]; li.mb-2 span(title=siteTool.desc, data-toggle="tooltip") i.mr-2.fa-lg(class=siteTool.fontawesome, style="width: 30px;") a(href=siteTool.url) span #{siteTool.name} if (false) div.row each list, listIndex in [[0, 1, 2, 3, 4], [9, 5, 6, 7, 8]] div.col ul.list-unstyled each listItem in list - var siteTool = config.siteTools[listItem]; li.mb-2 span(title=siteTool.desc, data-toggle="tooltip") i.mr-2.fa-sm(class=siteTool.fontawesome, style="width: 30px;") a(href=siteTool.url) span #{siteTool.name} if (true) div.row // split into 4 segments: // xxl: 2 columns (2 col because on xxl the tools card is in the same row as the "Network Summary" card) // md: 3 columns (requires separate layout implementation...see below) // lg, xl: 4 columns // xm: 2 columns - var indexLists = [[0, 10, 4], [5, 9, 3], [2, 1, 6], [7, 8]]; - var indexListsMediumWidth = [[0, 10, 4, 5], [9, 3, 2, 1], [6, 7, 8]]; // special case for medium-width layout div.col.d-none.d-md-block.d-lg-none div.row div.col-md-4 ul.list-unstyled.mb-0 each toolsItemIndex in indexListsMediumWidth[0] include tools-card-block.pug div.col-md-4 ul.list-unstyled.mb-0 each toolsItemIndex in indexListsMediumWidth[1] include tools-card-block.pug div.col-md-4 ul.list-unstyled.mb-0 each toolsItemIndex in indexListsMediumWidth[2] include tools-card-block.pug // the below 2 div.col's are the default layout, used everywhere except medium-width layout div.col.d-sm-block.d-md-none.d-lg-block div.row div.col-md-6.col-xxl-12 ul.list-unstyled.mb-0 each toolsItemIndex in indexLists[0] include tools-card-block.pug div.col-md-6.col-xxl-12 ul.list-unstyled.mb-0 each toolsItemIndex in indexLists[1] include tools-card-block.pug div.col.d-md-none.d-lg-block div.row div.col-md-6.col-xxl-12 ul.list-unstyled.mb-0 each toolsItemIndex in indexLists[2] include tools-card-block.pug div.col-md-6.col-xxl-12 ul.list-unstyled.mb-0 each toolsItemIndex in indexLists[3] include tools-card-block.pug