extends layout block headContent title Address #{address} block content if (result && result.validateaddress) if (!result.validateaddress.isvalid) h1(class="h3 text-danger") Invalid Address br small(class="monospace") #{address} else h1(class="h3") Address br small(class="monospace") #{address} hr if (payoutAddressForMiner) div(class="alert alert-primary shadow-sm", style="padding-bottom: 0;") div(class="float-left", style="width: 50px; height: 50px; font-size: 18px;") i(class="fas fa-certificate fa-2x", style="margin-top: 10px;") h4(class="alert-heading h6 font-weight-bold") #{coinConfig.name} Fun p span This looks like a miner payout address for span(class="font-weight-bold") #{payoutAddressForMiner.name} if (coinConfig.miningPoolsConfigUrls.length > 1) span (see the configurations: each item, index in coinConfig.miningPoolsConfigUrls if (index > 0) span , a(href=item) config ##{index + 1} span ) else span (see the configuration a(href=coinConfig.miningPoolsConfigUrls[0]) here span ) else if (global.specialAddresses[address] && global.specialAddresses[address].type == "donation") div(class="alert alert-primary shadow-sm", style="padding-bottom: 0;") div(class="float-left", style="width: 50px; height: 50px; font-size: 18px;") i(class="fas fa-certificate fa-2x", style="margin-top: 10px;") h4(class="alert-heading h6 font-weight-bold") #{coinConfig.name} Fun p span This is the #{coinConfig.ticker} donation address to support development of this tool. All support is appreciated! else if (global.specialAddresses[address] && global.specialAddresses[address].type == "fun") div(class="alert alert-primary shadow-sm", style="padding-bottom: 0;") div(class="float-left", style="width: 50px; height: 50px; font-size: 18px;") i(class="fas fa-certificate fa-2x", style="margin-top: 10px;") h4(class="alert-heading h6 font-weight-bold") #{coinConfig.name} Fun // special address info - var saInfo = global.specialAddresses[address].addressInfo; if (saInfo.alertBodyHtml) p span !{saInfo.alertBodyHtml} if (saInfo.referenceUrl && saInfo.referenceUrl.trim().length > 0 && saInfo.alertBodyHtml.indexOf(saInfo.referenceUrl) == -1) span a(href=saInfo.referenceUrl) Read more else p span #{saInfo.summary} if (saInfo.referenceUrl && saInfo.referenceUrl.trim().length > 0) span a(href=saInfo.referenceUrl) Read more if (false) pre code(class="json bg-light") #{JSON.stringify(addressObj, null, 4)} ul(class='nav nav-tabs mb-3') li(class="nav-item") a(data-toggle="tab", href="#tab-details", class="nav-link active", role="tab") Details li(class="nav-item") a(data-toggle="tab", href="#tab-json", class="nav-link", role="tab") JSON div(class="tab-content") div(id="tab-details", class="tab-pane active", role="tabpanel") if (config.electrumXServers && config.electrumXServers.length > 0) if (session.hideElectrumTrustWarnings != "true") div(class="alert alert-primary alert-dismissible clearfix shadow-sm", role="alert") h4(class="alert-heading h6 font-weight-bold") Note p Since this explorer is database-free, it doesn't natively support address balances and transaction histories. In order to provide this functionality, address balances and transaction history can be requested from a configurable set of ElectrumX servers. If multiple ElectrumX servers are configured, the results are cross-referenced and conflicts noted. For the transaction history displayed below, only the transaction identifiers from ElectrumX are used; the transaction details are requested via RPC from this app's primary node, as usual. span(class="font-weight-bold") Configured ElectrumX Servers ul each server in config.electrumXServers li span #{server.host} span : #{server.port} a(href="/changeSetting?name=hideElectrumTrustWarnings&value=true", class="close", aria-label="Close", style="text-decoration: none;") span(aria-hidden="true") × div(class="card mb-3 shadow-sm") div(class="card-header") span(class="h6") Summary div(class="card-body") div(class="row") div(class="col-md-6") if (addressObj.hash) div(class="row") div(class="summary-split-table-label") Hash 160 div(class="summary-split-table-content monospace") #{addressObj.hash.toString("hex")} if (result.validateaddress.scriptPubKey) div(class="row") div(class="summary-split-table-label") Script Public Key div(class="summary-split-table-content monospace") #{result.validateaddress.scriptPubKey} if (addressObj.hasOwnProperty("version")) div(class="row") div(class="summary-split-table-label") Version div(class="summary-split-table-content monospace") #{addressObj.version} if (result.validateaddress.hasOwnProperty("witness_version")) div(class="row") div(class="summary-split-table-label") Witness Version div(class="summary-split-table-content monospace") #{result.validateaddress.witness_version} if (result.validateaddress.witness_program) div(class="row") div(class="summary-split-table-label") Witness Program div(class="summary-split-table-content monospace") #{result.validateaddress.witness_program} if (firstSeenTransaction && firstSeenTransaction.confirmations > 0) div(class="row") div(class="summary-split-table-label") First Seen div(class="summary-split-table-content monospace") if (getblockchaininfo) span Block ##{(getblockchaininfo.blocks - firstSeenTransaction.confirmations).toLocaleString()} else a(href=("/block/" + firstSeenTransaction.blockhash)) #{firstSeenTransaction.blockhash} br span #{moment.utc(new Date(firstSeenTransaction.time * 1000)).format("Y-MM-DD HH:mm:ss")} utc - var timeAgoTime = firstSeenTransaction.time; include includes/time-ago.pug if (false) pre code(class="json bg-light") #{JSON.stringify(firstSeenTransaction)} if (balance) if (balance.conflictedResults) div(class="row") div(class="summary-split-table-label") Balance div(class="summary-split-table-content monospace") span(class="text-danger") Conflicted ElectrumX Results each item in balance.conflictedResults - var currencyValue = item.confirmed / coinConfig.baseCurrencyUnit.multiplier; include includes/value-display.pug else div(class="row") div(class="summary-split-table-label") Balance div(class="summary-split-table-content monospace") - var currencyValue = balance.result.confirmed / coinConfig.baseCurrencyUnit.multiplier; include includes/value-display.pug if (balance.unconfirmed) div(class="row") div(class="summary-split-table-label") Unconfirmed div(class="summary-split-table-content monospace") - var currencyValue = balance.unconfirmed / coinConfig.baseCurrencyUnit.multiplier; include includes/value-display.pug if (electrumHistory) div(class="row") div(class="summary-split-table-label") Transactions div(class="summary-split-table-content monospace") #{electrumHistory.result.length.toLocaleString()} div(class="row") div(class="summary-split-table-label") QR Code div(class="summary-split-table-content monospace") img(src=addressQrCodeUrl, alt=address, style="border: solid 1px #ccc;") div(class="col-md-6") if (electrumScripthash) div(class="row") div(class="summary-split-table-label") Scripthash div(class="summary-split-table-content monospace") #{electrumScripthash} - var x = result.validateaddress; - var flagNames = ["Is Valid?", "Is Script?", "Is Witness?", "Is Mine?", "Is Watch-Only?"]; - var flags = [x.isvalid, x.isscript, x.iswitness, x.ismine, x.iswatchonly]; each flagName, index in flagNames div(class="row") div(class="summary-split-table-label") #{flagName} div(class="summary-split-table-content monospace") if (flags[index]) i(class="fas fa-check text-success") else i(class="fas fa-times text-danger") if (false) div(class="card mb-3 shadow-sm") div(class="card-header") span(class="h6") Flags div(class="card-body") div(class="table-responsive") table(class="table text-center") thead tr th Is Valid? th Is Script? th Is Witness? th Is Mine? th Is Watch-Only? tbody tr - var x = result.validateaddress; - var flags = [x.isvalid, x.isscript, x.iswitness, x.ismine, x.iswatchonly]; each flag in flags td if (flag) i(class="fas fa-check text-success") else i(class="fas fa-times text-danger") div(class="card mb-3 shadow-sm") div(class="card-header clearfix") div(class="float-left") span(class="h6") if (txids) if (txids.length == 1) span 1 Transaction else span #{txids.length.toLocaleString()} Transactions else span Transactions if (!crawlerBot && txids && txids.length > 1) div(class="float-right") a(href="#", class="pull-right dropdown-toggle", data-toggle="dropdown", aria-haspopup="true", aria-expanded="false") if (sort == "desc") span Newest First else span Oldest First div(class="dropdown-menu dropdown-menu-right") a(href=("/address/" + address), class="dropdown-item") if (sort == "desc") i(class="fa fa-check") span Newest First a(href=("/address/" + address + "?sort=asc"), class="dropdown-item") if (sort != "desc") i(class="fa fa-check") span Oldest First div(class="card-body") if (conflictedTxidResults) div(class="alert alert-warning", style="padding-bottom: 0;") div(class="float-left", style="width: 55px; height: 50px; font-size: 18px;") i(class="fas fa-exclamation-triangle fa-2x", style="margin-top: 10px;") h4(class="alert-heading h6 font-weight-bold") Trust Warning p span The transaction history for this address was requested from mulitple ElectrumX servers and the results did not match. The results below were obtained only from span(class="font-weight-bold") #{electrumHistory.server} if (advancedFunctionality) if (electrumHistoryError && electrumHistoryError.error && electrumHistoryError.error.code && electrumHistoryError.error.code == -32600) span Failed to retrieve transaction history from ElectrumX. See a(href="https://github.com/janoside/btc-rpc-explorer/issues/67") Issue #67 span for more information. else if (transactions.length == 0) span No transactions found each tx, txIndex in transactions //pre // code(class="json bg-light") #{JSON.stringify(tx, null, 4)} div(class=("xcard bg-light rounded shadow-sm " + ((txIndex < (transactions.length - 1) || txids.length > limit) ? "mb-4" : ""))) div(class="card-header monospace clearfix") div(class="float-left", style="margin-right: 0px;") if (sort == "desc") span ##{(txids.length - offset - txIndex).toLocaleString()} else span ##{(offset + txIndex + 1).toLocaleString()} span – div(class="row") div(class="col-md-6") if (tx && tx.txid) a(href=("/tx/" + tx.txid)) #{tx.txid} if (global.specialTransactions && global.specialTransactions[tx.txid]) span a(data-toggle="tooltip", title=(coinConfig.name + " Fun! See transaction for details")) i(class="fas fa-certificate text-primary") div(class="col-md-6") div(class="text-md-right") if (tx.time) span #{moment.utc(new Date(tx["time"] * 1000)).format("Y-MM-DD HH:mm:ss")} utc - var timeAgoTime = tx.time; include includes/time-ago.pug else span(class="text-danger") Unconfirmed div(class="col") if (addrGainsByTx[tx.txid]) - var currencyValue = addrGainsByTx[tx.txid]; span(class="text-success") + include includes/value-display.pug if (addrLossesByTx[tx.txid]) span / if (addrLossesByTx[tx.txid]) - var currencyValue = addrLossesByTx[tx.txid]; span(class="text-danger") - include includes/value-display.pug div(class="card-body") if (true) - var txInputs = txInputsByTransaction[tx.txid]; - var blockHeight = blockHeightsByTxid[tx.txid]; - var txIOHighlightAddress = address; include includes/transaction-io-details.pug else p Since this explorer is database-free, it doesn't natively support address transaction history. However, you can configure it to communicate with one or more ElectrumX servers to build and display this data. In doing so, you should be aware that you'll be trusting those ElectrumX servers. If you configure multiple servers the results obtained from each will be cross-referenced against the others. Communicating with ElectrumX servers will also impact your privacy since the servers will know what addresses you're interested in. If these tradeoffs are acceptable, you can see a list of public ElectrumX servers here: a(href="https://uasf.saltylemon.org/electrum") https://uasf.saltylemon.org/electrum if (false) pre code(class="json bg-light") #{JSON.stringify(transactions, null, 4)} if (!crawlerBot && txids && txids.length > limit) - var pageNumber = offset / limit + 1; - var pageCount = Math.floor(txids.length / limit); - if (pageCount * limit < txids.length) { - pageCount++; - } - var paginationUrlFunction = function(x) { - return paginationBaseUrl + "&limit=" + limit + "&offset=" + ((x - 1) * limit); - } hr include includes/pagination.pug div(id="tab-json", class="tab-pane", role="tabpanel") div(class="highlight") h4 Node.ValidateAddress pre code(class="json bg-light", data-lang="json") #{JSON.stringify(result.validateaddress, null, 4)} if (config.electrumXServers && config.electrumXServers.length > 0) h4 Electrum.Balance pre code(class="json bg-light", data-lang="json") #{JSON.stringify(electrumBalance, null, 4)} h4 Electrum.History pre code(class="json bg-light", data-lang="json") #{JSON.stringify(electrumHistory, null, 4)}